SIMnet Overview

Review the following information. After reviewing this document return to Moodle and complete the SIMnet quiz.

  1. You will register in SIMnet by completing a registration form on the SIMnet website. The SIMnet registration form has a Student ID field. DO NOT use your UNCC ID. Your UNCC ID is confidential and should not be shared with third party vendors. Create a unique ID such as your last name and a number (example: Doe3016).
  1. When you login to SAM you will see your assignments organized by groups. Click the Week 1 Assignments link.

  1. There are three assignment views in SIMnet:
  2. The Calendar View
  3. The List View
  4. The Tiles View

You will see the Tiles view.

  1. On the Tiles view you will see two types of assignments:
  • Training simulations – the RED tiles
  • Project assignments – the BLUE tiles

Assignment tiles will also have the assignment due dates. If an instructor uses a late period, you will see the late period cutoff time (review the late period on the syllabus).

Note: you may also see a green resource tile. The resource tile is not an assignment tile. The tile may contain helpful reminders or special instructions. You should download the file and review the file content before completing the weekly assignments.

Note: There are two videos in Moodle that will demonstrate how to complete these assignments. You should review the videos before starting to work in SIMnet.


  1. Always complete the training simulations FIRST.
  1. When you click the training tile you will be directed to an eText (an electronic book). Training simulations are integrated within the eText. There are three types of training simulations:
  • Show Me: A demonstration; not counted as a grade
  • Guide Me: Guided practice work; not counted as a grade
  • Let Me Try: An assignment where you demonstrate your skills. This assignment will be counted as the training grade. It is 25 points.
  1. You can complete training simulations multiple(unlimited) times. After completing the training assignment, you will see a completion page with a Completed column. The assignment has been completed if you see a check.

  1. You can reset the training by clicking the Reset button at the top of the completion page.

  1. If you encounter simulation issues, you must contact SIMnet tech support (800-331-5094).Instructors and/or TAs (Teaching Assistants) cannot troubleshoot training issues. All training issues should be sent to SIMnet tech support.
  1. The eText has additional practice work such as Pause & Practice. You are not required to complete these assignments. The check box for these assignments will be blank on the completion page.


  1. Projects are not simulations. Projects are assignments you will complete,“live in the application,” using Microsoft Office. You must use Microsoft Office 2013 or Microsoft Office 2016 to complete projects. Instructions for downloading a free version of Office are provided in Moodle.

Please note: as stated on the syllabus, some projects are not Mac supported. You may use the Woodward Hall lab to complete assignments that are not Mac supported.

  1. When you click the project tile you will see the instructions for completing the project. Projects can be completed twice. A grading software will automatically grade the project. The project grade will be an average of the two assignments if the assignment is uploaded twice.

Your class may be assigned a TA (Grader) to assist the Instructor. If you believe your project was graded incorrectly, you may request a manual review of your project. Requests to review a project should be sent to the TAand not the instructorif a TA is assigned to your class. The instructor will work with the TA to review the project. The TA’s contact information will be posted in Moodle at the top of the homepage. You will see N/Aby the TA title if there is not a TA assigned to your class. Send a request for a manual review to your instructor if a TA is not assigned to your class. All requests for manual reviews must be submitted before the late period begins.

  1. Moodle links: You will see a link for each training and practice assignment in Moodle. The links provide instructions for completing each SIMnet assignment.
  1. Grades: You can review your grades in SIMnet by clicking the Grades link on the SIMnet menu bar.
  1. You should verify the grades are posted in SIMnet by capturing a screenshot of the Grades page each timeyou complete an assignment. Save the screenshots for your records. Do not send screenshots to your instructor. Your instructor will ask for a screenshot if there is a grade discrepancy in SIMnet. If, for example, you completed an assignment but the grade is not showing in SIMnet a few weeks later, the instructor would request the screenshot to prove the grade was recorded at one time in the gradebook.

Grade challenges will notbe addressed without a confirmation screenshot. The screenshot must show your name, date the assignment was completed and the assignment score.

Return to Moodle and complete the SIMnet quiz. Quiz link name: SIMnet Quiz (10 Points).

Important: Please Read

Review this document before contacting your instructor with SIMnet questions. Many of your questions will be answered in this document. In most cases instructors will not be able to respond to questions instantaneously; therefore, reviewing this document may provide a quicker answer to your question(s).