
2Athletic Events

2Bookkeeping Procedures

3Purchase Request Instructions

3Fund Raising Activities

4 Professional Development Procedures

4Teacher Planning Time

5Communication/Mail/Email/Voice Mail

5 Curriculum Maps and Lesson Plans

6Grade Reporting

6Grade Categories

7Attendance Record Keeping


8Computer Lab Do’s and Don’ts

8Internet Access/Use

9Aesop Absence & Substitute System

9Substitute Lesson Plans

9Sub Folder Contents


10Hall/Restroom Pass

10Medicine Procedures

11Disciplinary Procedures

12School Safety


13 School Schedules

14 Student Accounting Form

15Tardy Action Plan

16Simon Kenton Curriculum Map/Syllabus

17Simon Kenton Goal/Activity Plans

18Daily Lesson Plans

19Teacher Expectations Checklist

20Fund Raiser Approval Form

21Fund Raiser Worksheet Form

22Field Trip Information Sheet

23School Level Field Trip Planning Checklist

24Kenton County Field Trip Request

26Parent Permission Form

27Restroom and Hall Pass Sign-Out Sheet


We encourage you to bring out your family and friends to watch some events throughout the year. In addition to having a good time, students love seeing you outside the realm of the classroom.

1. Football games start at 7:00. Times are subject to change.

2.Soccer-the gate opens one hour before game time

3.Basketball (Boys and Girls)-the gate opens at 5:00, JV games start at 6:00pm, and Varsity games start at 7:30pm. If interested in working gates for pay, see the Athletic Director.

4. The following are admitted to the games without charge:

A.Member of the participant's teams, manager, coaches.

B.Cheerleaders and their sponsors.

C.Band members (if the band is playing and the member is in uniform)

D. Referees

E.K.H.S.A.A.Commissioners of Athletics and KHSAAPass carriers

F.Players and managers of visiting team (must be checked in by the sponsors of the group, a teacher, or the visiting coach)

H. Simon Kenton staff and their immediate family (upon presentation of an official pass)

I. NKAC pass carriers (conference games only) SK Hall of Fame members

J. KentonCountyStaffPass carriers

5. Ticket Sellers

Ticket sellers and takers should arrive thirty minutes before the doors or gates are scheduled to open. Compensation will be determined by the activity. The Athletic Director or his/her designee is in charge of all events under the direction of the Principal. SK is a non-smoking facility.


1. Each day between 7:00am and 1:30pm the bookkeeper accepts money from teachers and/or club sponsors. Money must be counted, separated into denominations, coins wrapped and total amount recorded on a Multiple Receipt Form before it will be accepted by the bookkeeper. ALL MONEY MUST BE TURNED IN DAILY.

2. Money collected from students for trips on buses should be turned in as soon as it is collected.

3. A written Purchase Order form must be filled out before school funds can be spent (MANDATORY). This rule includes instructional fees, organizational funds, athletic funds, or any special funds. Purchase Order may be obtained from the bookkeeper and must be signed by the Principal. A person making a purchase without a purchase order is responsible for the entire balance. Once the order has been received, attach the shipping paperwork, invoice and return to Mrs. Lawson for payment.

4. B470 is the school's tax exempt number and should be used when purchases are for educational purposes.

5. Requests for checks must be submitted to the bookkeeper at least two working days prior to the day the check is needed.


These instructions refer to the purchase requests that go through Instructional Board Funds, not school activity funds (refer to Bookkeeping Procedures in this handbook for those instructions). These instructions do not apply to ESS, Title Funds, or other special funds. See the person handling fund you are using for any specific instructions.

Note: All purchase requests must be approved by the principal. If you are completing a purchase request for item(s) to be paid for through Instructional Board Funds please use the following

Procedure: Purchase request form can be obtained from Mrs. Lawson.

Complete the top section of the form

List Quantity.

List the catalog (or other) number of each item if applicable.

Print each item clearly and completely. This is very important.

Do not abbreviate names / types of items.

List the unit price and the extended price. Do NOT include the discount. It will be figured below. It will error in the Munis system if you list the discounted price here.

List the discount if applicable at bottom.

List the freight charge if applicable at bottom.

Total order.

Complete gray area at bottom (circle type of purchase which applies).

Sign and date.

Take the purchase request to Mrs. Lawson

Principal will review / approve / or not approve the request.

Mrs. Lawson will enter the purchase request in the Munis system which will in turn generate the purchase order at the Central Office level.

