Minutes of the Meeting of 8 October 2014
Present: D Hughes (Chair), L Holtom, J Brookes and R Smith
In Attendance: S Furniss (Clerk), Cllr I Seccombe (WCC & SDC), David Martin, Community Centre and approximately 8 members of the public.
1 / Apologies for Absence
Cllr A Wells
2 / Acceptance of Apologies for Absence
Cllr Wells apologies were accepted.
3 / Declaration of Disclosure Pecuniary Interest
Cllr Brookes declared an interest in respect of grounds maintenance.
4 / Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting that took place on 22 September 2014
Cllr Smith proposed and Cllr Hughes seconded that the minutes be accepted as a true record.
5 / Open Forum
Mrs Fee Smith raised the issue of allotments and pointed out that neither rabbits or poultry are considered as livestock in respect of allotments and stated that she would be keen to be involved in any working group/committee that it is set up to progress this matter.
Mr B Clark introduced himself as a new resident of the village who is keen to be involved in community life. He went on to explain that he has submitted a letter to the Clerk asking for permission for a skip to be delivered to his back garden over the playing field. This will be an agenda item for the November meeting.
Mr B Topham raised the issue of HGVs through the village and the issue of excessive speed through the village. There was reiteration of previous discussions on this subject and Cllr Seccombe suggested that if this is notified as a problem to the Shipston Community Forum and sufficient votes are given to it there could be speed checks undertaken in the village by the police. Cllr Seccombe also stated that the road is not an HGV "preferred route" but that won't necessarily impact on use of the road . It was confirmed that a PURE representative will be attending the November meeting as will, subject to not being called to an emergency, PC Andy Steventon from the Safer Neighbourhood Team.
6 / Affordable Housing - Section 106 September 2018
Neil Gilliver of Warwickshire Rural Housing Association has informed the Clerk that his organisation has put forward the Ettington Village Hall grounds site as part of the Stratford DC’s site allocation process for the purposes of delivering the Local Needs Housing requirements and that they continue to work with our partner developer to reduce the scale of the development in line with the views expressed by the Council
Sarah Brooke-Taylor, Warwickshire Rural Community Council and Neil Gilliver, Warwickshire Rural Housing Association will attend November meeting.
Cllr Holtom asked that the Clerk ask Neil Gilliver for documentation to be circulated prior to the November meeting.
7 / Community Centre Update - David Martin including:
- Grant Request (toaster and water boiler)
Mrs Lowe attended on behalf of Mr Lowe to explain why the toaster and boiler are required. The toaster is a "conveyor belt" type to enable faster production of toast for village breakfasts. The hatch from which the breakfasts are served is too small to also serve drinks from and, therefore, there is a need for a facility to heat water away from the kitchen.
- PADS installation
David Martin confirmed that he has received a quote for the electrical work to be undertaken in respect of this of £240 + VAT.
- Fencing of Oil Tank
Awaiting second quote and will bring back to November meeting.
8 / Warwickshire County Council and Stratford District Council update - Cllr I Seccombe
Core Strategy This has been submitted to Secretary of State for approval which will take some time. Timescale for finalisation of document is next summer. There is now a five year land supply though this could change over time..
Traffic summits: Nadhim Zahawi, MP for Stratford, has held two summits to consider how the traffic congestion can be addressed - the result of incremental building with no highways strategy to address the overall increase in housing. The second, which was held last week focused on prioritising the issues which had been raised at the first event. The highest priorities were a) a third bridge over the river; b) addressing the problem on Birmingham Road. Warwickshire County Council will now work on schemes to address these issues and bids for funding.
Devolvement of Governmental Responsibilities: WCC is considering how any devolvement might impact on Warwickshire and the potential benefits of this and how the County position might be strengthened.
10 / Financial Report - Appendix 1
Cllr Smith proposed and Cllr Holtom seconded authorisation of the payments listed.
The six month report will be presented at the November meeting.
11 / Clerk's Report - Appendix 2
The content of the report was noted.
12 / Correspondence Report - Appendix 3
The content of the report was noted with comment made that, in respect of the letter from Bigwoods Surveyors, surface water runoff is not the responsibility of the Parish Council but no response will be made until WCC have responded to the Clerk's query.
13 / Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Topham (a member of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group), spoke to this item and informed the Council that a meeting was held last Wednesday and that there is an aim to deliver a questionnaire to all households next month.
14 / Grant Applications - Appendix 4
Grant Application 1 (Toaster and Water Boiler).
It was proposed, by Cllr Smith and seconded by Cllr Holtom, that is grant be awarded with the provisos that a) the community centre "own" the equipment in order that it can be included on their insurance policy, and b) that the invoice is made out to Ettington Parish Council in order that the VAT can be reclaimed. ,
Cllr Smith declared an interest in respect of the SHAPE grant application.
