Anyone who buys items on line can raise funds for DEWI with no effort
Everyone with internet uses a search engine; this can also make funds for DEWI with each click.
You will know that search engines and websites make money by the adverts they display. Some traders make even more money from the ads on their sites than the products they sell! Search engines make money from commercial websites for each “hit”. No wonder Google is one of the richest companies in the world.
There is a UK organisation which runs a search engine called Easysearch and a website called Easyfundraising which shares this income with the organisations who register with it.
1) On-line purchasing
If you ever buy anything on line from most of the popular sites, such as Amazon, Tescos, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose Wines, Toys R Us, Argos, E-Bay, insurance companies, banks (and hundreds more) you can make commission for DEWI – often 2.5% or even more, sometimes a fixed sum.
Go to
Register your details (on the left-hand side near the top of the home page) and your preferred charity as Dormans Evening WI (see tab at the top “Support a Cause”). When you have done this the page should say at the top “Hi […your name…] lets get fundraising for Dormans Evening WI”, then you know you are set to go. Don’t forget your password!
Click on the on-line trader of your choice and you will be taken to that trader’s actual website (e.g. Amazon). Through the wonders of technology the trader will know you have arrived via Easyfundraising. Buying on line is the same as High Street prices, or cheaper.
Evidence – ordering a new Halifax credit card made £5 commission for DEWI!
N.B. Each time you buy on line after that, you must remember to go through Easy Fundraising first, or you won’t get the commission. If you are a regular on-line buyer it’s easy to forget this first step.
You have an option to install the “Find and Remind Toolbar”. This is worth doing as it gives you one-click links on your toolbar, and it also earns your charity extra commission just to install it. This toolbar was only be available to Microsoft users, though they may have now made it available for Apple.
2) Using the search engine
If you use as your search engine (instead of other search engines, e.g. Google, Yahoo, Yell) a small sum of money will be raised for DEWI from many of the websites you visit as a result of using this search engine. Even if you go from Easysearch to Google, you will still be raising money each time you hit Google via Easysearch. Easysearch is powered by Yahoo and Bing so you will find it comparable to other search engines.
From the home page of look at the link on the left at the bottom of the page (this may have moved as they have changed their website) and click on it to go to Hopefully you will find your registration details already showing at the top of the page on the left and that you are supporting Dormans Evening WI.
Make Easysearch your home page. To do this, once you have registered as above, and are on the site, make this your home page by going to TOOLS – INTERNET OPTIONS – GENERAL – and click on the tab under HOME PAGE “make current”. This will make your home page.
Most browsers allow you to have more than one home page, so you can also have Google or any other search engine as a second tab if you want to keep that option.
Start surfing from this home page and the pennies will mount up. The running total will be shown on the left, but there will be a delay of a week or so before you see the pennies appear.
The commission is added to the commission received via Easy Search (1) above. They will pay Dormans Evening WI every quarter. If the total sum is less than £15 they will carry it forward to the next quarter.
If you wish to pass the above information to another charity so they can do the same as DEWI, please ask them to quote referral 38074 in the box where it asks them how they heard about Easyfundraising. This will give DEWI an additional small commission.
March 2012