Slinfold Parish Council
PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX
Tel: 01403 785864 (Mobile 07733-359479)
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 28th August 2014
7:30pm in the Parish Room, Village Hall
153/14 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors M Wellesley-Wood (acting Chair), C Gibson (acting Clerk), G Constantine, L Day, H Sherwin-Smith, J Slipper and G Stenton-Chandler, Cllrs. P Youtan (District) and Cllr. L Kitchen (County)
Apologies: Cllrs. S Bailey, P Redmond and P Whybrow, the Clerk M Burroughs, Cllr. S Ritchie (District). Also present one member of the public.
154/14 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests
Cllr. Day declared an interest in matters relating to Cherry Tree. There were no other notifications of changes to Members’ Interests
155/14 Chairman’s Announcements
v Since the Clerk was unable to attend the meeting due to illness (for the first time ever), it was resolved that Cllr. Wellesley-Wood would act as Chairman and Cllr. Gibson would take minutes for the meeting;
v Cllr; Haines has resigned as a Parish Councillor with immediate effect. All present expressed their regret about this. Recruitment of a new Councillor will be considered at the next meeting. Also, a new Chairman of the Recreation Youth and Environment Committee and a Trustee to the Parish Cottages.
156/14 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 31st July 2014 - the draft minutes having been circulated were taken as read. The minutes were approved and will be signed as a true record (see also 157/14).
157/14 Matters arising from 156/14 – as circulated or included on the agenda and:
· Traffic Regulation Order for the A29 Stane Street - email correspondence between the Clerk and the resident who was unhappy with the PC’s decision taken at the last meeting not to support his petition had been circulated to councillors. Cllr. Stenton-Chandler observed that it was a pity the resident had not stayed to hear the mature, sensible discussion at the July meeting. Cllr. Kitchen clarified her position with regard to the police – as a County Councillor, she does not have jurisdiction over the police. It is for the PC to formally request a regular visit from Sussex Police with a mobile speed limit to enforce the speed limits. She would then lend her wholehearted support to the PC’s request. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk be asked to do this as soon as possible.
· Gatwick Airspace Consultation – Cllr. Wellesley-Wood has received a number of congratulatory emails from residents to the PC’s response which all felt reflected the views of residents. The Clerk was commended for her work on this and the speed in getting it onto the website.
· BBH Quadrant – a response has been sent.
158/14 Matters arising from the last public session – as above
159/14 Planning
Cllr. Stenton-Chandler presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. The report was reviewed, approved and the Parish Council ratified the decisions made by the Planning Advisory Committee as appropriate. Details follow:
New and amended planning applications: The following application(s) were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee. HDC is to be advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows:
HDC Application number / Address & Post Code of application / Details / Feedback for HDCDC/14/1693 / Lower Lodge Cottage, Haven RH14 9BE / 8m deep single storey flat roof rear extension (Prior Notification) / No Objection
DC/14/1664 / Lower Lodge Cottage, Haven RH14 9BE / Erection of 4m deep single storey rear extension, 6m wide single storey side extension, flat roof rear dormer window and replacement of single hip end to main roof with gable / No Objection
DC/14/1536 / Crosby Farm House Lyons Road RH13 0RX / Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of replacement dwelling / No Objection
DC/14/1605 / York Cottage, Lyons Road RH13 0RY / Fell small group of 5 trees (Works to trees in a Conservation Area) / No Objection
Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn:
HDC Application number / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Status / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date)DC/14/1335 / York Cottage, Lyons Road RH13 0RY / Surgery to a large conifer ( Works to Trees in a Conservation Area) / Application Permitted / No Objection
DC/14/0775 / Land North of Nibletts Lane, Hayes Lane, Slinfold / Conversion of builders store to dwelling / Application Permitted / No Objection
Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC for 2014:
The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration, or a decision, by HDC.
Appeals – None, Enforcements – None
It was RESOLVED to approve the Planning Report as above.
Other Planning Matters
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
Cllr. Wellesley-Wood had received a paper copy of the revised SHLAA highlights from which he shared with Councillors. It was noted that the document still contained inaccuracies and that the PC’s comments had been ignored. An electronic copy has been circulated by the Clerk to all Councillors who are asked to review this and submit any comments before the next meeting.
Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr. Wellesley-Wood reported on his meeting with Laura Burke (HDC Neighbourhood Plan Officer) and Dale Mayhew (Planning Consultant). Upon advice from HDC, the Neighbourhood Plan Forum will be renamed the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG). Laura Burke will be writing to all SHLAA landowners to tell them to contact the NPWG to be included in the site assessments. She also recommended that Slinfold NPWG engage with Warnham who are working on their neighbourhood plan. The grant funding of £3,750 has been received and an application for a further £5,000 has been submitted to HDC. The next NPWG meeting is on 11th September 2014, 7pm in the Parish Room. There will be a guest speaker from either Thakeham or Nuthurst and all Councillors are welcome to attend.
160/14 Report from the District and County Councillor(s)
Cllr. Kitchen (County) offered to answer any questions; there were none.
Cllr. Youtan (District) spoke on the following:
· CAGNE has been invited to give a presentation to the Gatwick working group to discuss the flightpath trials;
· There have been a number of complaints about overhanging hedges along Lyons Road.
161/14 Finance
i) It was RESOLVED to approve payments totalling £9,295.31 for August 2014 (as reviewed by members present) and to delegate review of the invoices and signatures of the cheques to Cllrs. Gibson and Stenton-Chandler, as these had not been available for the meeting due to the Clerk’s illness. Details of salaries are available upon request.
Cheque/DD / Payee / £ / CommentDD / Saxon Weald / 58.98 / Monthly charge for garage rental
200688 / MRS M BURROUGHS / Monthly salary
200689 / MR T MOTHE / Monthly salary
200690 / WSCC Pension / 224.25 / Clerks and PC Contribution
200691 / P C Assistance Ltd / 35.99 / N Plan Domain
200692 / M Burroughs / £58.50 / Delivery to 585 houses in Slinfold
200693 / SOS Systems / £150.32 / 2 quarters photo (50% to come back from BBH)
200694 / Southern Electric / £359.29 / Q2
200695 / Slinfold Scouts / £1,000.00 / Grant approved July
200696 / Mr R Pope / £60.00 / Various
200697 / Horsham Matters / £140.99 / Mar 1 to May 31
200698 / Wellers Law Group T/A Hedley’s / £4,923.60 / Cherry Tree
200699 / Airs / £50.00 / Annual Membership
200700 / Commercial Services / £1,087.07 / First half
TOTAL / £9,295.31
ii) Consultancy fee for Gatwick Airspace – It was RESOLVED to approve Slinfold’s contribution of £3,333 towards this;
iii) Legal Costs Cherry Tree – It was RESOLVED to approve a further £3,000 as required;
iv) New Accounts with Close Brothers and Lloyds Bank – to be progressed for the next meeting.
162/14 Land behind Hayes Lane (Cherry Tree)
Cllr. Gibson provided an update. Legal documentation is close to completion and all parties are working towards a speedy conclusion.
163/14 Highways and Footpaths
i) The hedges along Lyons Road were discussed and it was agreed that the Clerk, as appropriate, should be asked to write to landowners asking them to cut back hedges within 30 days. If it is not done in this time, the PC would arrange for the work to be done and charge the landowner.
ii) Cllr. Sherwin-Smith raised the issue of access and congestion at the junction of Lyons Road and Five Oaks Road. After some discussion Cllr. Constantine, as Chairman, proposed a meeting of the Highways, Byways and Transport Committee on 30th October 2014 at 6.30pm (before the main PC Meeting). A representative from HDC Highways would be invited to discuss possible solutions to this problem.
iii) New Broadbridge Heath/Newbridge Nurseries roundabout (WSCC consultation). It was agreed that Cllrs. Sherwin-Smith, Stenton-Chandler and Wellesley-Wood would review this and send comments/responses to the Clerk.
164/14 Consultations, Meeting & Projects
· HALC Meeting, 18th September 2014, 7.30pm at Sullington Parish Hall – Cllrs. Gibson and Stenton-Chandler will attend.
· WSALC AGM, 3rd September 2014 – no Councillors present are able to attend
· WSCC “What matters to you?” survey – details have been circulated to Councillors. It was agreed that individuals would respond online.
165/14 Clerk’s Announcements & Documents for Circulation - None
166/14 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
· Neighbourhood Plan – see above
· Flood Action Group – Cllr. Wellesley-Wood confirmed that the application for funding of £13,750 to Operation Watershed had been signed off by County Cllr. Kitchen who was thanked for her support.
· Slinfold Sports Association – Cllr. Slipper has replaced Cllr. Redmond as the PC representative, together with Cllr. Constantine. Cllr. Constantine asked if the Clerk could send contact details for Cllr. Slipper to the Sports Association so that she would be included in communications.
167/14 Members questions/comments
Broadband – Cllr. Wellesley-Wood reported that BT had completed their survey of the six cabinets in the Slinfold area. Four can be upgraded to fibre optic, however this may not result in improved broadband speeds as the cables between the cabinets and individual properties have an impact on this. Businesses and residents in the area are signing up to an alternative - Satnav (satellite).
Grass Cutting – the new contractors are doing a good job in Cherry Tree.
168/14 Items for the Parish Magazine - Meetings for the coming months, Gatwick Consultancy response on the website; Parish Councillor vacancy; Neighbourhood Plan update (Cllr Wellesley-Wood to provide).
169/14 Next Meeting(s)
· Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – 11th September 2014 at 7:30pm
· Parish Council – 25th September 2014 at 7:30pm
· Highways, Byways and Transport – 30th October 2014 at 6:30pm
· Recreation – date to be confirmed at September meeting
Meeting closed 09:15pm