The Chapter Letter
SixthSunday after Trinity
Sunday 23 July 2017
A very warm welcome to worship at the Cathedral, with a particular greeting to those who are newcomers or visitors. It is a delight to welcome you.
Visiting Choir: It is a great pleasure to welcome the Blue Coat School Choir from Coventry – they have been singing here for several days, and they complete their summer residence today.
The Dean is away this morning, preaching at Winscombe. He returns in time to welcome our guests from Bridgwater this afternoon.
A July series of addresses at Evensong: Saints and Holy Ones: Clergy from across the diocese have been invited to preach on a favourite saint or holy one at Evensong in July. We are inviting them to bring parties of parishioners with them. The intention is of course to strengthen and deepen the links between the Cathedral and the diocese. The details of the remaining preachers and topics are as follows:
23th: The Revd Dr Simon Bale (Bridgwater St Francis) –‘St Francis’
30th: The Revd Preb Noel Hector (Clevedon with Clapton in
Gordano) – ‘St Laurence’
Tours of the Cathedral are being arranged today for 30 visiting parishioners.
John Davies, Dean
Administrator:It says a lot for the range and reputation of this Cathedral that there were over fifty applicationsfor the Administrator’s post, some of them from abroad. Chapter met last week for a shortlisting session, and was unanimous in narrowing the field down to a shortlist of four candidates. We will keep you updated via future editions of the Chapter Letter.
John Davies, Dean
Teresa of Avila – The Interior Castle:Recently I preached a sermon at the Cathedral Eucharist and invited any who would like to take the message a little further over the summer, to read Teresa of Avila’s treatise on prayer entitled The Interior Castle. The invitation involves getting a copy of the book, (buying or borrowing it), reading it and coming to discuss what you have appreciated about it in September. The two dates I have booked in the Old Deanery, Wells, just across from the Cathedral are Tuesday 19 September at 2.30-4.00pm or Thursday 28 September 6-7.30pm. Note that these are alternatives – come to one or the other, not both. There are various translations of the book. It will be good to compare how each translator has interpreted Teresa’s work, so feel free to get whichever translation to which you are drawn. If you missed the service but would still like to participate then you can read the sermon on the Cathedral’s website. All are welcome. A reminder will be posted in September.
The Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds, Treasurer
St Francis of Assisi: In our summer series on Saints and Holy Ones we hear today at Evensong about one of the greatest and most popular of Christianity’s saints, Saint Francis of Assisi. Some have seen him as a second Christ, perhaps the greatest embodiment of Christ’s teachings lived out. Francis has inspired many thousands through Christian history, and we can note the presence of Franciscan friars and sisters both in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Anglican Communion.
Fabric Projects: The project to replace part of the nave roof is ongoing, with scaffolding up on both the north and south sides of the Nave. We are pursuing the last pieces of funding for this.
The project to relight the Lady Chapel has now been commissioned after all the funding was received.
We are in close and continuing discussion with the Heritage Lottery Fund about their possible support for the Vicars’ Close Heritage Project.
Chapter and The Friends are in close discussion about the funding of the High Parts safety features, to allow tours to begin again as soon as is possible.
Thanks go to those who have made the new altar cover for the Lady Chapel.
John Davies, Dean
Congregational Meeting 2017: Many thanks go to all those who turned out last Wednesday to attend the Congregational Meeting for this year. The gathering came just too late for full coverage in this edition of the Chapter Letter, but we will try next week to capture and record here some of the highlights and conclusions of the meeting. More soon.
John Davies, Dean
Alison Fry: Some here may remember the Revd Alison Fry who is soon to take Solemn Vows at Mucknell Abbey, as part of its Benedictine Community. Please keep Alison in your prayers at this important stage in her Christian life and journey.
City of Culture: It was announced about ten days ago that the Wells bid for City of Culture status for 2021 wasn’t successful sadly. It looks like the government wants to stick by its policy of granting this status to a large city in need of some regeneration.
A lot of good has however flowed from this application. Local groups and institutions have been inspired to work together very closely, and there has been a very strong sense of shared aspiration. The challenge now will be to keep this level of cooperation flowing, for the greater good of this city and the wider area.
John Davies, Dean
The Precentor returns from his sabbatical on 1 August. It will be very good to welcome him back; he has been missed! It will also be good to hear what he has been learning and exploring over these three months. Certainly he looks very well on it, to judge from recent sightings!
John Davies, Dean
Website:There is often too much to report about Cathedral life and ministry in a short Chapter Letter. So do please keep in regular contact with the Cathedral’s website On the website there are presently details of much that is happening here over the summer.
July Specials in the Cathedral Café: Week commencing 23 July - Ham Hock & Savoy Cabbage Soup – local gammon, gently cooked with bay leaves and onions with potato, spring greens and cannellini beans served with a homemade bread roll.
Volunteers very welcome: The Society for Disabled Artists (SODA) is holding a one week National Exhibition in the South Cloister here from Saturday 26 August to Saturday 2 September.
Our Wells Group cannot manage quite all the stewarding, and would welcome any help. If you would be willing to do an hour (or more!) please sign the list in the transept, or ring Gill Kelly on 01749 673334.
Request for Crockery and Linen: If you can help with donations of crockery/linen to help us create ‘afternoon tea’ in our café please contact Janet 01749 674483 Ext. 283.
Financial Giving: The Cathedral, like all other churches, looks to the financial contributions of those who worship and visit here. Regular worshippers who value the life and ministry of this place are invited to make a regular financial contribution, either by planned giving envelopes or standing orders. The Financial Controller, Richard Churchill,now deals with these matters, in complete confidence. He can be contacted via 01749 674483 Ext. 233. The Chapter expresses its thanks for financial support given in this way.
Readings for next Sunday’s Eucharist, The Seventh Sunday after Trinity,
Romans 8.26-end and Matthew 13.31-33, 44-52
Mon / 24 / until 29/71.05pm
5.15pm / Jesmarie & Timsbury Art Exhibition SC
Harlow Chorus Concert
R E Lee Memorial Episcopal Church Choir, Lexington, Virginia to sing Evensong
Tue / 25 / 5.15pm / R E Lee Memorial Episcopal Church Choir, Lexington, Virginia to sing Evensong
Wed / 26 / 5.15pm / St James the Apostle;R E Lee Memorial Episcopal Church Choir, Lexington, Virginia to sing Festal Evensong
Fri / 28 / 5.15pm / R E Lee Memorial Episcopal Church Choir, Lexington, Virginia to sing Evensong
Sat / 29 / 5.15pm
7pm / R E Lee Memorial Episcopal Church Choir, Lexington, Virginia to sing Evensong
Somerset Chamber Choir Concert