Reference number: R12/1097

Site address:Oakleigh, Main Street, Bourton on Dunsmore, Rugby. CV32 9QS

Description:Erection of a single storey rear extension

Case Officer Name & Number: Sachin Parmar tel: 01788 533549

The Proposal:

Permission is sought for the erection of a single storey rear extension to enlarge the kitchen and lounge area within the existing property.This will include the demolition of the existing rear conservatory which was originally builtwith the building. The existing conservatory has a height of 3metres and provides a total floorspace of approx 11m2. The proposed single storey rear extension will have an overall height of 3.4metres and will provide a total new floorspace measuring approx 25.6m2.

Part of the proposed extension will be set back, as the kitchen area will projectout 2.5metres whilst the lounge area will project out 3.3metres from the original rear elevation. The plans show a new gable end roof will project out 4.5metres from the original rear elevation and will overhang the proposed lounge extension by 1.2metres.

Site History:

R03/0397/22407/P: Erection of 6 houses and associated garages –Approved 18/06/03

*Condition 12 of the decision notice states that Permitted Development rights are removed.

Third Party Consultations:

Neighbours – No responses

Parish Council – Noobjections

Technical Consultees:

WCC Ecology Team – No objection subject to informatives

Relevant Planning Policies:

Core Strategy – Complies with Policy CS16: Sustainable Design

Local Plan – Complies with Policy E6: Biodiversity

SDC: Residential Design Guide – Complies

NPPF – Complies

Relevant Site Information:

The site is located within the village boundary of Bourton on Dunsmore. The dwelling is a two storey detached property set back from the road and with a height of7.1metres.The property hasadetached garage which is set back 5metres from the original rear elevation and is adjoined with the garage for theneighbouring property (Meadow View, Main Street).The rear garden of the application site is well enclosed with an even gradient.

The neighbouring houses to the site are Amberleigh House on the northern boundary and Meadow View on the southern boundary. Amberleigh House is set approx 3metres away to the north of the curtilage boundary and is of a similar fromand character to the application site (Oakleigh). Meadow Hill is approx 8metres away from the Oakleigh property but isset in an unusual north facing manner when compared to the other west facing houses within the vicinity. This means that the Meadow Hill building’sfrontage faces the side elevation of Oakleigh.

The surrounding neighbourhood is accommodated by varying styles of detached properties some of which have a historic character. There is a general ‘green’ feel to the local area with numerous trees, lawned pavements and lines of hedges (approx 1.5metres high) which help to enclose property frontages.

Determining Conditions:

The main issues of the proposed single storey rear extension relate to residential and visual amenity and the impact on neighbouring dwellings in particular on the southern boundary withMeadow View, Main Street.

The permitted development rights for the application site have been removed as this was a condition of the original planning permission in 2003.With this in mind the proposed extension has been designed to a suitable size and scale which is within the normal permitted development limit and is in keeping with the proportions of the existing building. There will be an ample amount of remaining garden space (approx 12metres) and the extension will not breach a 45° line from the midpoint of the nearest habitable room on the neighbouring property on the northern boundary (Amberleigh House, Main Street).

On the southern boundary the proposed single storey rear extension will be visible from the frontage of the neighbouring Meadow Hill. From Meadow Hill theexisting view at ground floor level of the rear of the proposal site (Oakleigh)is that of an uneven combination of conservatories, gable end roofs and garden shedsof the west facing detached properties on Main Street. It is considered that the extension will block out part of this view but this will not have an adverse impact in terms of loss in sunlight/daylight or any undue overlooking and loss in privacy.

Although the extension is to the rear it will be visible from the road as the driveway entrance is located to the southwest of the property (in view of the south side elevation). From the road view, the extension will fill a gap above the existing 2metre external wall and rear garden gate which adjoins to the rear detached garage. It is considered that visually this will not be obtrusive and will sit sympathetically.

The proposed new windows within the extension are larger in size (0.9m by 1.3m)compared to the existing property’swindows (0.8m by 1m). In addition, the proposal includes 2 new rooflights measuring 0.9m by 0.6m. These elements will combine toaddress the present issue of a lack of light into the kitchen and lounge area. Visually the new windows will fit in with the character of the existing property.

The application outlines the use of oak finished UPVC windows which contrast with the existing house. Although this may change the character of the property it is considered that it will still be visually sympathetic and in keeping with the local rural neighbourhood. Additionally, the use of facing bricks and concrete roof tiles to match the existing property will allow the single storey rear extension to sit harmoniously in terms of visual impact.

Warwickshire County Council’s Ecology team have commented on the application and have no objection subject to informatives.

Therefore, overall the proposal complies with Policy CS16 of the Rugby Borough Council Core Strategy 2011and saved Policy E6 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006.


Recommended Approval

Report prepared by: Sachin Parmar 10/07/12

Report Sheet