From Jo Anne Bateup
Games and Craft
Story Book
Games and Craft
Story Book
Games and Craft
Story Book
Games and Craft
Story Book
Games and Craft
Action Story
Story Book
Duty Groups: Jugglers, Clowns, Elephants, Ringmasters
5.30pmArrival – Issue Name Tags and Duty Groups
5.45pmOpening Ceremony – includes introduction to all Leaders and Helpers, explanation of ground rules for the Sleep-over
5.55pmDuty Group to help set up for Tea
Others Joey Scouts play Circus Ring & Hoop Relay (outside)
Duty Group to join when duty finished
6.10pmWash hands and face for Tea
6.20pmGrace – Tea (as attached)
7.20pmClear tables, wipe up, and wash face and hands (those who finish first play Smile Toss)
7.35pmObstacle Course (outside) – with balloons between knees
Obstacle Course (outside) – without balloons
8.05pmMake Clown Face biscuits – make 3 per child using Maree biscuits (or similar), icing, Smarties, licorice, lollies
8.15pmSupper (Clown Face biscuits and a drink) with a story
8.30pmSet-up sleeping bags, wash face and hands, clean teeth and into pj’s
8.50pmSing-a-long (in sleeping bags)
9.05pmQuiet time
9.30pmLights out (sleep)
Next Day
6.50amGet up & change for the day, pack up sleeping bags etc.
7.15amDuty Group set up for breakfast – others play Clown Says (as for Simon Says) and Lion, Lion, Elephant (as for Joey, Joey, Scout).
7.30amGrace – breakfast time
8.15amClear table, wipe up, wash face and hands and clean teeth – those who finish first can play Bear in the Cave (as for Joey in the Pouch).
8.40amMake Juggling Balls – see attached
8.55amGame – Test of Strength – see attached
9.00am Big Top Jigsaw Relay – A Big Top is painted or drawn on butchers’ paper (2 or 3 depending on the size of the mob) and then cut into jigsaw type pieces. The pieces are then put back together in relay style.
9.05amLimbo – with broomstick and appropriate music
9.15amMake collage of the Circus (in duty groups) using butchers’ paper, glue, magazines, construction paper, crayons, textas, bits and pieces from the craft box. Hang up when finished.
9.35amCollect craft and belongings – make sure all things are packed.
9.50amClosingCeremony, including thank you to all Leaders, Adult Helpers and Joey Scouts.
10.00amFINISH – Joey Scouts go home with parent/s and clean up begins.
A Leader or Joey Scout is Ringmaster in the middle of a circle. All others form a circle. The Ringmaster calls out a name (e.g. clowns, horses, elephants, cyclists, dancing dogs) andall in the circle imitate the command by moving like a clown, cyclist etc. The Ringmaster changes every four calls.
Form two equal teams and give the first member in team a hoop. On the word ‘go’ the first
person drops the hoop over the head of the second person and lets it drop to the ground. Thefirst person picks up the hoop and does the same to the next person and so on until the hoopreaches the end of the line. The first person then hands the hoop to the person that is now infront (the first person goes to the back of the line), and the dropping of the hoop continues until all members of the team have had a turn at dropping the hoop.
Seat the children in a circle. Warn them to maintain a serious expression. The Leader,
standing in the centre of the circle, smiles then wipes the smile from their face and tosses it tosomeone in the circle as they call their name. The smile catcher must put on the smile, wear it for a moment then wipe it off and pass it to someone else. If the smile is not wiped off or they smile out of turn they must stand up.
The players walk around like bears. On a signal everyone drops to the floor and closes their eyes. One or two are then covered with a sheet or blanket. The other players on a signal then get up, look around and try to guess who is hidden.
Equipment needed: 2 or 3 pieces of wood, nails, hammer
Joey Scouts to form 2 or 3 teams. The pieces of wood, nails, hammer and adult to supervise (one set per team) are at the other end of the hall (or distance suitable for relay games outside). The adult is to start the nail into the piece of wood, each Joey Scout is allowed one tap at the nail at a time. The game is complete when the nail is completely in the piece of wood.
Equipment needed: balloons, fine clean sand or rice, glue, stickers, scissors and funnels
Stretch the balloon opening so that the funnel can be inserted. Pour the rice/sand into the
balloon and create a tennis ball shape. Knot the opening and cut off. Cut the top off another balloon and make small slits or shapes,then pull this over the ball shape to strengthen it. This step can be repeated as many times as you like. Using the leftover balloons cut out shapes and glue them to the Juggling Ball, stickers and other decal can be used.
Equipment needed: Pre-cut cardboard, sticky tape, glue, ribbon or crepe paper, staples and elastic. The ribbon or crepe paper is to be used as the hat band. The elastic is for a chin strap to hold the hat on. Assembly may need some help from an adult to use glue and staples where needed. Pre-cut items include: the top (circular - with a margin to be folded down to attach to the side of the hat), the side (rectangular – fits between the top and the brim; this dictates how high the hat will be), the brim (circular - like a donut; make sure the hole fits the head it is going on).
Tall straw hat, short straw hat – wide brim
Short straw hat, tall straw hat – narrow brim
Tall straw hat with bows – wide brim
Short straw hat with bows – narrow brim
(Sing twice – the first time do the actions as per the words, the second time to the actions opposite e.g. tall is said, do the short action etc.)
Big Nell & Ned (echo) the elephant pair (echo) started to climb (echo), Noah’s wooden stair (echo), stepped on the back (echo), Why I declare (echo) the front of the ark (echo), Shot upin the air (echo)
Chorus:Poor old Nell and Ned, boohoo, far too heavy for Noah’s Ark. What will Noah do?
They both came up (echo), for a second time (echo), on the left-hand side (echo), decided to climb (echo) left side went down (echo) right side went high (echo) shot all the animals(echo)high in the sky (echo)
Then Mrs Noah (echo) said ‘please pay heed’ (echo) an equal balance (echo) is what we need (echo), put Nell on one end (echo) balance Ned on the other (echo) the Ark will float (echo) without any bother (echo).
Five little monkeys *bouncing on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head,
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said
‘no more monkey business jumping on the bed’,*
Four little monkeys *……* down to one little monkey
The Hedgerow Circus
Written by Ruth Thomson, Illustrated by Jolyne Know
Published by Readers Digest
Story about how nature has its own acrobats, ring masters and clowns
Main Meal
Hot Dogs with cheese
Oven baked chips
Jam Donuts or
Jaffles with cream
Clown Face biscuits (made by the Joey Scouts)
Flavoured Milk
Duty Groups: Blackbeard, Long John Silver, Peg Leg Pete, Hook
5.30pmArrival – Issue Name Tags and Duty Groups
5.45pmOpening Ceremony – includes introduction to all Leaders and Helpers, explanation of ground rules for the Sleep-over
5.55pmDuty Group is to help set up for Tea
Other Joey Scouts play Cannon Ball Relay and Ship, Shark, Shore (outside).
Duty Group to join in when finished
6.10pmWash hands and face for Tea
6.20pmGrace – Tea (as attached)
7.20pmClear tables, wipe up and wash face and hands (those who finish first play Hide & Seek)
7.35pmTreasure Hunt with Treasure Map (outside)
7.55pmMake Eye Patches & Pirate Hats – two stations to be set up for this.
8.15pmSupper with story
8.30pmSet up sleeping bags, wash face and hands, clean teeth and into pj’s
8.50pmSing-a-long (in sleeping bags)
9.05pmQuiet time
9.30pmLights out (sleep)
Next Day
6.50amGet up & change for the day, pack up sleeping bags etc.
7.15amDuty Group help set up for breakfast – others play ‘Man Overboard’
7.30amGrace – breakfast
8.15amClear tables, wipe up, wash face and hands and clean teeth.
8.40amDraw a Parrot – see attached
8.45amThree legged race and Four legged race.
9.05amMake Cutlasses (swords)
9.15amGame – BallChain – see attached
9.20amMake a large Treasure Map in Duty Groups, using butchers paper, pencils, textas, paint and imagination. When finished hang up the treasure maps.
9.40amCollect all craft and belongings – make sure all things are packed
9.50amClosing Ceremony, including thank you to all the Leaders, Adult Helpers and Joey Scouts.
10.00amFINISH – Joey Scouts go home and scrubbing of the decks begins.
Need: 2 to 4 teams, lots of newspaper and a bucket per team
In turn, Joey Scouts run halfway down the hall, pick up a piece of newspaper and crumple into a tight ball, then they must throw the ball into the bucket The object is to fill the bucket with balls.
The ship is the centre part of the hall, shark is one side of the hall and shore is the other side of the hall. The Joey Scouts start on the ‘ship’ – ship, shark, shore is called at random. The Joey Scouts must run to what is called.
All Joey Scouts are to gather at one end of the hall or outside and close their eyes. The Leader then hides an item somewhere in the playing area. On a signal the Joey Scouts then have to look for that item. When they have found it, they then tell the Leader where it is and then sit down till all the Joey Scouts have found the item. Joey Scouts can take turns in hiding the item.
Similar to N,S,E,W. Port = left, Starboard = right, Bow = front, Stern = rear. Man overboard = swim on the floor, Scrub the deck = scrubbing action, Man the life boats = in pairs on the floor rowing, Captain’s coming = stand to attention and salute, Crowsnest = in the centre together. Any of the above is called in random order and as quick as you like.