When the purchase order has been reviewed /approved by Central Office they will place the order. A purchase order will be e-mailed to the school. Mrs. Lawson will forward you copy. It will have instructions to write "ok to pay", your initials, date, and to return to Mrs. Lawson once the merchandise has been received and is correct.


Fundraising activities are to be used to supplement the money provided by the district or to

support the various clubs and activities of the school. Any fundraising projects must comply with the following guidelines:

1. They must be approved by Ms. Campbell prior to starting the project by presenting a School FundRaising Worksheet and a Purchase Request Form. The bookkeeper has these forms or they can be found on the SK webpage.

2. All must be used for an educational purpose. The purpose must be listed on the School FundRaising Worksheet.

3. Salesmen must have clearance from the office before approaching the sponsor.

4. Complete records must be kept of amounts, distribution and collection of money. Money collected should be turned in on a Multiple Receipt Form and given to the bookkeeper DAILY.

Wherever possible, requests for fundraising involving the sale of products to the general public should be avoided.


□Request for PD hours filled out in my PDC (must be filled out and approved by SBDM in advance)

□Request to purchase form used to pay for registration

□Travel reimbursement form (must be filled out and signed by Principal and he/she will send to CO for signatures)

□Call Aesop and get a job number

□Upon return, fill out PD Records form and turn in to Mr. Popham.

□Upon return, sign Travel reimbursement form for payment and return to bookkeeper (include pertinent receipts)

□Fill out non tax form to take with you if staying overnight

Meal reimbursement per board policy:

Employees shall be eligible for a per-diem reimbursement for breakfast or lunch expenses while traveling, if the employee’s travel requires an overnight stay and the employee is in travel status during the entire time as established below.

Authorized TravelReimbursement

Breakfast 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. $7.00

Lunch 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. $8.00

Employees shall be eligible for a per diem reimbursement for dinner expenses while traveling, if employee is in travel status during the entire time as established below.

Authorized TravelReimbursement

Dinner 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. $15.00

The Superintendent may approve the following per diems in high-rate areas outside the state of Kentucky. The following per diems apply to high-rate areas:

Breakfast $8.00 Lunch $9.00 Dinner $19.00


Each teacher is assigned a minimum of 270 minutes per week for planning activities, well in excess of the designated contractual obligation of 175 minutes per week. Planning activities include team meetings, planning units and lessons for classroom instruction, preparing materials, developing and scoring student assessments, accessing technology for instructional purposes, contacting community resources, updating their gradebook, updating their homework hotline, conducting phone or personal conferences with parent/guardian, planning collaboratively with other teachers, developing materials to be shared with other teachers, providing feedback to team members, participating in group and individual curriculum planning, assisting with program evaluation and student assessment (including school improvement and needs assessment activities), and any other activity whose purpose is to support and improve the Simon Kenton instructional program. At times, the administration may exercise the discretion to direct the planning activities of the staff. These changes include covering classes when substitutes are not available. Every effort will be made to inform the staff in advance and to organize directed planning activities in such a way as to accommodate individual teacher planning to insure effective preparation and implementation of daily lessons.


Communication is the key to a successful partnership between the administration, teachers, the school, and the community. Every staff member has a mailbox in the teacher workroom, a voice mail account, and an e-mail account. You need to check each communication source every morning and on a regular basis throughout the day. Often, administration sends out lists of students to see by e-mail. It is important to check these because they help to avoid classroom interruptions.


Checking your voice mail regularly is also imperative. If a parent goes to the effort to leave a voice mail, a prompt response is needed.

Example greeting: “Hello, you have reached the voice mailbox of _____. If you would like to leave a message you may press the pound key at any time and I will return the call on my planning period from _____to_____. In addition to completing any assignments not completed in class, the following assignments are due; on Monday night, complete a ___, etc.”


E-mail is only to be used for instructional purposes. Be very careful before opening any files or attachments if they look strange or if you do not know the person who sent the attachment as this is how computer viruses are spread. Additionally, no confidential information should be sent using email since it can be monitored by the district as well as by others.

Cell Phones

Teachers should also refrain from using cell phones during class periods. We realize emergencies occur and the use of cell phones may be necessary but their usage should be kept to a minimum. It is important for teachers to set a positive example for students regarding this policy.

First Day Letter

Teachers are expected to provide students and parents with an opening letter explaining expectations and rules for their class, grading policies, and contact information. This letter should be positive and set the tone for a successful school year.


