Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety

Venue: Conference Hall, Tartu University Library

Address: 1 Street W. Struve, Tartu 50411, Estonia

Host: Department of Public Health, University of Tartu

Dates: 30 September - 1 October 2010


Scope and purpose of the Meeting

The Baltic Sea Annual Meeting serves as the regular forum for exchange of information, experiences and opportunities for collaboration among the occupational health and safety institutions in the ten BSN countries. At the same time, activities carried out within the NDPHS framework are reported including development and registering of occupational injuries, occupational diseases & work-related diseases in the health care sector. The activities for the next year and longer-term work programme are planned both for BSN and NDPHS collaboration.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Miniseminar: Donation of copies of SJWEH to Tartu University Library

Chairs: Suvi Lehtinen, Eda Merisalu

9.00 Words of welcome

Dean/ Vice Dean Medical Faculty, University of Tartu

9.10-9.30 Estonian-Finnish collaboration in occupational health and safety during the past 35 years

Professor Jorma Rantanen

9.30-9.50 Challenges in OH&S in Estonia

Professor Hubert Kahn

9.50-10.10 From Gapminder to Ushahidi - a role for cognitive surplus

Professor Harri Vainio

10.10-10.20 Donation of copies of SJWEH to Tartu University Library

Professor Sven Hernberg

10.30-11.00 Coffee break & Registration

Plenary session I: Occupational Health of Health Care Workers

Chairs: Harri Vainio, Eda Merisalu

11.00–11.15 Opening of the Meeting

Introduction of participants

11.15–11.35 Health Care Workers in Europe and WHO Programmes

Dr. Rokho Kim, WHO Regional Office for Europe

11.35–11.55 ILO Programmes and Activities in the Health Care Sector

Mr. Wiking Husberg and Mr. Marat Rudakov, The ILO Subregional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

11.55–12.15 EU Activities for HCWs

Mr. Tim Tregenza, Bilbao Agency

12.15–12.45 Discussion

12.45–14.00 Lunch & Posters

14.00–14.20 The Finnish activities and practices related to occupational health of HCWs

Dr. Marjukka Laine, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

14.20-14.35 Needlestick injuries in healthcare workers

Ms. Irma Nool, Health Board, Estonia

14.35-14.50 Title to be confirmed

Mr. Piotr Sakowski, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Poland

14.50-15.05 Situation for the Norwegian health care personnel as seen by the Labour Inspection

Axel Wannag, Directorate of Labour Inspection, Norway

15.05-15.20 Work stress and burnout among Estonian Health Care Workers

Eda Merisalu, Department of Public Health, University of Tartu, Estonia

15.20-15.35 Results of survey: Working conditions and risks in Latvia 2009-2010 regarding health care workers as compared with data from 2006

Ivars Vanadzins, Institute of Occupational safety and Environmental health

Riga Stradins University

15.35–16.00 Discussion

16.00–16.20 Coffee/tea break

Plenary Session II: Reporting 2010 activities

16.20–16.50 Development of OH&S in Estonia

Rauno Piirsalu, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia

16.50–17.15 Discussion

19.00 Dinner

Friday, 1 October 2010

Session III: Reporting 2010 activities – Country reports

Chairs: Suvi Lehtinen, Eda Merisalu

Situation reports from the countries / 15 minutes each country

Describing the activities/developments in the countries as regards the

§  implementation of NDPHS OH&S strategy

§  taking into account the conclusions of the Country Profile prepared earlier within the Baltic Sea Network and NDPHS activity (,view,paper,22)

§  informing about various internationally-funded projects

plans for the forthcoming years

09.00-09.15 Country report: Finland

09.15–09.30 Country report: Latvia

09.30–09.45 Country report: Lithuania

09.45-10.00 Country report: Norway

10.00-10.30 Coffee/tea break

10.30-10.45 Country report: Poland

10.45–11.00 Country report: Russia

11.00-11.15 Country report: Sweden

11.15-12.00 Discussion on the experiences and perspectives for future work

12.00-13.00 Lunch

Session IV: Work Plans for 2011

13.00–14.30 BSN and NDPHS work plans 2011

Activities planned for 2011

Proposals for activities from the countries

Ongoing multi-country projects

All participants contribute to interactive planning session

14.30–15.30 Plenary discussion on the plans and commitments of the institutions

15.30–16.00 Next BSN Annual Meeting

Summary and closing