(Information and Application Form)
What is RPL Recognition of Prior Learning & CT Credit Transfer?
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process whereby knowledge and skills you already have may be recognised, irrespective of where or how they were acquired.
Credit Transfer (CT) is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications.
RPL can apply to a wide range of skills, including those gained through employment, community involvement, formal study, informal training or life experience. Typically, a maximum of two-thirds of the total units of the program, in special circumstances professionals may apply for higher levels of RPL
Applications for RPL & CT must be submitted PRIOR to enrolling in the course and only applications that have been completed in full will be assessed.
If you are granted RPL for a particular module/unit, you donot need to complete the module/unit and a pass is recorded on your Training Record in the same way as any other student enrolled in the unit. You may also be granted RPL for a part of a unit of competency, and speed up the process of demonstrating competence.
Why apply for RPL/CT?
- To reduce your program load and the overall learner devoted time.
- To reduce costs associated with completing the course.
- To avoid repeating learning in areas where you already have skills.
The RPL Process
The RPL process consists of the following stages:
- Download the Application for RPL/CT from the IKON website
- Complete the RPL Application form and submit the completed documentwith supporting information to the Education Support Officer for the school.
- Academic Staff trained in assessing RPL applications will assess your evidence. You may be required to attend an interview to discuss your application.
- All applications for credit/RPL will be assessed by the Head of Faculty in conjunction with the subject academic within 4 weeks of submission by the applicant
- You are notified of the outcome of your application by email. If you have been granted RPL, your notification will include an invoice for $200 per module/unit.
- The RPL charge of $200 per module/unit is paid to IKON prior to commencing the course or deferred via VET Student Loans.
The Credit Transfer Process
- Download the Application for RPL/CT from the IKON website.
- Complete the RPL/CT Application form and submit the completed document with supporting information including academic transcripts.
- Academic Staff trained in assessing CT applications will assess your evidence.
- All applications for credit/RPL will be assessed by the Head of Faculty in conjunction with the subject academic within 4 weeks of submission by the applicant
- You are notified of the outcome of your application by email.
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Skills Recognition Process
Skills Recognition (RPL/CT) APPLICATION FORM
(Candidate to fill out and return to Ikon)
First name / Last name
Address / Postcode
Phone (mobile) / (Work) / (Home)
Email / Date of Birth
Workplace Name
Workplace Address
2. Course Details
Name of course / Dual Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs and Mental Health
Please list the Modules/Units you are seeking Recognition for:
3. Support Details
Formal Qualifications or Training
List of any formal courses or training sessions you have attended. If possible, attach copies of Certificates and details of course outline and content (with dates).
Informal Study Programs
List any informal training sessions you have attended. If possible, attach Certificates, and details of course outline and content (with dates).
Relevant Work Experience
List any relevant work you have performed. Give details of your employer, including a telephone number and contact person if possible. Include details of dates and duration of employment.
Relevant Life Experience
List any community involvement, personal interests, hobbies or skills which may support your application.
Personal Verification
Please indicate the name and contact address or telephone number(s) of a person or persons who can substantiate your application.
Please list the attachments you have attached in support of this application.
Signed (candidate): / Dated:
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Candidate Evidence
There are three parts to the evidence collection process
1. Skills Recognition: Personal Evidence
Please provide the required personal and organisational evidence to demonstrate competency for each unit
2. Supplementary Competency Assessment
Please provide work based practice examples as per case study/unit questions listed in table
3. Third Party Support
Please select 1 workplace referee to complete the third party assessment
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1. Skills Recognition – Personal Evidence
(Candidate to fill out)
- Please provide a resume, relevant job and person specification/s and any relevant parchments and academic transcripts for any previous study completed. These documents can be used as evidence for each unit of competence and as such have been pre-populated in the table below. All evidence must be provided to IKON in hard copy and attached to this document.