Teachers are expected to develop and maintain current curriculum maps, unit plans, and daily lesson plans for the courses they teach. Curriculum maps should reflect the time frame for all of the core content to be covered in a class. All unit plans need to clearly reflect the standards being covered in the unit, and the connections to the school of study. Daily lesson plans should describe the learning target for the day and the methods being used to cover the concepts in the unit plan. Templates for curriculum maps, unit plans, and daily lesson plans can be found on the teacher drive in the academic rigor folder. There are also hard copies in the appendix of the faculty handbook.

Administrative review and input will focus primarily on unit plans, with frequent visits to classrooms focusing on evidence of effective implementation of unit plans as well as instructional practices. Visitations will focus on academic rigor, clear expectations, and maintaining unit plans rich in core content. Teachers should have daily lesson plans readily available for administrators making classroom visits. Individual departments may also want to have copies submitted to the Department Head.


Infinite Campus is used to compute all attendance and grades. The computer gradebook is a valuable tool to assist both teacher and administrators. Keeping the gradebook updated to within a week is necessary to ensure accurate reporting, particularly during impromptu conferences with parents and athletic eligibility. Many teachers even provide their students with weekly update reports. In all cases, teachers must be sure to generate a HARD COPY of their grade reports, as such records are the source documents that state law requires be maintained in the building for twenty years. Teachers are required at the end of the year to submit the hard copy grade record of all students on their rosters.

Midquarter progress reports are generated in the office approximately 4 weeks into the quarter and sent home to the parent/guardian. This report includes not only the grade summary but also the comments the teacher enters for each grade. Report Cards are generated at the end of each quarter.

Progress reports and report cards constitute the minimal level of parent/school contact concerning student progress. Teachers need to maintain regular contact with parents using telephone, notes, and email. If a student is in danger of not earning a credit in your class, you must document with a letter to the parent. A sample letter is available from the office.



This daily grade should be more than a “give me grade” to students and should focus on the Formative Assessment that should take place every day. They can be used for behavior management through participation (answering question aloud, group participation, volunteering in class, being on task, etc.), bringing supplies, a beginning of class assignment, and bringing the agenda. If you don’t allow students to lose more than around 5 points at a time and start over daily or weekly, there is a chance that this would make some positive difference in behavior and work ethic over the course of the semester. For students who are absent, put in a zero immediately and replace it when they have made up the work and instruction (e.g. Reading and writing assignment). It is recommended that this comprise 35% of the quarter grade.


These are assignments that require grading and feedback for students to continue progressing and allow the teacher to understand where students are as part of the on-going Formative Assessment for the course. It is recommended that this comprise 30% of the quarter grade.


These are the Summative Assessments or projects for a chapter or a unit and should only be given when the Formative Assessments show students are ready for them. It is recommended that this comprise 35% of the quarter grade.


All classes must have a final comprehensive exam that will comprise 20% of the final grade. This is true for both semester and year long courses.


By Kentucky Statute, the individual classroom teacher is the person responsible for attendance accounting at the school level. As such, each teacher should maintain a paper record of student attendance by period. The following procedures must be followed each day to ensure responsible reporting of attendance:

TAKE ATTENDANCE CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY. This initial reporting of absentees creates the master document for the daily attendance report. From this report, calls are made to parents to verify the student’s absence from school. Understandably, a public relations nightmare occurs when a student has been reported absent in error, and the school calls home or a parent’s place of employment to report the absence. In addition to the unnecessary apprehension on the part of the parents as to the whereabouts and safety of their child, the office staff must interrupt a classroom to verify the child’s presence at school. A return call must be made to alleviate the concerns of the parents, and what should be a positive encounter with a parent becomes a source of dissatisfaction. Please email Ms. Monson and carbon copy Ms. Campbell immediately for any attendance corrections. This includes hand written notes from staff explaining why the student is tardy after they have been counted absent.

FIRST PERIOD-All students are expected to be in class by 7:40. You must post your attendance between 7:45 and 7:55. This includes posting attendance for aides or peer tutors, as they appear as a separate roster in the computer. Any student who arrives after 7:55 should be sent immediately to the attendance office, unless they have a printout from the attendance office showing the attendance correction.

SECOND through SIXTH PERIOD-Check your attendance, record in your paper record, and verify and post in the computer record 10 minutes after class has started. If a studentis marked absent in the computer, but is present in your class, send him immediately to the attendance office so the computer can be updated. If the student is marked present in the computer, but is not in your class, mark them absent in the computer. This by period attendance will be monitored and is the only way we can prevent skipping class. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU GIVE DAILY GRADES OF “0" FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES.