SISD Cheerleading Constitution

I.  Organization

A.  This constitution has been written and adopted for the Soorro Independent School District [SISD] high school cheerleading programs. The cheerleading teams and its constitution are governed by SISD, administration, cheerleading coaches, and cheerleading members from each high school campus.

B.  The mission statement of a SISD cheerleading squad is to:

1.  Create school spirit, tradition, pride and loyalty

2.  Promote interest in school activities and perform at school games and events.

3.  Develop responsibility, teach self-respect, encourge honest effort, strive for perfection and develop character.

4.  Teach teamwork and pride in a quality performance by maintaining high standards.

II.  Eligibility

A.  Each squad member must maintain a passing grade in each subject for each UIL eligiblity grading period. Two failed UIL eligibility periods in any sbuject will result in the dismissal of a cheerleader from the squad for the remainder of the year. They will then be on probation for one full school year before they shall be eligible to tryout again. No refunds will be returned and if all monies have not been collected, the amount owed must be paid in full. Squad members that return to the cheer program after being dismissed for failing will be placed on a probationary contract for the cheer season.

B.  Each squad member must have a completed Application Form, Parental Consent/Medical Release form, Physical Exam form, and Concussion forms on file.

C.  The constitution acknowledgement form must be signed and turned in by squad member and parent/guardian.

D.  Each squad shall consist of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 team members.

E.  The selection of captain/co-captains will be at the discretion of the cheer coach.

F.  All cheer members must be enrolled in a campus cheer class.

III.  Attendance

A.  It is utmost importance that all squad members attend all practices, games, competitions, and assigned functions.

B.  After three [3] unexcused activities and /or practices, the cheerleader will be dismissed from the squad for the remainder of the year. These absences include preparations for competitions.

C.  If a cheerleader works, they need to set up their work schedule around the cheer schedule. Coaches will provide a monthly calendar, so that cheerleaders may plan their work schedules.

D.  If a squad member is ill and misses ANY activity, they must be at HOME or seeking medical care.

E.  If a squad member misses any practice, activity, and/or event, they shall notify their cheer coache two days before the absence, unless it is deemed an emergency. When they return, squad members must also provide a written excuse from parent or doctor excuse as to why they missed.

F.  All members must attend each activity in its entirety. Following the completion of each activity/practice, members must be picked up in a timely manner. Failure to comply shall result in a parent conference. Coaches will not provide transportation to and/or from practices or events.

IV.  Uniform

A.  Each member will be required to wear the SCHEDULED practice and game attire to class, activities, and/or events.

B.  Uniforms are to be kept clean and may NOT be worn for personal use, this includes the entire cheer uniform package.

C.  If a member wishes to stay for an additional game or to stay with friends and/or family after a cheerleading scheduled event, they may do so, but many not be un uniform. The squad member will be required to change into other clothing.

D.  All uniforms and clothing owned by the school should be returned at the end of the cheer season in clean and in good condition. If there are nay lost items the member is responsible for paying a fee to replace the item. If a cheerleader is dismissed from the squad, she will need to turn in the cleaned uniforms within five days of dismissal. A financial hold will be submitted to the business office and will be held on any student until uniform is returned or uniform is paid in full.

E.  If a member is seen holding hands, kissing, or misrepresenting the school in any way, [in/out of uniform], there will be consequences; which may include benching, suspension, and/or dismissal from the squad.

F.  You may not loiter in uniform, REMEMBER that you represent your school.

G.  The entire squad will wear their hair in the same manner for all activities, events, and/or competitions.

H.  No excessive make-up shall be worn. Squad members should be presentable at all times.

I.  Natural nails must be kept short and square. Nail polish shall not be worn for performances, games, or competitions. Artificial nails are not allowed. Safety is of utmost importance.

J.  If a cheerleader decides to quit or is dismissed from the squad, there will be no refund money and if all monies have not been paid, a financial hold will be place in the business office on the student until all money is submitted. Uniforms will no longer be accepted for return. The money owed must be paid. They will also be prohibited from trying out for one school year. If you are a Varsity team member, you will not be eligible to receive a letterman jacket if you quit or are dismissed from the squad.

V.  Medical

A.  Each member must have a complete physical exam by a physician certified in the U.S. before the first scheduled practice. The physicial will be kept on file in the athletic trainer’s office. A new physical is required every school year and must be dated May 1 or after of the previous year.

B.  Members must have a completed medical emergency form on file with their designated coach.

C.  A parent may not diagnose or treat injuries; only qualified professionals such as doctors and/or certified physical therapists in the U.S. may do so. If injured at school, the squad member will be sent to the trainer who eill prescribe a treatment plan and/or advise the member to seek professional care. The squad mamber will not be able to participate until a written note of clearance is provided by the doctor.

D.  A squad member may not be taken off medical hold unless the same physician that placed the restriction removes it.

E.  All squad members shall follow the SISD Concussion Protocol as outlined online at under the Athletic Department.

VI.  Character

A.  Squad members should be leaders within the school and set a good example at all times.

1.  Smoking, drinking, drug abuse, fighting, stealing, cheating and skipping class [Level I/II/III/IV] are grounds for immediate dismissal by they cheerleading coach. Each offense will be dealt with on an individual basis and administrative action will be taken. Some offenses are more severe than others and administration will be involved in all consequenses are noted in the Student Code of Conduct.

2.  Each member will abide by the standards set by SISD, which are found in the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct.

3.  If a member is referred to the office and sent to SAC for level III/IV offenses, the member will be dismissed.

4.  On all other offenses not in the student code of conduct, the squad member will be given a documentation form to take home and will be “benched” [required to attend cheer activity, but must sit with coach]. After 3 such “benches’, the member will be dismissed permanently from the squad.

B.  Squad members shall be respectful to all reachers, staff, and administration at all times.

C.  Squad members shall be courteous and friendly to all other team members as well as the student body.

D.  Squad members shall be courteous and friendly to other teams and visitors.

E.  Each member must refrain from participation in any inappropriate behaviour that could be documented through the Internet, Instagram, Facebook, video, cell phone, IPod/MP3, photography, Snap Chat, or any other medium.

F.  If a violation of charcater occurs, squad member[s] involved will be subject to disciplinary action or removal from the squad.

VII.  Fundraising

A.  All squad members shall be given opportunities to fundraise for team expenses. Participation is expected, understanding that what is submitted by each individual squad member is applied to the general cheerleading fund.

B.  If a cheerleader does not participte in the fundraising activities provided, parents will be responsible for activity and/or equipment.

VIII.  Lettermen Jacket Guidelines

A.  General criteria for lettering and receiving a jacket for cheerleading athletes will be cheering in a boy and girl sport for the fall semester and a boy and girls sport in the spring semester for two years [one year which must be as a varsity cheerleader].

IX.  Camps, Choreography, Competition, Competition Squad, Games and Trips

A.  Payments for all of the above mentioned items need to be paid in full before actual event or activity occurs.

B.  If payemnts are not received by set deadline, the squad member shall pay the late fee to the designated vendor. Special circumstances must be communicated with the designated coach.

C.  On school trips or out of town trips, squad members will leave and return together on school approved transportation. If there is an emergency and a squad member needs to arrive or return on there own, the squad member must fill out and turn in a signed Travel Release form prior to function or event. Squad members may only arrive or leave with parents.

D.  Camps, practices, games, and trips are mandatory. Coaches will provide the squad member and parent with a monthly calendar. Absences from school activities must be approved by coach prior to event. Failure to attend an event may result in dismissal from cheerleading squad.

E.  There will be a separate tryout/application for members of the Competition Cheer Squad. The Competition Cheer Squad is optional and not a requirement of the school’s cheerleading program. Therefore, this squad will consist of varying member of all squads who show superior cheerleading athletic ability, sportsmanship and academic achievement. Competition is at the discretion of the coach with approval of administration and the SISD Athletic Office. Cheerleaders must meet UIL academic requirements, community service requirements, financial cost and routine requirements in order to compete on competition squads.

X.  Tumbling

A.  It is mandatory for All squad members to attend tumbling classes. Coaches will recommend an independent tumbling gym in order to allow squad members to get the same tumbling techniques and strategies in order to maintain a competitive edge. Tumbling ensures that our high school stays at a competitive level locally, regionally, and nationally.

B.  Cheer coaches will not be reponsible for paying for tumbling clases or transporting students. Fundraising funds will not be used for payment of tumbling classes.

C.  Cheer coaches are not responsible for any financial issues encountered at the gym. These issues must be addressed with the gym where the signing of a contract has taken place.

XI.  Miscellaneous

A.  All squad members are expected to follow all rules, regulations, and policies as outlined in this Socorro ISD Cheerleading Constitution.

B.  All other issues and/or situations not covered in this contact are at the discretion of the schools cheer coaching staff and campus administration.