SL 071/072/073/074 – All ASL Labs Summer 2017 – 10:30a-12:30p-Shima 206 Office: Shima 209

Professor: Charlene Nunes Phone: 954-5819

San Joaquin Delta College email:



I. All students are required to:

A. Attend class regularly and on time. Do not schedule job hours/appointments that conflict with class meeting times.

B. Purchase required Textbooks and online quizzes.

C. Read assignments as directed by Professor/Class Schedule.

D. Take notes during class lecture. If you miss a class session, notes may be obtained from other students in the class.

E. Contribute to class discussion when appropriate.

F. Conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to college level.

* No sleeping, reading, or talking in class;

* Please advise professor if you need to leave class early; take care of phone calls, restroom visits, etc., before and after class hours. Please do not disrupt your classmates by coming in and out of the classroom unless there is an emergency;

* Make sure ALL electronics: i.e. cell phones, headsets, & mp3 players are turned to silent and out of site, if they disturb the class OR are out during a exam the professor can confiscate them and turn them over to the Vice-President of Student Services.

G. Most instruction and discussion in the classroom will be conducted in American Sign Language. Please try NOT to use voicing or English mouthing or other sign systems in class at any time. Interpreting for other students will not be allowed. If you do not understand, ask for clarification. You may write a note to the professor if needed J

H. Check their Delta College Student e-mail accounts regularly.

I. Follow all college policies. No food, beverage or children are allowed in the classroom. You can find more on your rights and responsibilities in the Student Handbook or this webpage:

II. Class Attendance/Student Responsibilities:

A.  Any student who fails to attend any class during the first three sessions may be dropped unless the student has advised and obtained an absence approval from the instructor. An instructor may drop a student from class when absences become excessive. Excessive absenteeism is defined as one more absence than the class meets per week. See the Student Handbook for procedures concerning attendance irregularities. (BP/AP 5075)

B.  If a student is tardy/late or has to leave early it will be marked as an absence.

C. During the semester, if tardiness becomes an issue, the teacher will lock the door five (5) minutes after the start of class and anyone not in class will be considered absent for that class period.

D. It is the student’s responsibility to have a current phone number and address on file in the Admissions and Records office. As a courtesy, announcements may be made via phone/Delta e-mail in case of class changes/cancellations, room changes, etc..

III. Drop Dates: (please copy from the professor as written on board)

A. Last Day for a Refund is 6/14 .

B. The last day to withdraw (drop) without receiving a penalty ("W") is 6/18 .

C. The last day to withdraw (drop) and receive a "W" is 6/29 .

D. Any student who stops attending after 6/29 will receive an "F" for the course. Students are responsible for handling the paperwork for dropping the course.

E. No drops are allowed by faculty or students after 6/29 .

F. you can find more information at

IV. Grading Procedures:


one unit class is: / half unit class:
400points =class participation / 200 points =class participation
50 points = stories / 25 points = stories
50 points = quizzes / 25 points = quizzes
Total 500 points / Total 250 points
A= minimum 450 points / A= minimum 225 points
B = minimum 400 points / B = minimum 200 points
C = minimum 350 points / C = minimum 170 points
D = minimum 300 points / D = minimum 150 points

B.  Class Participation:

1.  You will be assigned into curriculum groups the first class, if you decide the curriculum is too easy or too hard, let the professor know so you can be appropriately placed for optimum support of your class. You start with your full participation points; each time you are told you need to be quiet or find an appropriate task to work on you will be deducted 25 points as voicing in class is contrary to the goal of learning ASL. This class works on participation with each other, for every two absences you will be docked 25 points for non-interaction with students.

C.  Stories:

1.  One unit students must prepare and present to professor 2 stories using vocabulary/grammar relevant to the section they are enrolled in (SL 001, 002, 003, 004) by the due dates at the end of this class information sheet. If students procrastinate and time runs out before the completion date you will take a zero on your story.

2.  Half unit students must prepare and present to professor 1 story using vocabulary/grammar relevant to the section they are enrolled in (SL 001, 002, 003, 004) by the due dates at the end of this class information sheet. If students procrastinate and time runs out before the completion date you will take a zero on your story.

C. Quizzes:

1. The quizzes given during the term will be worth the amount listed above. No make-up quizzes are given. This policy shall be waived only with documentation from a physician or other official in the case of an emergency.

D. Any form of cheating or copying on quizzes or stories will result in a "0" and the student’s name will be given to the Vice-President of Student Services for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

V. Tutoring and Reference Materials

A. There are several on-line dictionaries. There is a CD set listed under recommended texts.

VI. Catalog Statement & Objectives:

A.  This course is designed to reinforce and expand American Sign Language (ASL) skills in a laboratory setting. Emphasis is placed on fingerspelling, numbers, conversational regulators, basic American Sign Language vocabulary, and basic American Sign Language communication skills. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to increase the use and comprehension of the following skills: Expressive fingerspelling; Receptive fingerspelling; Expressive skill with vocabulary; and Receptive skill with vocabulary. Final grade is based on quizzes and class participation.. Course and Program learning outcomes can be found on Delta’s webpage.

VII. Professor Information

A. Professor's Office: Shima 209

B. Telephone number: 954-5819

C. Email:

D. Office Hours:

By Appointment

E. The Professor reserves the right to make any adjustments necessary in the operation of the class that in her professional judgment are warranted to better meet the needs of students.

VIII. Communicate with your Professor!

A.  Please do not contact the Division Office with messages for the professor. Please send an email (preferred) or call the Professor's office with a message. Please include your full name and which section of my class you are in (for instance, MWF 11:00) with your message.

B. Please advise the professor when you have an illness, family problems, or other emergencies that will prevent you from attending 2 or more consecutive classes.

C. If you anticipate problems turning in an assignment on time or taking a regularly scheduled exam, TALK TO THE PROFESSOR IN ADVANCE.

D. If you feel you are not doing well in the course, please contact the Professor to discuss your progress. I can't help you unless I'm aware of your situation.



As required for your Sign Language class at your highest level.


The Handshape Dictionary by, Richard A. Tennant and Marianne Gluszak Brown

ISBN 1-56368-043-2

NOTE: Fill in below as instructed by professor. FOR BEST RESULTS, ATTEND CLASS REGULARY!

Week #: / TOPICS:

1 Introduction and Curriculum groups created

2 Work in appropriate/assigned curriculum group

3 First stories to be completed by 6/28

4 Work in appropriate/assigned curriculum group

5 Work in appropriate/assigned curriculum group

6 Second story (if required) to be completed by 7/19

This is an important paper ---don't lose it --- refer to it often!