Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Sixth Grade Medieval Times and Alligator Adventure Trip

March 31, 2017

Dear Parents,

To enrich the learning of our studies of the Middle Ages, we are planning a field trip to Medieval Times and Alligator Adventure in Myrtle Beach. The trip is planned for Friday, March 31, 2017. Students will need to arrive at Stover no later than 6:40 AM and will return no later than7PM. Students will need transportation to the school.They will also need to be picked up from the school at 7PM sharp. A more detailed schedule will be provided to students prior to the field study date.

The cost of this trip is $95.00 for students and $95.00 for chaperones. The cost includes charter bus travel, a breakfast sandwich, Medieval Times lunch and show, Alligator Adventure admission, and a sandwich snack on the bus ride home. In order to make reservations for lunch and buses, students must pay a non-refundable deposit of $35 by Friday, 18November 2016. The 2nd payment of$35 will be due by Friday, December 16, 2016, andthe final payment of $25 will be due January 27, 2017. Do not pay in full for your first payment due to possible grant funding. There are no scholarships available for students.

Please sign and return the permission sheetattached to this letter with the first deposit to your student’s homeroom teacherNO LATER Friday, 18 November 2016. Please make all checks payable to Leslie M. Stover Middle School. No new deposits will be accepted after this date.

No refunds will be given for this field trip. Students that are going on the trip must maintain good behavior throughout the school year. Students receiving excessive discipline referrals will have to acquire approval from administration to attend the field study. No refunds will be given.

We would love to have parents attend this trip with us. Please let us know by completing the attached permission form if you are interested in attending the trip. You must have completed a current level 2 SLED background check through the District Office in order to attend. The cost of the trip for chaperones is also $95.00. However, please pay only the first payment of$35 by Friday,18th November 2016. There can only be one chaperone per student.

We look forward to a fun-filled educational trip with our students. Thanks so much for your support. If you have additional questions, please contact Ms. Spoto by email or Ms. Neal . If you need to contact by phone: 803-438-7414.

Fare Thee Well,

Sixth Grade Teams

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Sixth Grade Medieval Times and Alligator Adventure Trip

March 31, 2017

My child ______is in ______’s homeroom and:

Please check one of the following:

_____ will be able to attend the Medieval Times & Alligator Adventure field study with Stover Middle School. Enclosed is my $35 deposit. I understand my deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE. ______(Parent Signature)

_____ will not be able to attend the Medieval Times & Alligator Adventure field study with Stover Middle School.


Chaperone: Must pay for a spot as well ($35)

I, ______would like to serve as a chaperone for the Medieval Times & Alligator Adventure field study.

_____ I have completed a Level 2 SLED background check with the school district this year.

____ I have not completed a SLED backgroundlevel 2 check with the school district this year, but will have one completed by December 16thth, 2016.Available only online via district webpage.

_____ Enclosed is my NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $35


Student and Parent Please Complete

Student Name (please print) ______

Student Signature ______

Parent Name (please print) ______

Parent Signature ______

Daytime Telephone Number(s) ______

Email Address ______

Meal Choice: (chaperone indicate as well)

______Non-vegetarian Meal (Chicken)

______Vegetarian Meal