Need: Dice, pencils, paper or chalk and blackboard (one set per team)
The object of this is to (as a small group) draw a parrot. Each part of the parrot has a number (1 to 6). 1 = Wings, 2 = Feet, 3 = Beak, 4 = Eyes, 5 = Head, 6 = body. When the dice is rolled the number that comes up has to be drawn by the first team member on the paper or blackboard (which is at the other end of the hall). Once a body part is drawn it cannot be drawn again. The dice must be rolled until the parrot is fully drawn.
Need: The ‘cannon balls’ made in Cannon Ball Relay and lots of energy
Leaders stand inside the ship (hoop or chalk circle), throwing ‘cannon balls’ at the Joey Scouts who are trying to board the ship. If a child manages to reach the ship without getting hit they join the Leaders throwing the cannon balls. If hit, they must go back to where they started. The game finishes when there are either no cannon balls left or there are no more targets outside the ‘ship’.
Need: Balloons, string
Each player attaches a blown up balloon to their ankle with a piece of string. Leaders says 1,2,3 GO. On GO each player has to burst the other players’ balloons while protecting their own. When the balloon bursts, that player can still try to burst the other players’ balloons. Joey Scouts cannot use their hands to protect their balloon.
Need: Black cardboard, hole punch, elastic and scissors
Stencil eye patch shape on cardboard, cut out, hole punch and tie elastic to fit.
Need: Black cardboard (pre-cut to shape), white paper, scissors, staplers, glue
Cut out skull & crossbones on white paper and glue onto pre-cut black cardboard. Staple hat together.
Need: Heavy cardboard (pre-cut) paint, paint brushes, newspaper
Paint cutlasses on spread newspaper.
ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT (action song)
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat quickly to the beach,
Pirates chasing after us, quick get out of reach.
Dig, dig, dig for gold buried in the sand,
Come on guys grab a spade and give us both a hand.
Hip, hip, hip hooray found the gold at last,
Won’t have to row no more, because we bought a speed boat with a 100 horse power motor, and WE chased the pirates away.
I can’t do my bally bottom button up (echo)
Can’t do my bally bottom button up (echo)
It’s so tight (echo), serves me right (echo),
I must have eaten (echo) too much grub last night (echo)
I can’t do my bally bottom button up (echo)
And though you think it’s fun (echo), what’s the use (echo)
Of buttoning the other bally buttons (echo)
When the bally bottom button is undone(echo)
The Pirate Who Wouldn’t Wash
By Michael Salmon
Published by Lamont Books
Pongo the Pirate wouldn’t wash and his shipmates decide to do something about it.
Main Meal
Crumbed or battered fish
Oven baked chips
Ice cream and Treasure Chest
(cake cut into small rectangles, half a mini Swiss Roll both
dipped in chocolate, cream, chocolate coins and lollies sandwiched between to give the appearance of a small treasure chest).
Drinks – Cordial
Cheese and cracker biscuits
Flavoured milk
Scrambled eggs
Duty Groups: Martians, Star Gazers, Astronauts, Flying Saucers
5.30pmArrival – Issue Name Tags and Duty Groups
5.45pmOpening Ceremony – includes introduction to all Leaders and Helpers, explanation of ground rules for the Sleep-over
5.55pmDuty Group is to help set up for Tea. Other Joey Scouts play Star Chase (as for N,S,E,W), and Moonrock Grab. Duty Group to join in when finished.
6.10pmWash hands and face for Tea
6.20pmGrace – Tea – as attached
7.20pmClear tables, wipe up and wash face and hands (those who finish early can do Activity Sheet.
7.35pmMake Flying Saucers.
7.50pmGame – Stellar Pebbles
8.00pmStar Gazing (outside) with a telescope – if available. Ground sheets required to lay on or sit on. While star gazing have a discussion with the Joey Scouts about what they see.
8.20pmSupper with a story
8.30pmSet up sleeping bags, wash face and hands, clean teeth and into pj’s
8.50pmSing-a-long (in sleeping bags)
9.10pmQuiet time
9.30pmLights out (sleep)
Next Day
6.50amGet up & change for the day, pack up sleeping bags etc
7.15amDuty Group help set up for breakfast. Others make-up-a-story on a Space theme. Duty group join in when finished.
7.30amGrace – breakfast
8.15amClear tables, wipe up, wash face, hands and clean teeth.
8.40amGame – Lost in Space
8.50amCraft – Whirling Comet and Shooting Stars using 2 stations for construction.
9.15amGame – Star Hunt (outside)
9.25amMake a collage of a Space scene in the Duty Groups. Using butchers’ paper, glue, bits and pieces from the craft box, pencils, textas etc. Hang up when finished.
9.40amCollect craft and belongings – make sure all things are packed.
9.50amClosing Ceremony: including thank you to all Leaders, Adult Helpers and Joey Scouts.
10.00amMISSION COMPLETE: Joey Scouts return to home planet and clean up begins.
Same as N,S,E,W with a space theme.
The four points of the hall N, S, E, W (using cards)