SimsburyHigh School Parent Teacher Council
February 12, 2014 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm by SPTC President, Michelle Weathers. In attendance were Michelle Weathers, Nina Miller, Nora Stuart, Laura Riley, Shira Flowers, Neil Sullivan, Terri Carlson, Brooke Bulmer, Alycia LeConche, Nick Sinacori, Matt Spector
Committee Report:
• Battle of the Bands: Laura Riley – Planning is going well, tickets will be sold during all three lunch waves during the week of Battle. Laura is working with co-chair Nancy Dennen, all volunteers to prepare for that evening, and might need one or two additional volunteers.
Presentation of Special Funds Request:
•Unified Sports is requesting funds for uniform fleece, to be worn by all athletes on game days and special events. They currently have funds from a bake sale, and asked for an additional $500 to cover their expenses.
Motion was made to donate $500, seconded and approved.
Treasurer’s Report – No report.
Principal’s Report – Neil Sullivan
- The Les Miserables musical was a success, with almost 5000 tickets sold for six shows.
- Winter Sports is very strong, with teams vying for championships.
- Mr. Sullivan has a Twitter account that is updated regularly with SHS happenings: @simshighprin
- Erika Sloan, a 2012 graduate of SHS, is competing in the Jeopardy College Tournament.
- 90% of next year’s course registration is complete, with the remaining 10% of students being called into the computer lab to finish the process.
- A new computer science class will be added to the curriculum for next year: Principles of Computer Science will be taught, along with the current AP Computer Science.
- The Music Technology class is moving toward using updated technology for music composition.
- Common Core: Juniors are testing on March 19, 20, 26, and 27. Sophomores will take the CAPT Science test.
Teacher’s Report – Shira Flowers
- February 27, the Unified Theater is presenting “Be the Change You Want to See in the World”. Donations will be accepted at the door.
Committee Reports –
- Hospitality – In lieu of cookie trays for teachers in February, plates with candy will be distributed to all offices and teacher lounges. The SPTC has been asked to provide cookie trays for the Junior class taking the Common Core tests in March. Junior parents will be asked first, then the Hospitality Committee, for donations.
Minutes from the December 4, 2013 meeting were discussed, with motion made to accept as is. Motion carried.
Adjourned 8:35 pm