Name: ______POINTS: ____/ 25

Slavery in the “New World” Webquest

Directions: Answer the questions below using the websites provided. If you want to just click on the link or type your responses, this assignment can be found at under the ASSIGNMENTS tab. What you don’t finish in class is homework.

Slavery predates writing and can be found in almost all cultures and continents. Historically, most slaves were initially captured in wars or kidnapped in isolated raids but some were sold into slavery by their parents as a means of surviving extreme conditions. African American slavery however, is unique though in that it was based not on any of the traditional reasons for enslavement. Instead, African American Slavery was based on a new concept called race.

Begin the quest by going to:

1. What were the “three points” of the triangle? (3 points)




2. List three items exported form each “point” of the triangle. (3 points)

a. ______, ______, & ______.

b. ______, ______, & ______.

c. ______, ______, & ______.

3. How many Africans were sold into slavery in Africa? ______(1 point)

4. How many died before reaching the coast? ______(1 point)

5. How many did not survive the voyage to the new world? ______(1 point)

6. What did the ship’s captain do upon outbreak of disease on his slave ship? (2 points)

______7. How many total died? ______(1 point)

8. What had become a defining characteristic of slaves in Virginia? (2 points)


9. What did Virginia law say in respect to a child’s freedom? (2 points)


10. What were the punishments for a slave who broke the following rules? (3 points)

Murder: ______

Robbery: ______

Associating with whites: ______

11. What actions or behaviors would require a punishment with this device? (2 points)


12. What does “anti-amalgamation” mean? What would happen if you were guilty of this? (4 points)



In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal.” Although at the time, many people did not believe that this concept applied to African-Americans. The concept of slavery had continued to grow throughout the colonies and as the nation grew, so did slavery. However, there was a group of people who didn’t approve of the practice of slavery. They were called “abolitionists” because they wanted to abolish slavery. Abolitionists began to preach that slavery was immoral and that it was a sin for one human being to own another. By the early 1800’s, the abolitionist movement was taking a stronghold in the northern states and most of the states had promised to free their slaves. By 1804, there were only 50,000 slaves in the north compared to nearly 1,000,000 in the south.

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