Skaven Achievements


  • Victories and Losses
  • Wizards
  • Morale/psychology
  • Characters
  • Infantry
  • Monsters/Monstrous infantry
  • Warmachines
  • Painting/hobby


  • Chieftain
  • Warlord
  • Council Member

Victories and Losses


1.Win a game using Skaven vs. Beastmen.
2. Take their caves – Win a game using Skaven vs. Dwarfs.
3. Win a game using Skaven vs. Daemons of Chaos.
4. Win a game using Skaven vs. Ogre Kingdoms.
5. Win a game using Skaven vs. Wood Elves.
6. Win a game using Skaven vs. Dark Elves.
7. Die man-things – Win a game using Skaven vs. Empire.
8. Win a game using Skaven vs. Lizardmen.
9. Win a game using Skaven vs. Vampire Counts.
10. Win a game using Skaven vs. Tomb kings.
11. Green stuff yes-yes – Win a game using Skaven vs. Orcs and Goblins.
12. Win a game using Skaven vs. Warriors of Chaos.
13. Pesky elf-things! – Win a game using Skaven vs. High Elves.
14. Win a game using Skaven vs. Bretonnia.
15. My clan is better! – Win a game using Skaven vs. Skaven.

16. Chieftain – Win 10 games with Skaven.
17. Traitor in our midst! - lose 3 games in a row with your Skaven army.


18. Warlord – Win 20 games with Skaven.

19. For the Under Empire! - win 3 games in a row with your Skaven army.

Council Member

20. Council Member – Win 50 games with Skaven.
21.Massacre – Wipe out an enemy army in 4 turns or less.



1.Look out! – During a game, lose a grey seer who was atop a screaming bell to a war machine shot.

2. Clouds of Death – Field a plague furnace.

3. WINDS!!! – Cast Howling warpgale when your opponent has no flying units or missile weapons.

4. I can never die! – make a successful ward save with a grey seer against a cannon ball.

5. Poisonous vermin – cast blessed with filth spell on a unit of slaves every turn.

6. The usual – Lose more than 20 rats to spells over the course of the battle.


7. Cacophony! - Field more than one Screaming bell in your army.

8. Unlimited Power!!! – Get the maximum number of Warplightning hits from a warlock bearing the Warp-energy Condenser during a game.

9. Oh no, not Plague! – Cast plague irresistibly and cause no casualties on your own side.

10. Burn Baby Burn – Cause a unit to flee with the scorch spell.

11. Death and Decay – Have Plague affect more than 3 (Enemy) units in one casting.

12. My condenser is sabotaged! – Fail Warplightning spell 3 times in a battle.

13. Dead Frenzy – cast death Frenzy on a unit and have them all die from the extra wounds they take.

14. Skaven Witchcraft – Have all 13 Skaven Spells in your army.

15. Tide of Vermin – Cast Vermintide irresistibly and fail to kill any enemies.

16. I’m corrupt – Cast cloud of corruption and kill as many of your army as you do your opponents.

17. Expendable – Lose at least 50 rats due to spells over the course of the battle.

Council Member

18. Curse of the Horned one – Turn a unit of more than 20 men completely into clanrats with the dreaded thirteenth spell.

19. Horned one by my guide – Turn 50 men into Clanrats with the Dreaded thirteenth spell over the course of the game.
20. Call an Earthquake – Cast cracks call successfully and destroy 20 models with it twice in a game.

21. Lucky 13 – cast the dreaded 13th spell on a thirteen (two 6s and a 1 on three dice).

Morale and Psychology


1.Hold firm! – succeed a ld test against a fear or terror causing unit.

2. We’re running! – Roll a double 6 for the distance a unit flees.

3. Panic!! – Fail at least 2 panic tests in the first turn.


4. Scared of rats – Make a monster flee from a unit of clanrats.

5. Roll more than three double 1s when passing a break test.

Council Member

6. INCONCEIVABLE! – Have a slave unit within range of both the general and battle standard bearer break whilst still being steadfast and not disrupted.

7. Who said rats were cowardly? – Pass all break tests for an entire game.



1.Horned one be my guide – Play a game with a Grey seer as your general.

2. What about my payment? – Use one of the Skaven characters and ‘accidently’ kill him.

3. Bring it on – Have a warlord kill a monster with the Fellblade.


4. Daemon Slayer – Kill a Greater Daemon with the Fellblade.

5. Challenge Accepted – Accept a challenge from an enemy character with a Champion, and kill the character without dying.

6. More Brass Than Class – Kill your opponent's general with a Brass Orb. The character throwing the Brass Orb must survive the Brass Orb.

