
Signing is a recognised approach in the field of communication needs. It is used as a visual clue to support the spoken word in order to:

-focus attention

-develop understanding

-teach vocabulary

-support concept teaching

-support reading development

-develop and support expressive skills

-teach word order

-support word finding


Paget Gorman Signed Speech was historically the preferred system at Dawn House School. More recently, changes to the school demographic,including pupils on joint placements and preparation for those moving on to other specialist establishments post-19, have required use of Makaton signing in specific areas of the school. This prompted a review of the school’s signing policy and Makaton signingwas deemed the most appropriate system for the increasingly complex needs of the pupils.

Features of Makaton are:

-Can be signed at the appropriate level for the individual child so may be just key words or as part of more complex sentences

-Enables effective communication for those who need it

-Is always accompanied by spoken language at the same time

-Is widely used in other settings so is a ‘transferable skill’


To use Makatonsigns with individual children who need this support to improve their communication and to promote equal access to the learning opportunities throughout the school.

To use Makatonsigns as a teaching tool as appropriate to allow differentiation for pupils across all learning situations

*Primary pupils benefit from a high level of exposure to signing and it should be used where appropriate in all environments within the school and residential care. Parents will be encouraged to learn and use signing at home and will be advised regarding suitable resources to support this.

*Secondary pupils who have more specific problems with speech, sentence formulation and comprehension may need to continue to see and use signing

*For particular pupils who have long-term need for use of signing, consideration needs to be given to their ongoing access to signing on transition to a new learning environment.

To support staff in the use of Makatonsigns

-all staff should be given support in learning signs

-some staff will come into the school with previous experience of using Makaton

-staff are expected to participate in regular practice and refresher sessions

Communication Strategies/Differentiation

-Pupils needing Makaton input to understand language or using Makaton to clarify their speech will be identified by the SLT. All staff working or interacting with that child should be made aware of the appropriate level of signing.

-Signing will be used by staff wherever appropriate so that pupils who need to use it will feel that it is an acceptable form of communication and that they will be understood

-Makaton vocabulary should be taught to the pupils at an appropriate level

-Makaton should support reading comprehension, accuracy and output as appropriate

-Makaton should be used to support concept teaching and curriculum vocabulary asappropriate

-Makatonshould be used with individual children to the level necessary for effective communication

-Finger spelling can also be used as appropriate to support communication


Makaton use and level of support and input should be included in lesson planning and recorded in Individual Education Plans as appropriate.


Time for:

-All new staff to be offered support in the use of Makaton signs

-Ongoing practice sessions to develop skills

-Selected staff to attend external training as required

Extension of the Makaton resources held by the school, to enable development and effective use of signing.

Reviewed:November 2014

Date of next Review:November 2015

Section 6.6 Signing Policy- 1 -