- Refer to Appendix 1for the elements and performance criteria for each unit of competence and select 3-5 pieces of evidence for each and then list them in each section of the table below. Please try to select a combination of both personal and organisational evidence. For example:
Compulsory unit of competence / Evidence provided
CHCYTH012 Manage service response to young people in crisis / Resume
Relevant Job and Person Specification/s
Sample critical incident report form
Sample client case record documenting support for a young person in crisis
Sample organizational crisis management framework
- For any units previously completed, please write the exact code in the ‘evidence provided’ and this will be granted as a credit transfer (CT). In this case no cost is charged and no further evidence is required. This information can be recorded as per the example below:
Compulsory unit of competence / Evidence provided
CHCYTH012 Manage service response to young people in crisis / CT: CHCYTH012 Manage service response to young people in crisis through Diploma in Youth Work (please see academic transcript attached)
- Please sign and date below to verify that the evidence provided is your own
- After signing the declaration of authenticity, please place an X next to each unit for which you are seeking RPL or CT. After assessment of your application the assessor will initial the final column. Please see example below:
COMPULSORY UNITS OF COMPETENCE / RPL /CT requested by student / RPL/CT granted by Assessor / Assessor Initials
CHCCOM504B Develop, implement and promote effective workplace communication / X / CT
CHCCS502C Maintain legal and ethical work practices / X / RPL
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Candidate to complete table below
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence in practice
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety
CHCMHS005 Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drug issues
CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and drugs context
CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues
CHCAOD006 Provide interventions to meet the needs of clients with alcohol and / or other drug issues
CHCAOD007 Develop strategies for alcohol and other drugs relapse prevention and management
CHCAOD008 Provide advanced interventions to meet the needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues
CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans
CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
CHCCOM006 Establish and maintain client relationships
CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
HLTAID003 Provide first aid
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety
CHCMHS002 Establish self directed recovery orientated recovery relationships
CHCMHS003 Provide recovery orientated mental health services
CHCMHS004 Work collaboratively with the care network and other services
CHCMHS009 Provide early intervention, health prevention and promotion programs
CHCMHS010 Implement recovery orientated approaches to complexity
CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional and physical well being
CHCMHS012 Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives
CHCMHS013 Implement trauma informed care
CHCPRP002 Collaborate in Professional Practice
RPL for placement
If you have worked extensively in the field of Alcohol and Other Drugs and/or Mental Health you may be able to apply for RPL for your placement. If you choose to do this you will be required to provide the following.
Please Note: The Dual Diploma is 200 hours of placement, however if you split them into single qualifications you are required to do 100 for the Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs and 160 hours for the Diploma of Mental Health.
As per our policy, we generally only allow 2/3 of the overall hours to be RPLed. If you secure a role before the end of your course, we will consider 50% of the total hours to be completed (eg 100 in the case of the Dual Diploma). This enables us to be sure we have observed the integration of your class work into practice
- Up to date resume
- Any current or past relevant Job and Person Specifications outlined your role in a Alcohol and Other Drugs and/or Mental environment
- A 2-3 page document (written by you or your manager) showing the tasks and achievements you have completed in your work which involved Alcohol and Other Drugs and/or Mentalservices. This should be a comprehensive document on an official letterhead and MUST be signed by the manager who presided over your work. An additional documentation (e.g. work projects you have achieved) would be highly valuable to the application process.
- Your manager is encouraged to review the elements and performance criteria of all units of competence that make up this qualification (please see appendix 1 of this document) and make reference to your capacity to competently undertake these tasks.
200 placement hours
Declaration of authenticity
The information I have provided to support this application is true and correct. I authorise my assessor to make any inquiries necessary to assist in the assessment and verification of my recognition application and to use any information supplied in this application for this purpose.
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Dual Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs and Mental Health RPL/CT applicationoutcome
Student Name:Assessor’s Name:
COMPULSORY UNITS OF COMPETENCE / RPL/CT requested by student / RPL/CT granted by Assessor / Assessor Initials
CHCADV005Provide systems advocacy services / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence in practice / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS005 Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drug issues / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and drugs context / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCAOD006 Provide interventions to meet the needs of clients with alcohol and / or other drug issues / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCAOD007 Develop strategies for alcohol and other drugs relapse prevention and management / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCAOD008 Provide advanced interventions to meet the needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCCOM006 Establish and maintain client relationships / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
HLTAID003 Provide first aid / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS002 Establish self directed recovery orientated recovery relationships / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS003 Provide recovery orientated mental health services / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS004 Work collaboratively with the care network and other services / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS009 Provide early intervention, health prevention and promotion programs / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS010 Implement recovery orientated approaches to complexity / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional and physical well being / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS012 Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
CHCMHS013 Implement trauma informed care / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
200 hour placement / SelectCTRPLNot grantedAdditional evidence
Assessor’s notes:
Signed by the Assessor / Date
2. Supplementary Competency Assessment
To further support a thorough assessment of competency, and justify a full RPL process for the Dual Diploma of Alcohol & Other Drugs & Mental Health, it is now a requirement that students complete an additional assessment as outlined below. Please complete you response underneath the competency topic in the right hand side column. Please ensure that you do not use any identifying information and that actual names are changed to protect client/worker privacy. Responses are required to be no more than 200 words each. This will be kept in your student file at IKON and used to support our auditing processes.