7. Think fast! – Attack a unit or character that has Always Strikes First and kill them.

8. Fellbladed - Have a Warlord die from his own Fellblade, without killing anything!

9. Leading from the Back - Have none of your Lords or Heroes engage in close combat for an entire game. (Must include at least one Warlord or Chieftain as the general)

Council Member

10. Cleaning up the competition – Field 6 chieftain and have them all killed by your army.

11. He looks suspicious – ‘Accidently’ kill your Vermin Lord with a Grey seer.

12. Secret agent – Have an assassin kill an enemy character of over 500 points.



1. Out of the gutter – Field a unit of gutter runners and use their ‘scouts’ rule.

2. They came from the sewers! – Field 1 or more 40-rat units of plague monks.

3. Clan Moulder – Field 3 units of giant rats (10rat strong), 2 Rat Ogre Units, and 2 Hell Pitt Abominations led by Throt the unclean in an army.
4. Clan Skryre – Field 3 Warlock engineers, a unit of Jezzails, a unit of Poisoned Wind Globadiers, 2 Warplightning cannons and at least one Doomwheel led by Ikkit Claw.
5. Clan Pestilens – Field 2 plague priests (one must be on a Plague Furnace), and at least 2 20+ units of Plague Monks) and led by Lord Skrolk.
6. Clan Eshin – Field only Night runner core, 3 gutter runner units and 2 assassins including Deathmaster Snikch.


7. Rats Rats Rats! – Field at least 150 clan rats in your army.

8. Who needs clanrats? – Field an army containing no units of clanrats or slaves.

9. The Sharpshooters – Field 2 units of 5+ Warplock Jezzails and kill a character each.

10. The day in a life of a Skaven – Kill more of your own army than your opponent does.

11. My horde is bigger than yours – Have a Skaven clanrats horde break an enemy horde.

12. Lost – Have a unit of Gutter runners NOT turn up on the battlefield at all (sneaky infiltrators fail).

13. Spartacus!! – Have a slave unit kill more than 13 models in a single enemy unit in a single combat.

14. Oops dropped it... again... – Drop at least 3 orbs or globes in a single game on your own feet.

15. Slaves revolt – Have a unit of slaves kill one of your characters (not in the unit) when they break.

Council Member

16. The impossible – Have a unit of Giant Rats make up for double their points.

17. Small, but deadly – Have a 5 rat unit of Gutter Runners break a 20 man enemy unit.

18. What battle? – Have a unit of 20 clanrats cross into the enemy deployment without suffering one casualty.

19. Banner of Plague – Use the banner of plague but don’t cause any wounds on an enemy unit.

20. Overthrown – Have a unit of slaves kill your general (not in the unit) when they flee.

21. They keep breeding ... – Field a Skaven army with more than 500 models.

Monsters/Monstrous Infantry


1. Ogre rampage! – During a game, a Rat ogre unit successfully overruns into another unit.

2. Monsters of Hell Pitt – Paint 3 Hell Pitt Abominations, 10 Rat ogres and 20 Giant rats, then field them in your army and get their points cost back.


3. You tricked me – Lose your Hell Pitt Abomination in the first turn.

Council Member

4. Undying wrath – have your Hell Pitt Abomination come back to life with 6 wounds.

5. Me big, me scary, yoo no fite me – Have three enemy units fail their fear tests to charge a single unit of Rat Ogres.

6. Rats revenge –Have the rat swarms released by a dying HPA kill the thing that killed it.



1. Deadly shot – Field a warp lightning cannon and get a str10 shot.

2. For Whom The Bell Tolls – Roll a double on the Screaming bell chart twice.

3. Truly rare – Take no rare choices for 3 games in a row.


4.Hell Yeah – Kill a Monster with one Warplightning cannon shot.

5. Driven by chaos: Have a Doomwheel inflict 25 friendly casualties in a game.

6. Apocalypse now – Detonate a Screaming Bell (Get result 18).

7. I meant to do that – Kill an enemy warmachine/character/monster/unit with a misfire.
8. Clan betrayal – Have all of your war machines explode in a game.

9. Where does he think he's going?! - Have a Doomwheel go "Out of Control" and off the table edge.

Council Member

10. But? You’re Skaven – have none of your warmachines and weapon teams misfire for the whole battle (you must have one Warplightning cannon and 2 weapon teams).

11. SPLASH! – Fire the plagueclaw catapult and wound everyone under the template.



1. Getting Started - Play a game of warhammer using the Skaven book.
2. Going Large - Play a game of warhammer of over 2000 points using Skaven.

3. I’m going to need these – Buy the new Stormvermins and assemble them.

4. From the Pitts of hell! – Build a Hell Pitt Abomination model.
5. My favourite - play 5 games using Skaven.

6. For my Claw-pack – Paint a Skaven model.
7. For my Fang-pack! – Paint a unit of Skaven.

8. Convert one of the new range of Skaven models.

9. Start a blog for your Skaven army.
10. Write a short story about your Skaven character and post it.


11. For the Under-Empire – Take a Skaven army to a tournament.

12. I smell Warpstone – Play with Skaven in 5 different venues.

13. Box clever - construct, buy or convert a new carry case for your Skaven army.

Council Member

14. Chosen of the Horned one – Be first in a tournament, or first compared to all other Skaven armies.