Customer Relations
Quality, Safety, Reliability
Environmental Protection
Safety and Health Protection
IssueAuthorApproved byValid since
7Bc.Jiří Němeček, HQCIng.Jaromír Šilhánek, GM01. 04.2015
ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s.,Policy of ELC v.71/5
ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s. is a manufacturer of the modern trolleybuses and electric drives for further means of transport.The company's strategic aim is the attainment of the top parameters in the developed and manufactured products and becoming the equivalent and reliable partner to the renowned manufacturers of vehicles in the global market while adhering to the principles of environmental protection, safety and health protection during implementation and operation of the products.
- Orientation of all our activities to improving the customer satisfaction and fulfilling our commitments at all the levels of our organization
- Creation of sustainable value for shareholders by developing and manufacturing the profitable products any by steering correctly the business activities in favour of customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and further partners.
To assure that these values are reached, the corporate top management defines the following Policy.Compliance with this Policy will contribute to our endeavour to be perceived by our customers and other involved parties as a successful organization with high management level and advanced corporate culture.
The number one in our endeavour is a satisfied customer who puts his/her trust in quality, technical safety, operational reliability and environmental friendliness of our activities, products and services.
In order to comply with this Policy:
-We monitor and verify the customer satisfaction on regular basis.
-The customer satisfaction verification process is the corporate tool to steer the company's activities and services to accommodate their needs and expectations better.
-We foster awareness of our employees of the "voice of customer" as the decisive factor of the company welfare.
Top quality, technical safety, and operational reliability of the products are the strategic parameter of the market.We set the goals and pay permanent attention to their unceasing improvement.In order to comply with this part of the Policy we apply the Quality Management System according to EN ISO 9001 and IRIS for all the products and the Control System according to EN 50126, EN 50128 and EN 50129 to obtain high operational reliability and technical safety of the products.
In order to comply with this Policy:
-We put emphasis on the process approach to apply and improve the Quality Management System, subjecting the Product Implementation Processes to evaluation procedures in order to satisfy even the most demanding customers with the quality and delivery dates.
-Development of new products and modernization of existing products both trend to achieve the top technical parameters, quality, technical safety, and operational reliability of the products fully comparable with the state of the art in the traffic technique field.
-We analyze the costs for product implementation so that we are capable of responding flexibly to the market price requirements while ensuring profitability of products and projects.
-Suppliers largely influence the final success of our products in the market and our results in the financial area.That is why we develop our supplier relations upon the mutual expedience, precisely defined requirements for quality of the supplied product, and sharing of mutual responsibility for technical safety and operational reliability of our products.
-When selecting suppliers we prefer quality to price.
-We focus investments into infrastructure on acquisition and familiarization of modern technologies that contribute to improvement of the parameters of our products.
-We adhere to the applicable legislation and further regulations from the product safety area.
We consider environmental protection one of our standards.Protection of the environment and compliance with the requirements for assurance of occupational health and safety are integral part of the process of designing, manufacture and operation of our products and all the pursuits of our company.
Trolleybuses and further means of transport driven by the traction drives produced by ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s.(electric locomotives, suburban units, subway sets, streetcars) are highly ecological in their ownprinciples.That is why we also see the development, manufacture and application of our products as our significant contribution to the global protection of the environment.
In this respect, ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s. shares the identical values with thepartner companies of the ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION Group.
In order to achieve the aims in the area of environmental protection, the Environmental Management System according to EN ISO 14001 is in place in the company.
In order to comply with this Policy:
-We unceasingly fulfil the requirements of applicable legislation and further regulations in the environmental protection area.
-We prefer prevention and minimization of risks to elimination of consequences, evaluating the impacts of our activities on the environment.
-We embrace the goals in the environmental protection to ceaselessly improve this area and minimize impacts on the environment.
-We prefer the open approach both to the public and to the state administration.
-We foster awareness of our employees of the importance of environmental protection and maintenance of order in their workplaces.
-What we require from our suppliers and partners is environment friendly attitude. It is the criterion we take into account while selecting them.
-We use the materials, products and technologies that are friendly to the environment.
-We are in permanent search of the opportunities to cut down the energy demand of the manufacture and operation of our products.
The occupational health and safety is our priority and commitment to our employees.The occupational safety and health policy is an integral part of the general corporate policy and strategy and it is the basis for goal setting and target values in the occupational safety and health area.
In order to achieve the aims in the occupational safety and health area, the Management System according to ČSN OHSAS 18001 is in place in the company.
In order to comply with this Policy:
-We unceasingly adhere to all the applicable legislative regulations in the occupational safety and health area.
-We prefer prevention and minimization of risks to elimination of consequences, evaluating the impacts of our activities on the safety, work environment and health of our employees.
-We create suitable work conditions and work environment, managing the risks in harmony with the applicable legislation with the aim to minimize the residual risks.
-We introduce our own regulations to assure the safety of work.
-We train our employees regularly in the health protection principles and adherence to the occupational safety rules.
-We evaluate all the accidents, injuries, and dangers, adopting measures to eliminate their causes.
The quality of each company is such as the quality and technical proficiency of its employees.We consider the knowledge, experience and skills of our employees the key potential of our company to achieve the strategic goals.Personnel policy of the company is focused on stabilization of the highly qualified workers in the required structure and on creation of the team of colleagues with strong appurtenance to the company.
In order to comply with this Policy:
-We foster a stable professional growth of our employees by developing the personal development plans.
-We lead our employees to feel the responsibility for their work.
-We motivate our employees to be creative in the quality improvement of processes and products, to prevent occurrence of errors, and to eliminate causes for such errors.
ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s. works for sustainable economic advancement and financial stability.In order to comply with this Policy:
-We carry out our obligations to our business partners, owners and investors and government agents and institutions in proper and timely manner.
-We provide true information on our economy.
-We fully respect and follow the applicable tax and accountancy laws of the Czech Republic.
-When making decisions about the financial and economical matters we bear in mind not only the short-term but also the medium-term and long-term horizon.
On behalf of the ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s. Management:
Ing.Jaromír Šilhánek, Chairman of the Board and CEO
Dr. Ing.Ladislav Sobotka, a member of the Board of Directors
Ing.Karel Majer, a member of the Board of Directors
Bc.Jiří Němeček, Quality and Environment Director
InPlzeň as of April 1, 2015
ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s.,Policy of ELC v.71/5