Competency topic for elective units will be determined between candidate and IKON once these have been selected from the options provided.
CORE UNITS OF COMPETENCE / COMPETENCY TOPICCHCADV005Provide systems advocacy services / Describe a situation whereby you have been asked to advocate for a client who was having difficulty accessing a service or has been denied access for some reason
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people / plain 3 considerations you may have when working respectfully with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) clients and/or co-workers
CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence in practice / Please outline your understanding of a therapeutic model of practice (EG CBT, ACT, etc) you have used in your work with clients. What strategies did you use and what outcomes did you observe?
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice / Please explain a situation that you have had in your workplace where the outcome may not have been successful and you entered into a process of reflection in order to understand what happened and how the situation could have been improved moving forward
HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety / Provide an overview of the process you have followed when identifying a WHS in your current work environments
CHCMHS005 Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drug issues / Provide an overview of your understanding of what co-morbidity is and the practice challenges associated with working clients with co-morbid issues
CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and drugs context / Please outline your understanding of the work health and safety risk factors when working in a alcohol and other drugs context
CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues / Please give an example of one assessment tool, process or technique you have used in assessing the needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues
CHCAOD006 Provide interventions to meet the needs of clients with alcohol and / or other drug issues / Provide an overview of three interventions or therapeutic modalities you have applied to your work with clients with alcohol and other drug issues
CHCAOD007 Develop strategies for alcohol and other drugs relapse prevention and management / Please describe your understanding of the common contributors to client relapse and describe strategies you have used with clients to prevent and manage relapse.
CHCAOD008 Provide advanced interventions to meet the needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues / Please provide a case study of a client you have worked with where you have needed to utilize at least three interventions concurrently. At least one of these interventions will need to be an inpatient or residential programming intervention
CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans / Please provide a summary of, what you believe to be, the 5 key areas of consideration when developing an individualized treatment plan for a client with alcohol and other drug issues
CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs / Please provide an example of a client you have worked with complex alcohol and other drugs and mental health issues and the assessment process that you followed to determine the case plan
CHCCOM006 Establish and maintain client relationships / Please provide an example of a client you initially found hard to engage and the strategies you used to connect with them and re-engage them
CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care / Please provide an overview of your understanding of trauma informed care
HLTAID003 Provide first aid / Please provide a first aid certificate that is aligned to this unit of competence
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety / Explain the cultural considerations you have identified when working with an ATSI YP. How have these considerations shaped your work and interactions with this client
CHCMHS002 Establish self directed recovery orientated recovery relationships / Please provide an overview of how you have empowered a client with mental health issues to drive their own recovery outcomes
CHCMHS003 Provide recovery orientated mental health services / Provide an overview of the
CHCMHS004 Work collaboratively with the care network and other services / Provide an example of working with a client with multiple workers/case managers and how you have ensured adequate information sharing whilst protecting privacy and confidentiality
CHCMHS009 Provide early intervention, health prevention and promotion programs / Please provide an example of an early intervention program that you have worked on to support positive mental health
CHCMHS010 Implement recovery orientated approaches to complexity / Please provide an example of a time where you have worked with a client with complex mental health issues and identify any systemic, procedural or personal issues that may have impacted on your ability to work with this client
CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional and physical well being / Please provide an overview of your understanding of a holistic approach to working with clients with mental health issues. Please outline 5 examples of protective factors that could support the promotion of social, emotional and physical well being
CHCMHS012 Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives / Please define what wellness could look like for a person with mental health issues. What would you consider to be the key components of a wellness plan?
CHCMHS013 Implement trauma informed care / Please provide an example of a time where you have needed to implement trauma informed care with a client in crisis. What strategies did you use and how would you assess the effectiveness of these strategies?
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