Rose Software Ltd.

Working Plan

Simon, Lehel; Dr. Kárpáti, Levente; Salga, Péter

Abstract of animal tests forentactogenic, antipsychotic and sexual volume enhancer therapy

1, Scientific background and mission

Based on previous animal and human studies, theVasopressin - receptor in the brain (hereinafter referred to as "V3") functions as a regulatory system between an intense promiscuity and an intense emotional bond, depending on whether it is blocked or agitated.

We have a molecule, which proves to be a dose-dependent antagonistand agonist of this receptor.

If“V3” is not too intensely blockedit evokes a desired orgasm enhancing effect. On the other hand, if theCentral Vasopressin- receptor is intensely exciteda stronger emotional bond is achieved; thus the receptor shows universal anti-negativist and anti-autism effect. This has been proved by a number of related experiments.

First we intend to “reprogram”genetically monogamous Prairie Volesand geneticallypolygamousMontane Voles(male behaviour in both animals have been intensely investigated) with this agent, confirming its bond enhancing (as an antinegativist and anti-autism agent) and libido enhancing (to cure the “psychic impotence” and the lack of female orgasm) effect in specific target doses. We intend to investigate all reactionsin both sexes, and in their offspring. Thus, human-like vole behaviour is being modelled with reference to social and sexual behaviour involving the follow up of progeny.

Secondly, the same molecule will be examinedin rats (reference animals); hencesuch inherited behaviour is not known among them, rat experiences are anticipated to be a neutral model. For this reasonthe rat experiences will include placebo-controlled and rival drug references besides our molecule, involving 3rat subgroups.Besides monitoring their behaviour biology we will alsoinvestigatetheir molecular-biological activity by measuring V3-linked changes in dopamine activities, using F18-DOPA small animal PETs in all 3 rat subgroups.

If our theory about the relationship between the V3-receptors and the dopamine system proves to be correct (an area which has not been explored yet) then we will be able to describe almost the entire balance conditions of the hypothalamus by fitting most relationships between the hypothalamus, the brain and the endocrine glands within the models known at dopamine levels.

Following the human toxicology mini testsout of the molecules acting on the hypothalamic molecular relations only one drug candidate will be selected for testing on target groups (patients suffering from autism, negativist depression,negativist psychotics, and men and women with libido disorders and lack of orgasm) which will not show any toxicity in humans.