Situation Manual– Hurricane Scenario
Time Allotted / 325 MinutesOperation Pickup Sticks– Exercise Play
During the exercise it will be important to remember and comply with the following statements:
- You should only use Internet Explorer as your internet browser for today’s exercise.
- It is important NOT to jump ahead in the exercise scenario. In other words don’t focus on what might happen, focus on the Common Operating Picture that is presented during the exercise to make informed decisions.
- In any exercise a number of assumptions and artificialities may be necessary to complete play in the time allotted. During this exercise, the following apply:
- The scenario is plausible, and events occur as they are presented.
- There is no “hidden agenda”, nor any trick questions.
- Exercise Basics:
- This exercise contains a total of 18 scenario and inject pages.
- The exercise is self-paced and it should take approximately three hours to complete. However, based on the time spent on each scenario and inject the exercise may be completed in under three hours or it may take much longer than three hours to complete the exercise.
- There is a scheduled 15 minute break approximately half way through the exercise.
- All videos embedded within this exercise can be enlarged to FULL SCREEN by simply clicking on the full screen icon in the lower right hand corner of the video.
- Thoroughly review all scenario information and injects as they are presented during the exercise.
- Identify one individual to be responsible for controlling the computer and inputting responses to the exercise injects.
- At the end of the exercise you will need to complete an evaluation (Hotwash) on how your team performed during the exercise. The Hotwash will consist of your team providing comments on three areas in which it performed well (Strengths) and three areas your team will need to improve upon (Areas for Improvement) to enhance its preparedness, response and recovery capabilities. Found below are Hotwash examples:
Areas for Improvement – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found portions of the plans and procedures that need to be revised.
- After the exercise each registered participant who took part in the exercise will receive an e-mail to log into the ONX System to complete their Individual Hotwash to access their Certificate of Participation.
- If you need assistance anytime during the exercise please call the Help Desk at:
Account Number – 1076890 #
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 001 / Image of Training
Normal Daily Operations
To ensure a successful response to any disaster or emergency it is critical to have personnel that fully comprehend the Department of Public Works (DPW) disaster response plans and procedures. Employees must also be personally ready and prepare themselves, their families, their pets and their homes for the next disaster.
Are all new DPW employees trained on the department’s disaster plans and procedures, including the local Debris Management Plan (DMP) during job orientation? / Yes / No / Unsure
Have all DPW employees received training on the department’s disaster plans? / Yes / No / Unsure
Are DPW employees cross-trained in job responsibilities wherever possible? / Yes / No / Unsure
Are DPW employees encouraged to prepare a Family Disaster Plan and Disaster Supply Kit?
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on developing a Family Disaster Plan and Disaster Supply Kit. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Family Disaster Plan / Disaster Supply Kit) – OPTIONAL / Yes / No / Unsure
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Scenario – # 002 / Image of Vacation / Hurricane Flag
It is late July and local residents have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s hurricane season has only produced several tropical storms and a few minor hurricanes, none of which have made landfall. Families are making their last minute plans for summer vacations while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the atmosphere that could see a sharp increase in the severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks.
By early August area residents, business owners and government officials begin to follow the projected path of another tropical storm.
Day 1
National Hurricane Center - TropicalStorm Hanna
Advisory # 5 - Saturday-8/3/2016 - 5:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Depression # 1 to Tropical Storm Hanna. The storm continues its forward movement and is expected to become a hurricane in the next 12 to 24 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
37 MPH / 11 MPH / Tropical Storm
The National Hurricane Center continues to monitor the storm via satellite and Hurricane Hunter planes as it continues to intensify.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 003 / Image of Training
Having the knowledge that all DPW employees are thoroughly trained to successfully manage the responsibilities outlined in thelocal Debris Management Plan (DMP)is a vital first step in supporting the community’s ability to recover following a hurricane.
Prepare a thorough list of all on-site and / or on-line disaster / debris management related training in whichDPW personnel are required or strongly recommended to have completed.
(Examples:FEMA Independent Study Courses: IS-100.B Introduction to ICS and IS-632.A Introduction to Debris Operations)
Have all DPW personnel completed the training listed above? / Yes / No
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why all DPW employees have not completed the identified training then outline a strategy to ensure all personnel complete the appropriate training as soon as possible.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 004 / Image of National Hurricane Center
Day 3 / Landfall Minus 72 Hours
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Hanna
Advisory # 13 - Monday - 8/5/2016 - 5:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Storm Hanna to Hurricane Hanna. The storm continues its forward movement and is currently expected to make landfall within the region in the next three to four days.
The hurricane will continue to intensify over the next 12 to 24 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
76 MPH / 14 MPH / 1
Based on this information will the DPW activate the local Debris Management Plan (DMP)? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Identify by job title the individual who will be responsible for activating the DMP and briefly describe the process for activating the plan.
If the above answer is no. – Briefly describe the reason for not activating the DMP at this point and identify the point at which the DMP will be activated.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 005 / Image of ICS
Day 3 / Landfall Minus 68 Hours
The DPW’s Debris Management Plan (DMP) has been activated and the process for mobilizing assigned personnel to staff the department’s Incident Command Center is well underway.
Will the DPW utilize theIncident Command System(ICS) to effectively and efficiently manage its response to Hurricane Hanna? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Identify the individuals by name and job title that will be responsible for fulfilling the various ICS roles that will be staffed for this incident.
(Example: Role: Incident Commander – John Harper – DPW Operations Manager)
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why ICS will not be used and describe in detail how the DPW will manage this incident.
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Incident Command System (ICS). These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise.Incident Command System) – OPTIONAL
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Scenario – # 006 / Image of National Hurricane Center
Day 4 / Landfall Minus 48 Hours
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Hanna
Advisory # 17 - Tuesday - 8/6/2016 - 5:00AM
The storm continues its forward movement and is now expected to make landfall in a couple of days.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
137 MPH / 15 MPH / 4
Video Library – Weather – Video # 6 – Hurricane News Report - 01
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 007 / Image of Debris Contractor
Does the DPW have signed debris management and / or debris monitoring contracts in place with private companies? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Identify all companies with which the DPW has current debris management and / or debris monitoring contracts. In identifying the companies provide point of contact information and the type of services that will be expected form the identified company.
(Example: Company: ABC Disaster Response Inc / POC: Howard Thomas – 555-555-5555 / Services: Monitoring of debris type and quantity when it arrives at the disposal site.)
Using the phone contact one of the companies identified above to confirm that the company can provide services to the DPW based on the current strength of the hurricane and the expected amount of hurricane generated debris.
Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.
(Note: Continue to call identified companies until you actually talk with an identified POC.)
Identify the company that was contacted.
Did the contacted company have the resources readily available to fill the contract’s scope of services based on the expected level of debris that could be caused by a category 4 hurricane? / Yes / No
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why DPW does not use contractors to support Debris Management Operations.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 008 / Image of IAP
Day 4 / Landfall Minus 44 Hours
Based on current known conditions and the local Debris Management Plan (DMP) develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) that focuses on PREPAREDNESS ACTIVITIES.
Video Library – General # 1 – Video # 30 – Incident Action Plan
Ensure that all objectives are completed using SMART methodology.
In preparing the IAP list the objectives, identify any resources that will be needed to undertake each listed objective and prepare a timeline for completing each objective.
(Note: Access a list of potential Operation Concerns to be considered in developing this IAP.)
(Example: Objective: Review the current inventory of consumable supplies and place orders for additional supplies to be delivered prior to the storm making landfall. / Required Resources: Inventory List. / Timeline: 1 Hours.)
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Debris Management Operations. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise.Debris Management Operations) – OPTIONAL
Time Allotted / 35 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 009 / Image of Emergency Operations Center
In the event of a hurricanewill the DPW liaison with the local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) before, during and after the storm? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Describe in detail the roles and responsibilities of the DPW when liaising with the local EOC.
If the above answer is no. –Explain why the DPW will not liaison with the local EOC in the event of a hurricane.
As part of the liaison role will the DPW assign personnel to work at the local EOC? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Describe the level of training the personnel assigned to work at the local EOC will need to successfully liaison with other agency and organization personnel also working within the local EOC.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Scenario – # 010 / Image of Emergency Responders
Day 6 / Landfall
By late morning local residents begin to experience the outer rain bands of the hurricane.
As the storm moves through the area wind and rain begins to pound the community.
Emergency agencies (EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement) have all closed down their response operations due to the increasing wind speeds associated with the hurricane.
National Hurricane Center -Hurricane Hanna
Advisory # 27 - Thursday –8/8/2016 - 5:00PM
Hurricane Hanna continues to move through the area.
Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
160 MPH / 13 MPH / 5
The winds from Hurricane Hanna begin to subside as the storm moves out of the area.
Once conditions permit, local and regional emergency response personnel initiate life safety operations.
From conducting needs assessment to carrying out search and rescue operations law enforcement agencies, fire departments, EMS, emergency management departments and various volunteer agencies are working together to meet the immediate storm-caused needs of the region’s residents.
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 011 / Image of COOP
Day 7 / Landfall Plus 13 Hours
During the storm the DPW’s facilities (buildings, equipment, supplies, etc.) were severely damaged requiring the department to activate its Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).
Without the use of much of DPW’s resources, describe how Debris Management Operations will be initiated and managed.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Scenario – # 012 / Image of Hurricane Damage
Day 7 / Landfall Plus 16 Hours
Preliminary Damage Assessment – Essential Services
- Electricity is out to 95% of the community.
- Downed trees and utility poles along with other storm debris have blocked 90% of the roads.
- 45% of the landline phones are operational.
- Mobile phone service is spotty due to a number of cell towers being badly damaged.
- Gas, water and sewage utilities have been disrupted throughout the community.
Video Library – Weather – Video # 6 – Hurricane News Report - 02
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 013 / Image of Incident Action Plan
Day 7 / Landfall Plus 18 Hours
The DPW’s Incident Management Team has gathered for its first briefing following the storm. The team’s Incident Commander briefs them on the level of damage caused by the storm then stresses “Local residents will be counting on help from the DPW in the hours, days and weeks ahead. We need to move as swiftly as possible to clear the community’s roads and streets of storm debris.”
Based on current conditions and the DPW Debris Management Plan (DMP) develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) that focuses on the DEBRIS MANAGEMENT OPERATIONSthat will need to be implemented over the next 48 hours.
In preparing the IAP list the actions to be taken, identify any resources that will be needed to undertake each listed action and prepare a timeline for completing each action.
(Note: Access a list of potential Operation Concerns to be considered in developing this IAP.)
(Example: Objective: Review the Debris Management Plan (DMP) regarding the removal of debris from private property and ensure all DPW personnel fully understand current policies. / Required Resources: Copy of DMP. / Timeline: 2 Hours.)
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Incident Command System – Planning Cycle. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Incident Command System – Planning Cycle) – OPTIONAL
Time Allotted / 35 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 014 / Image of Partners
Day 7 / Landfall Plus 20 Hours
The DPW fully understands that it will need to coordinate its Debris Management Operations effort with numerous local, regional, State and Federal departments and agencies.
Identify all governmental departments and agencies with which the DPW will coordinate Debris Management Operations. In identifying the department and / or agency provide point of contact information and the type of coordination that will be expected form the identified department or agency.
(Example: Department / Agency:State Department of Transportation/ POC: Thomas Highsmith – 555-555-5555 / Support: Coordinate debris removal from state highways.)
Using the phone contact one of the departments or agencies identified above to confirm the expected level of coordination between the DPW and the contacted department or agency.
Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.
(Note: Continue to call identified departments or agencies until you actually talk with an identified POC.)
Identify the department or agency that was contacted.
Did the contacted department or agency concur with your assessment of the level of expected Debris Management Operations coordination? / Yes / No
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 015 / Image of Media Release
Day 8 / Landfall Plus 1 Day
Since the storm, local residents have had to contend with numerous challenges including the removal of storm debris from their property and neighborhood.
Is providing informative, timely and accurate road clearing and debris disposal information to the public a responsibility of the DPW? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Describe in detail how this will be accomplished.
If the above answer is no. – Explain why the DPW will not provide this information to local residents.
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Debris Disposal Messages following a disaster) – OPTIONAL
Debris Disposal Messages
Household Debris Disposal / Access
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 016 / Image of Staff / Supply Shortage
Day 9 / Landfall Plus 2 Days
During the past two days the DPW employees have worked tirelessly to support road clearing and debris removal throughout the community. However the department is short of personnel and supplies and unable to maintain the current pace of activities.
Describe in detail the process for requesting additional resources via mutual-aid or other such inter-governmental agreements.
Confirm the above process is correct by calling the governmental department or agency to which the resource request would be submitted.
Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 017 / Image of Debris Assessment
Day 10 / Landfall Plus 3 Days
Local residents continue to clear their property of storm debris in preparation for it to be removed by the DPW.
Describe in detail the process that will be used by the DPW to assess the current amount of debris that remains to be collected.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Operation Pickup Sticks – Inject – # 018 / Image of Money
Day 22 / Landfall Plus 15 Days
Between employee overtime, service contracts, the purchase of needed supplies and other financial commitments due to Hurricane Hanna it is imperative that the DPW maintain accurate records regarding these expenses so the department can seek reimbursement from FEMA.
Briefly describe the processes associated with maintaining financial accountability.
Will donations such as the uses of equipment and / or volunteer time be logged for potential use as part of in-kind match when seeking financial reimbursement form FEMA? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Describe in detail how this will be accomplished.
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why donations and / or volunteer hours will not be used as an in-kind match.
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Public Assistance. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise.Public Assistance – An Overview) – OPTIONAL
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 1 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –