Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School Curriculum Framework Overview Year 2017-2018 Year 2

School Global theme / TELLING TALES
(storytelling to engage readers) / REACH FOR THE STARS
(Aspirational – where will our learning take us) / WONDERFUL WORLD
(Caring for the environment and developing a more sustainable future)
National and whole school events / International day of democracy 15th Sept
European Languages day 26th September
Macmillan coffee morning 29th September
Jeans for Genes day – 23 Sept
National poetry day – 28 Sept
Grandparents day – 1st Oct
Fire safety week 9-15 Oct
Walk to school month – Oct
Space week – 4 Oct- 10th
World animal day 4 Oct / Diwali – Oct 30th
Halloween – Oct 31st Remembrance Day 11th November
Anti-bullying week 13-17 November
Children In Need 17 November
Bonfire Night – 5th November
World kindness day Nov 13th
Human rights day 10 Dec
Christmas jumper day 13 Dec
World Maths Day 15 October / National handwriting day - 23 January
Chinese New Year – Feb 16th
Safer internet day – Feb 7th
World Book Day Thurs 1st March
British Science Week 9-18 March
Pancake day – Feb 13th
Sport Relief 17-23 March
March 26th Mothers day / Queen’s birthday 21 April
Chelsea flower show WC 22 May
Sports week
Arts week
Tour de France
SATS – May
Assemblies / British Values
Stories with a moral / Anti-bullying
NSPCC Assembly / Internet safety
Future careers
Global goals / Global goals
Class theme / Why is Britain Great? / Global Goals for the World We Want / What can our garden grow?
Subject area / AUTUMN TERM 1st Half (7 weeks) / AUTUMN TERM 2nd Half (7 weeks) / SPRING TERM 1st Half (7 weeks) / SPRING TERM 2nd Half (5 Weeks) / SUMMER TERM 1st Half (7 weeks) / SUMMER TERM 2nd Half (7 weeks)
(subject to change) / Narrative
stories from familiar settings (cross curricular links)
visit to the zoo / diary – Great Fire of London (Hist link)
writing to the Queen (SMSC) / Letters
writing to the primeminister
diary / letter - Guy Fawkes (Hist link)
songs and repetitive poems / Narrative
Traditional Stories
Alternative versions
Other cultures
(linked to Fairytales) / Narrative
Different stories by the same author
Explanations / Narrative
Extended stories / significant authors
Quality Texts / Huge bag of worries
How to catch a star
Great Fire of London texts
Queen’s knickers
VISIT: Snow White
Dick Whittington (pantomime – M&M productions) / Katie in London
Guy Fawkes texts
Firework poems / Hansel and Gretel
Gingerbread Man
Three Little Pigs
Little Red Hen
Goldilocks and the 3 bears
Jack and the beanstalk
Little Red Riding Hood
Stone Soup
Mr Wolf’s pancakes
Handa’s Surprise
MATHEMATICS / Number (1)
Place Value (2)
Addition and subtraction (2)
Geometry (2)
Mental calculation daily / Statistics (1)
Multiplication and division (2)
Measurement (3)
Fractions (1)
Mental calculations daily / Number and place value (1)
Statistics (1)
Measurement (1)
Geometry (1)
Fractions (1)
Addition and subtraction (2)
Mental calculations daily / Addition and Subtraction (2)
Multiplication and division (3)
SCIENCE / Animals, including humans
Linked to report writing / instructions in English
VISIT: Dudley zoo
Exotic Animals (internal visit)
Dogs Trust Workshops / Uses of everyday materials
Linked to report writing / instructions / explanations in English
Science Investigations / Plants / Living things and their habitats
GEOGRAPHY / Locational Knowledge
The countries
Capital cities
Oceans and seas / Weather Patterns / Geographical skills and fieldwork / Comparing countries
HISTORY / The Great Fire of London
Famous historical people - Queen / Bonfire Night
Remembrance Day
ART AND DESIGN / Using a range of materials to recreate pictures and make products / Portraits
Drawing and painting / Using recycled materials to create pieces of art related to:
‘The world we want…’
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY / Making 3d Tudor Houses / Kite Making
Cooking Bus – making healthy breakfasts / Link to Art
Squirrel school
Cooking / Link to Art
COMPUTING / Logging on
Internet safety
Navigating the computer
Accessing the internet / Internet safety / Algorithms
Programming robots
Debugging / Technology beyond our school
Simply Music / Recorders / Samba / Music technology / Singing
Dance / Team Games / Fitness / Team Games / Athletics / Athletics
SMSC / Being British
British values
Sense of belonging
Supporting a class charity - Hilbrae / Global Goals for the world we want
Zero Hunger
Recycling and waste
Where does our food come from?
RE / Respect for everyone: what does that mean? / Symbols of belonging Hindu Muslim and Christian / Easter story / Beginning to learn from Muslims
Healthy Lifestyles / Change for Life club
Healthy eating
Cooking Bus – healthy breakfasts / Change for Life club – Tuesday afternoon
Healthy eating
Fitness day
Cooking / Change for Life club
Healthy eating
Fitness day
Sports Day
Learning in the community / Harvest Festival – Local Foodbank donation
Harvest workshops in Sutton Hill church / RE – symbols of belonging in local church
Tesco to look at food miles / Telford is 50
Race for Life