Teacher Name: / School: / Grade level: 5Content Area: Reading / Course Name: / Period:
Student Population
Total Number of Students: __23___
Program Participation IEP: ___7__ ELL: _16____ GT: _____ Other: ______
Additional Information:(attach list)
Instructional Interval
Year2013-2014 Semester Other:______
SLO Components / Description
Student Learning Goal / Learning Goal: / Students will synthesize information within one text to construct a summary by the end of 5th grade[1]
Standards Reference: / GLE 1: Literary texts are understood and interpreted using a range of strategies
ii.: summarize text
GLE2: Ideas found in a variety of informational texts need to be compared and understood
EOaii: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text
Rationale for the Learning Goal:
/ 5th graders need to be able to synthesize a text, to determine main idea and relevant details, and organize a summary. This skill is necessary in all subject areas. AS evidenced by BAS< TCAP, ACUITY, DRAII, and classroom assignments, SCRs are typically scoring U/PP based on district rubric. This is across all subjects when written responses are required. By improving synthesizing skills, this should improve.
Synthesis and construction are DOK 4 and 3 respectively, which are appropriate for this grade level learners and which match the learning targets throughout the year. [2]
Success Criteria: / We will use the rubric from the DRAII to grade summaries. In addition, we will specify requirements for fiction vs non-fiction texts.
F: main idea, 3 supporting events or details, include all story elements
NF: statement about topic, 3 supporting facts, conclusion statement[3]
Measures and Scoring / Evidence Sources (Measures or Assessments):
Alignment of Evidence to Learning Goal:
Collection and Scoring (Attach scoring guide/ rubric):
Performance Targets / Baseline Data:
Performance Groups:
Performance Targets:
Rationale for Targets:
Progress Monitoring / Check Points:
Progress Monitoring Evidence Sources:
Instructional Strategies:
Results / Student Performance Results:
Targets Met:
Teacher Performance:
© CTLT, 2013
[1]This doesn’t seem to have a big enough grain size for an SLO Learning Goal for 5th grade. Consider whether you might add some detail to this goal statement based on the GLEs listed below and if there are more EOs that should also be addressed. It is OK for the Learning Goal statement to be complex, have more than one part.
[2]Your rationale explains why the goal is important for the class and how you know students need to learn this. However, I don’t agree that this is DOK3. It is DOK 2. Take a look at the Cognitive Rigor Matric for ELA/Social Studies. Summarizing text is DOK 2. I think with just a few more details about what you are really expecting students to do you can increase the cognitive rigor to DOK 3.
[3]Consider our work at the last session on quality criteria. Remember success criteria would be similar to the performance level descriptors for “proficient” performance on a rubric.