Table 4. Mean of factor scores of marriage values factors by respondent characteristics,Jakarta, 19951
Variable / Factor 12 / Factor 23 / Factor 34 / Factor 45Type of school
Public high school / -.07 / -.14 / -.15*** / .01
Islamic high school / .03 / .12 / -.15 / .11
Protestant high school / -.14 / .22 / .05 / -.24
University / .12 / .08 / .22 / .02
High school vs university
High school / -.06** / .04 / -.11*** / -.01
University / .13 / .08 / .22 / .02
Male / -.24*** / .03* / .13** / -.20***
Female / .20 / -.02 / -.11 / .18
15–19 years old / -.06** / .04 / -.11*** / .005
20–24 years old / .13 / -.09 / .26 / -.01
Religion of respondent
Moslem / -.05** / -.03 / -.006 / .03
Non-Moslem / .22 / .15 / .001 / -.14
Father's religion
Moslem / -.05** / -.03 / .002 / .03
Non-Moslem / .22 / .12 / -.02 / -.11
Mother's religion
Moslem / -.04** / -.0005 / .004 / .03
Non-Moslem / .21 / .002 / -.02 / -.15
Father's education
Bachelor/university / .05 / .01 / .07* / -.01
Non university / -.03 / -.04 / -.08 / .02
Mother's education
Bachelor/university / .13* / .08 / .14** / .03
Non university / -.03 / -.06 / -.06 / -.01
Father's working status
Working / -.03 / .05 / -.02 / .03**
Not working / .05 / -.54*** / .12 / -.38
Mother's working status
Working / .14** / .04 / .0001 / .02
Not working / -.07 / -.03 / -.004 / .01
Ever experienced living in other province since 10 years of age for at least 3 months
Yes / -.06 / .09 / .06 / .17
No / .01 / -.02 / -.007 / -.03
Ever experienced living in other country since 10 years of age for at least 3 months
Yes / .28 / .02 / .14 / .17
No / -.004 / .005 / .007 / .01
1 Data are from the 1994/95 Jakarta Marriage Values and Sexuality Survey; test of significant difference is based
on T test and F test,
*** significant difference at less than one per cent level,
** significant difference at less than five per
cent level,
* significant difference at less than ten per cent level.
2 Traditional view on marriage
3 Importance of marriage
4 Power-authority in marriage
5 Equality status between husband and wife