Six Sigma Black Belt Project Guidelines
Each Six Sigma Project reflects the individual work completed by the Black Belt candidate. As a result each project will be unique. Although the projects will vary, certain essential information should be included in each final report.
The following major sections should be included in each Six Sigma Black Belt project report:
oDefinition of Project including items such as the approved project charter, the constraints of the project and the projected schedule. The overall approach, e.g., team structure, anticipated methodologies, etc., should be included.
oMeasurements used in the project. Included should be not only the listing of those characteristics identified for measurement but also the rationale for their selection.
oAnalysis of the measurements. This should describe the analytical methods employed, the rationale for using those measurements, and the results of the analysis.
oImprovements considered and selected. Once again the justification for selection including an explanation of the analysis and evaluation should be included.
oImplementation plans for the improvement(s) recommended. This may be a tentative schedule.
oControl mechanisms to assure that the improvements are used consistently once implemented. Also include a discussion of the system that will be used for ongoing monitoring.
The final report may be submitted in either text form (word document) or in powerpoint. Appendices should be included with all substantiating data. The project evaluators will treat this as proprietary.
Projects are expected to be the work of the prospective Black Belt. Any research/references should be cited in a professional and consistent manner.
It is expected that the following approximate deadlines be met. All times begin with the first week of black belt training.
/ Suggested DeadlineCharter Approval / 3 weeks
Progress Report 1 / Black belt training week 2
Progress Report 2 / Black belt training week 3
Additional Progress Reports / Monthly after training concludes
Final Report – First Draft / 4-6 months
Final Report – Final Draft / 6 months
Black Belt Certificate Awarded / Within 1 month after final draft approved
All materials can either be emailed to Larry Aft at or (for large attachments). They will then be distributed to the rest of the evaluation panel.
Questions can be directed at any time to any of the panel:
Jay Boyle –
David Caudill –