Elswick Harriers Risk Assessment
Area:Public thoroughfare to and from leisure centre access and egress to the main road leading to the leisure centre / Date:
January 2012 / Risk Assessor(s):
Graham Bell (NEBOSH qualified) and fellow committee members
Task/Description / The entering and exiting of the leisure centre building to start a run
What is the potential harm, loss or damage that could occur? / Who might be harmed & how? …or how could the loss/damage occur? / What is already being done to control the potential harm /loss /damage / What is the remaining risk when these controls are in place? / High
Risk / Is this risk acceptable (Y/N)? What further action is necessary
Injury sustained to the body
Damaged vehicle / Who?
A runner
A member of the public
A leisure centre
A visitor of the leisure centre
How? Through slips, trips and falls.
Colliding with another person
Collision with a bollard
Collision with a cyclist
Collision with a vehicle / A speed hump is located between the path leading to the centre & car park
Bollards on path kerb at entrance to the centre & also located on path leading north, away from the centre
Visually the paths are in a good condition. No moss/algae growth apparent, to cause slips.
No cracked pavement slabs or bitumen to allow a person to stumble and fall
“Standard” road markings in place / Still a potential for a person to be harmed.
Young persons do not have as much experience of “road awareness skills”
The speed hump is only
“slightly raised”
In the evening when it is dusk and subsequently dark, there is no provision of adequate lighting around the entrance to the leisure centre
The bollards are painted black(with small reflective strip)Difficulty viewing in dark conditions
There is no signage inside or outside of the centre warning of people and traffic in the vicinity…..this could lead to:Drivers and members of the public not seeing a runner
Lack of driver awareness, may cause an accident / M
M / N. Make awareness to ‘all’ people the dangers in road safety. Consider the use of a notice at the entrance to the building
N. Road marking in this area is poor. Consider cross-hatching the speed hump in appropriate paint
N. A need to adequately light this dark footprint around a potentially busy thoroughfare
N. A need to have the bollards made highly visible to both people and vehicles
Y. There is an acceptable risk in walking, jogging and running in light, dusk & dark conditions in public areas.However, encourage the use of appropriate personal High VisibilityEquipment
Y&N. Consider & implement some of the improvements as described in this assessment
Potential for groups of people to congregate outside the centre’s entrance. Congestion could cause an accident / L / Y. Request people to congregate on the playing field adjacent to the centre or congregate inside the hall of the centre
People using the road to access the main road, car park and leisure centre / M / Y. Request people to walk in single file to the top of the main road and not use the roadway as a means of access & egress to the car park or leisure centre. Approach and leave the centre via an alternative route.
There is no signage in the area in question to warn the public of potential hazards or harm / L / N. Consider the use of signage in a suitable location
Is the overall risk of this activity acceptable or unacceptable, highlight the relevant answer. Where found to be unacceptable, take reasonable measures to mitigate risk. / Overall, the risk is acceptable / Un-Acceptable