Reference number:R11/0484

Site address:54 Overslade Lane, Rugby

Case Officer:Chris Davies 01788 533627

Description:Erection of a rear conservatory.


R84/0203/4668/PErection of single storey front and rear extensions.Approved 06/06/84

R96/0376/4668/PErection of part two storey and part first floor levelApproved 19/07/96

rear extension.

R03/1146/4668/PErection of extensions and alterations to the Refused 24/02/04

existing dwelling.

R04/0830/04668/PAlterations to the existing dwelling, including a firstRefused 30/09/04

floor side extension and single storey side


R05/1078/4668/PLNErection of a single storey side extension.Approved 09/11/05


The applicant seeksplanning permission to erect a rear conservatory.


No 54 Overslade Lane is a detached dwelling which has had extensions in the past; predominantly single storey to the front but there evidence of two storey extensions to the side and rear.

There is sufficient parking to the front for several vehicles.

The rear garden is screened to the left by the side wall of a brick built outbuilding in the rear garden of No.56 (which is set approximately 1.5m above the level of the proposal site). There are no side facing windows overlooking the proposal site.

The adjacent property to the right (No.52) is set approximately 1.5m below the level of the proposal site. The only side facing window is at first floor level and is obscure glazed. The right hand rear boundary is marked by an arched woven fence which at its highest point is approximately 2m high.

Technical Consultations Responses:

WCC Ecology -Requested that a condition be added requiring the presence of a qualified bat

worker during all destructive works to the site.

NB – it is considered that an advisory note will suffice.

Planning Policy:

RBLPGP1Appearance and DesignComplies

RBLPGP3Protection of AmenityComplies

RBLPH8Residential ExtensionsComplies

Rugby Borough Council Residential Extensions Design Guide SPD.


The key considerations in determining this application are the impact of erecting a rear conservatory on a) the character and appearance of the property, and b) neighbouring residential amenity.

Character and Appearance

The property has been considerably extended over time, and is now quite substantial in size and scale.

However, the proposed conservatory is comparatively small in scale and as such does not significantly enlarge either the footprint or the accommodation of the existing building.

The design is simple and unobtrusive, and compliments the rear elevation.

The schemetherefore complies with Policies GP1 and H8of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006 and the Rugby Borough Council Residential Extensions Design Guide SPD, which seek to ensure that development is in keeping with its surroundings.

Residential Amenity

Given the relationship of the proposal site to No.56, the proposed conservatory would have no material impact on the occupants of that property.

Although the conservatory will be above the level of No.52 it will also be 5m from the boundary between the two properties, and some 9m from No.52 itself. The proximity minimises the potential impact, and the conservatory would be facing a side wall with no primary windows rather than the private rear garden of No52. It is therefore unlikely that the erection of a conservatory in this location would therefore lead to a detrimental loss of amenity to the occupants of No.52.

The scheme therefore complies with Policies GP3 and H8 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006 and the Rugby Borough Council Residential Extensions Design Guide SPD, which seek to preserve and protect residential amenity.


Approve subject to appropriate conditions.

Report prepared by: C Davies12/04/2011

Report Sheet