Connectional Member-At-Large

Objectives & Goals


(Sisters in Service to Empower, Reach and Sustain members)

We are SISTERS, We are ONE in Mission

Encourages Sisterhood and togetherness of our Young Adult Missionaries. This is a shift towards another level of spiritual excellence within the Women’s Missionary Society.


“God’s kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field.Or, God’s kingdom is like a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. Finding one that is flawless, he immediately sells everything and buys it.” Matthew 13:44-46 (MSG)

Theme Song:

Anthony Brown’s song entitled “Worth

Together with God's guidance, as SISTERS, we will seek out the troubled spirits hidden under tough exteriors, as One in Mission we will assist in recruiting devoted, graceful, and compassionate young women into our Missionary Societies, as One in Mission we will empower the Younger Women of our various communities towards a better avenue of Christian living.

As SISTERS, together, we will do ministry beyond the walls of the sanctuary – ministry that reaches out and touches lives – and together across this Connectional Church we will share True spirit-filled ministry that matters.

The Official WMS Colors: Royal Blue and White

The Formal Attire: White Suits with Blue Silk Stoles and white heels/flats

The Casual Attire: Blue Denim Bottoms, White Blouses, White Pearls, Leopard Print Shoes.

The White Pearls represent our Younger Women as Precious Gems that are God’s Hidden Treasures that are Worth of Great Price, such as the Greatest Price that was paid by Christ for our sins.

The Leopard Print symbolizes the unity with our overseas episcopal districts, the grace, quickness, determination and endurance to fight sin and to defend righteousness.

Women’s Empowerment ConferenceInternational Women’s Summit

The Vision for the Women’s Empowerment Conference is to help address the social, cultural, financial and political challenges that women experience through an interactive agenda. It is my prayer that we can strengthen and empower the advancement of our Young Adult Missionaries of the Women’s Missionary Society and various communities by providing an interactive forum that provides support, education and networking opportunities.

This Conference Will be held the years of 2017 and 2018. The location and actual date is subject to the approval of the Connectional WMS President and Connectional WMS 3rd Vice President.

Health Mission Projects

Sickle Cell Disease(Month of September)

Young Adult Missionaries are to register with the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Inc. ( as an Advocate, encourage awareness within their Local Societies, have a guest speaker to share information or a personal testimony, and sponsor testing at the end of the month of September.

Lupus Disease (May 10-14, 2017)

Building awareness of lupus is essential to improve early diagnosis and treatment of this unpredictable and misunderstood disease, and ensure that people with lupus are aware of the support and resources available to help them manage the disease. Young Adult Missionaries will participate in the Put on Purple™ for lupus awareness and tell people why. Getting your purple on is an easy way you can help the Lupus Foundation of America raise awareness of lupus and show support for those who are living with the disease.

May 10, 2017 is World Lupus Day and Young Adult Missionaries of each Local Society of the Women’s Missionary Society will observe May 14, 2017 as the official Put on Purpleday and spread awareness throughout their various communities.

*Activities should be held at each Local Society. Reports are to be sent to your Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents. Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents must submit by email documentation of all events held to . This should be in the form of a written report along with pictures and the amount of attendees for each event.

Mental Health

Stress Management

During the Months of April Young Adult Women of the Women’s Missionary Society will focus on how to handle Stress Management as active Young Adult Women. They will identify what is causing stress in their life, learn healthy ways to relieve stress and reduce its harmful effects, and look for ways to reduce the amount of stress in their life.

Young Adult Missionaries are to arrange a local group activity to identify and participate in stress management techniques to properly manage stress.

Suicide Awareness

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10 each year to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides. Various events and activities are held during this occasion to raise awareness that suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death.

Young Adult Missionaries are to conduct Memorial services or Candlelight Ceremonies to remember those who died from suicide, distribute publications about suicide awareness and prevention, and conduct training courses about suicide and depression awareness.

*Activities should be held on the Conference, Area, and Local Levels for a greater impact. Reports are to be sent to your Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents. Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents must submit by email documentation of all events held to . This should be in the form of a written report along with pictures and the amount of attendees for each event.

Financial Literacy(April/December)

All Young Adult Missionaries must start planning and focusing on their future financial outlook. Workshops on how to be better stewards of their finances, proper saving methods, monthly budgeting, and investment opportunities will be taught.

*Workshops should be held on the Conference and/or Area Levels for a greater impact. Reports are to be sent to your Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents. Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents must submit by email documentation of all events held to . This should be in the form of a written report along with pictures and the amount of attendees for this event.

Technology Training Institutes(August, October, November)

Is an ongoing technology training for ALL Missionaries. Training and updates will be given on the latest technical techniques to assist all of us in staying up-to-date with those that use social media for faster communication purposes. Teambuilding and open dialogues among our Missionaries will help bridge the communication gaps. The Technology Training Institutes will be an ongoing objective to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others that are social savvy.

Each Conference and Area are to conduct the Technology Training Institutes.

*Training Institutes should be held on the Conference, Area, and Local Levels for a greater impact. Reports are to be sent to your Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents. Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents must submit by email documentation of all events held to . This should be in the form of a written report along with pictures and the amount of attendees for this event.


Quarterly Week of Prayer & Fasting(Published Devotions by Young Adult Missionaries on specific spiritual focuses) will be submitted to the Connectional Missionary Magazine. Spiritual Focuses will be identified by the Connectional Member-at-Large or by the call of the Connectional President or Connectional WMS 3rd Vice President.

*All articles are to be sent by email to for approval.


Overseas Teaching Opportunities

For Young Adult Missionaries that are in the Education Field and would like to share their skills abroad.

Domestic Violence Awareness(Month of October)

This is an ongoing objective. Young Adult Missionaries are encouraged to have vigils, awareness walks, have a guest speaker to share information or a personal testimony, and share information and available resources throughout your various communities.

*Activities should be held on the Conference, Area, and Local Levels for a greater impact. Reports are to be sent to your Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents. Episcopal District 3rd Vice Presidents must submit by email documentation of all events held to . This should be in the form of a written report along with pictures and the amount of attendees for each event.


The Young Adult Missionaries blog, SISTERS Speak, has been a useful online tool that unites our age group in fulfilling our shared calling to “Transform Lives…Build Communities…Impact the World.” Through this blog, this platform is used to post prayers, devotions, and inspirational messages as we continue our mission work in Christ's vineyard.

All contributors for SISTERS Speak are Young Adult Missionaries from across our Connectional AME Church.