Cllr Holtom proposed that the grant application should be approved and this was seconded by Cllr Hughes with recognition of the valuable input made by SHAPE in achieving refusal of the planning application for Rogers Lane.
15 / Allotments
Cllr Hughes proposed and Cllr Smith seconded that Mrs Smith's offer of working to develop an Allotments Community Group be accepted and that the Council consider paying the groups first year's fees to the National Allotment Society, be considered at the November meeting.
The clerk will contact all those who are on the waiting list to inform them of this position and to give them Mrs Smith's contact details in order that they can let her know if they wish to be involved.
16 / Access to Playing Fields
This matter was raised in the Public Forum element of the September meeting when it had been suggested that a height restriction barrier be erected to preclude the possibility of travellers occupying the playing field. David Martin reported that the Community Centre Management Committee had considered this proposal and are of the opinion that it would impact on hirers refuse collection. Cllr Seccombe stated that there is now a "stopping off" centre between Rugby and Southam which makes "removal" of travellers who occupy land unlawfully, much easier.
Cllr Brookes updated the meeting that the fencing beyond car parking at Community Centre is being progressed but is being slowed down by sourcing of gates.
17 / Potential for Skate Park - Cllr Smith and Clerk
Cllr Smith reported that he has informal feedback, from youngsters in the village, that a skate park would be a popular addition. He has obtained some costings which are in the region of £20-30K. There would need to be further exploration of the popularity, current and future "target" populations and the potential for fundraising to contribute to this project. Consideration would need to be given to siting (because of noise polution) and ongoing costs in respect of maintenance. Cllr Seccombe stated that Ilmington are decommissioning their park because of maintenance costs Tysoe and Shipston have skate parks and Wellesbourne recently had a "mobile" skate park session.
This will remain as an agenda item.
18 / Public Access Defibrillators - Appendix 5
It was proposed by Cllr Smith and seconded by Cllr Hughes that this be progressed and a grant towards cost be sought from West Midlands Ambulance Service and an approach made to Wellesbourne Lions regarding possibility of a contribution from them.
19 / Reinstatement of Lighting - Appendix
Cllr Smith made the observation that nowhere in the documents supplied by Mrs Nathan did there appear to be a reference to street lighting and it was verified that there is no specific mention made. There does not, therefore, seem to be a legal reason why the light once adopted by the PC on the Kents Lane/Nelson Close junction could not subsequently be decommissioned by the PC.
Cllr Holtom reiterated that the PC is actively trying to establish if there is some legal reason to have it reinstated.
Cllr Hughes stated Ex-Cllr Hawksworth had intimated in a recent email on the subject that the lamp at the bottom end of Nelson Close had been retained on the advice of WCC. Mrs. Nathan, however, drew councilors' attention to the statement by Annette Mackie (WCC) claiming she had mentioned to Cllr Hawksworth at the time of the review the need to retain the light at the "turning circle".
The Clerk has written to Ms Mackie who is currently on holiday to establish whether there has been a confusion of "turning circles" and to clarify what according to her might be the PC's obligations in this matter.
The matter will remain on the agenda until resolved.
This will remain an agenda item until a decision is made.
20 / Parking in Short Lane - support requested for double yellow lines
After discussion regarding this matter which has been requested by a resident of Short Lane Cllr Hughes proposed, and Cllr Smith seconded, that the council decline the opportunity to support yellow lines but are sympathetic to the situation.
21 / Playground Equipment Inspection Report - Appendix 7
The content of the report was noted and Cllr Smith proposed, with Cllr Hughes seconding, that the play equipment suppliers be approached to ask the cost of addressing those issues of "medium" level and that Mark Taylor be asked to attend when repairs are commissioned in order to establish what tools are required for routine maintenance.
22 / Grounds Maintenance Tender - CONFIDENTIAL ITEM - Appendix 8
This item was taken after item 23 without the public being in attendance.
23 / Planning Matters
Application(s) reference: 14/02226/FUL
Proposed:Erection of a permanent rural worker's dwelling.
At:Whitfield Farm, Warwick Road, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7PN
For:Mr Richard Wakeman
The above application has been received.
Comments due by: 14 October 2014
No objections raised.
Application(s) reference: 14/02495/FUL
Proposed:Construction of new drive and vehicular access to highway
At:14 Banbury Road, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7TB
For:Ms Rhian Pirotte
The above application has been received.
Comments due by: 22 October 2014
Case Officer: Dan Charles
No objections raised.

The applications and decisions were noted with no material objections being raised in respect of applications.
Dates of Future Meetings
12 November 2014
10 December 2014
14 January 2015
11 February 2015


Signed As A True Record ...... Cllr D Hughes date