SIT Meeting Minutes 11/2/15 Salvador H. Sanchez Middle School


The Meeting was called to order at approximately 3:30 pm

Members Present: Issidoro Lopez, Armando Gutierrez, Belinda Pendell, Derek Beets, Priscilla Reyes, Virginia Carreon, Shawn O’Donnell, Laura Sandoval, Javier Alvillar, Dinorah Aleman, and Clarice Jones.

I. Safety- Due to time change, Mrs. Jones is asking for teachers to look into possibly adjusting tutoring schedules and athletic practices. The 6th grade students will be going out to portables within a week due to HVAC construction and teachers need to make students aware of the blocked entrances to building. Also, during STAAR time teachers should take time to remind students to be careful while walking home and crossing streets when it gets dark.

II. Olweus- Mrs. Harris will be delivering the Olweus surveys on November 16th. The Olweus surveys will need to be passed out for students to fill out during STAAR on November 17th. Each student must bubble front of page and complete survey thoroughly. The completed surveys per class must be turned into the counselors. A writing contest is coming up in which it will be a campus wide project called “Doing the right thing.” More information will be forth coming. The ABC club will be welcoming Partners in ED and working on families baskets for Thanksgiving.

III. Campus Plan Adjustments- A transfer of funds was initiated in efforts to fund account that is used to pay for substitutes covering teachers who are attending staff development sessions.

IV. Understanding Data- Teachers need to make sure they put up data in their room. Mrs. Jones passed out the performance based analysis system monitoring sheet to committee. Teachers were asked for them to discuss intervention techniques being used in class and how would results be analyzed.

V. Staff Development- Mrs. Aragon will be training ELAR teachers on Poetry on 11/4/15 from 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Also, all Social Studies teachers will be attending part 2 staff development from 8:00 to 11 am at DSC.

VI. Ways to Improve Teaching and Learning- Mrs. Pendell advised that she has noticed a significant increase in their 6th grade groups with the Grant small group tutoring and other groups as well. Per Mr. Beets, they have also noticed a significant improvement as well especially with the LEP and ELL students. Administration is also looking into starting Tough Love Lunch for 7th graders.

VII. EPAC- Mr. Lopez advised last meeting focused on budget and the auditors were explaining the difference between Title I and Title II.

VIII. Attendance- Teachers are asked to encourage students and explain the importance of attending school every day. The attendance percentage for the campus has declined. The campus goal is 97.5%.

Additional information-

·  Thanksgiving Lunch will be on 11/5/15 during all three lunches. Tickets will be on sale for $5.50.

·  The luncheon to celebrate our Veterans will be on 11/6/15.

·  8th grade students will be attending the career inspirational conference on 11/10/15 at SHS.

·  Mission Early night will be on 11/17/15.

Meeting adjourned: 4:26 pm