Signature of Tenderer 1


(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

O/o Chief General Manager, Data Networks

Lobby No. 1, 4th Floor, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Sadan

CGO Complex, Lodhi Road

New Delhi -110 003

No. BSNL/DNW/Tech-4601/2003/ 2nd May 2003

Addendum to the Tender Document of Tender No BSNL/DNW/Tech-

4601/2003 for procurement of Remote Access Server (RAS)

Scheduled Date of Opening of Tender --- 12th May, 2003

NIT for the above tender was issued on 26.3.2003 and sale of Tender

document started from 02.4.2003. The prospective bidders were allowed to

seek clarifications till 25.4.2003 vide Clause 5 of Section II of the Tender

document. The compilation of the clarifications sought and BSNL's reply is

attached as Annexure-A.

In addition to the above, BSNL hereby issues amendment/ additions to

some of the clauses/ annexures etc. of the Tender document. The

amendments/ additions are attached as Annexure-B. The tender document

gets modified to the extent of clarification/ amendments/ additions given

herein in accordance with para 5 and 6 of Section-II of the tender document.

The bidders are required to fill up the bid in English and the documents/

brochures etc attached should be in English. In case the attached documents

are not in English, the bidder is required to submit an English translation

alongwith the original, duly certified by the authorised signatory.

The prospective bidders are requested to submit their bids after taking

the amendments/ clarifications into consideration. The bidder has to also sign

each page of the Addendum and submit alongwith the tender.

DGM (HQ), Data Ntworks

New Delhi

(Total 14 pages including this page)

Signature of Tenderer 2

Annexure A

S.No Clarification Sought Clause Clarification

1. This is an upgradation of Type “C” nodes.

How does BSNL propose to integrate the

existing NMS with the new equipment?




Please refer to clause 2.4 of TEC GR

No. G/RAS-01/01 June 2000

2. How does BSNL plan to provide V.90 &

V.92 services and V.44 services along with

the existing services.

What is the Scope of Work here for new





Please refer to clause 2.5.3 of TEC

GR No. G/RAS-01/01 June 2000 and

the Modifications/additions in TEC

GR given in Section VI of the Tender

Scope of work is specified at Clause

3.1 of Sec IV.

3. As per this clause BSNL has asked for

universal ports ? Please clarify as to how

will the service be tested when rest of the

network is data only .

Sec VI



The Para 2.2.8 of Sec VI of the

Tender stands deleted.

4. How many modem ports are assumed to be

in 1 Ingress port (E1/R2 or E1/PRI)?

Sec-V, Col 5 Each E1-R2/E1-PRI should support

30 simultaneous channels.

5. These clause should be made mandatory. Sec VI

Clause 1.3.2 (f),

Clause 1.3.2 (g),

Clause 2.1.1 (a),

Clause 2.1.1 (b),

Clause 2.3.1 (a),

Clause 2.3.1 (d),


lause 2.3.2 (a)

No Change

6. How do you propose to test this feature

(PPS per modem port)?

Sec VI


2.1.1 (d)

& 2.1.2 (b)

The test schedule and procedures

shall be prepared mutually with the

successful bidder

7. As the contractor or the purchaser has no

control over taxes and duties, the clause

should be modified to take care of

increase/decrease in these


Sec II

Clause 9.9

No Change

8. Kindly clarify whether this clause is for all

bidders and no bidder shall be exempted.

Sec-IV Clause

3.1 (c)

Clause is self explanatory

9. Please explain this point Sec II

Clause 9.7

The clause is self-explanatory.

10. What are the technical capabilities required


Sec II

Clause 10.2

The bidder must have the technical

capabilities to meet the terms and

conditions of the Tender.

Signature of Tenderer 3

S.No Clarification Sought Clause Clarification

11. May we request that the financial bid be

submitted on a separate sheet which is an

exact replica of the original price sheet in

order to enable printing of the same. The

original sheet can be attached for verifying

the authenticity of the bidder documents by


Sec II

Clause 15.1 (b)

The financial bid can be submitted on

a separate sheet with the format

which is exactly same as in Section-

VII. However the original sheets of

Section VII, duly signed, must also

be attached along with the financial


12. Do we need to return the original tender

document duly signed OR can we make a

copy of relevant sections of the tender

document and only sign those?

Do we need to submit the "Financial Bid"

that is hand filled in the original tender


Sec II

7 a (vi) and 15.1


Original tender document duly signed

has to be submitted.

Please also refer the clarification

given above

13. Please confirm if optional bid is


Sec II

Clause 16.3

Line 2,

Only one complete offer has to be

submitted by a bidder. More than one

option will not be accepted.

14. We request for 90% against 11.1 Sec III

Clause 11.1

No Change

15. We request for 10 % against 11.2 Sec III

Clause 11.2

No Change

16. Kindly increase the time frame for delivery

of equipment and validation.

Section IV;

Clause 3.1 (c)

No Change

17. As the locations are far flunged areas,

therefore it is requested to extend the

delivery period.

Section IV

Clause 3.1 (d)

And Clause 3.4

No Change

18. We request you to kindly extend the date of

submission of offer from 12/5/2003 to


No Change

19. Training may be allowed at one centralized

training institute

Section IV

Clause 3.8

No change

20. After warranty period all software upgrades

etc. will be on chargeable basis

Section IV

Clause 3.9 &


No Change

21. There should be an upper limit on LD and

the 0.5 % should be reduced to 0.25 %.

Section III

Clause 16.2

No Change

22. Please omit Bank Guarantee required as the

payment is being made after each quarter.


Clause 3 (iv)

No Change

23. Are dedicated spares required or onsite

spares are mandatory.


Clause 3 (v)

The successful bidder shall be

required to maintain dedicated spares.

The spares have to be maintained at

such locations so as to meet the

Warranty/ AMC clauses of the tender.

24. How do we arrive at the % of customers

working at any given point of time.


Clause 3 (vi)

Please refer the revised clause in this


25. Kindly reduce the penalty charges. AMC

Clause 3 (viii)

Please refer the revised clause in this


26. AMC termination should be after a 3

months notice


Clause 5

Please refer the revised clause in this


27. Please extend the date of submission of

Interface Approval.

Section IV;

Clause 3.3 (e)

Please refer the revised clause

Signature of Tenderer 4

S.No Clarification Sought Clause Clarification

28. Kindly reconsider requirement of 2000

ports installed base in India only, to bring

in latest products released and installed

elsewhere in the world.

Kindly consider on the basis of installed

base outside India and change the clause


Section IV;

Clause 3.11.3

Please refer to the revised clause

29. The Tender specification defines Low end

RAS should support upto 6 E1's .

Hence , logically the RAS type for 150

modems (S.No. 11) should be "Lowend "

instead of Medium Range. We understand

that it is a typographical error and may be


Section V;

Schedule of


Please refer the revised Schedule of


30. In the interest of BSNL, we suggest that 30

modem port requirement should be

increased to atleast 60 modem ports for

Item no. 15 for better returns.

Section V;

Schedule of


(item 15)

No Change

31. Networking products, including RAS’s are

highly reliable products with high MTBF

figures and rugged in nature. They do not

require such frequent preventive

maintenance as asked for in the tender

document. Kindly reconsider also in view

of remote locations.

Annexure II;

Clause 3 (x)

Please refer the revised clause in this


32. Kindly clarify whether fault reporting

would be 24x7 or 8x5. This is likely to

impact the responsiveness of the calls and

fault rectification by the supplier to BSNL

Annexure II;

Clause 3 (iii)

Fault Reporting has to be on 24 X 7


33. Please define the following clearly to

understand better the response time:

a) High capacity nodes

b) Medium capacity nodes

c) Low capacity nodes

Do we assume that High/ Medium/ Low

capacity nodes are same as High/ Medium/

Low range RAS’s?

Annexure II;

Clause 3 (vii)

Typographical mistake. Please read

High/ Medium/ Low capacity nodes

as High/ Medium/ Low range RASs.

34. For the services that are intended to be

introduced like ISDN dial backup, dial-

VPN etc. over NIB, kindly provide the

details of implications being thought of, on

the RASes asked for.

Section IV;

Clause 3.12

Query not clear

35. The technical specification does not have

details about, whether BSNL is planning to

upgrade the existing RASs in different

locations or deploy new RASs in all the


The procurement is for additional


36. Please specify the number of modem cards

with number of ports required in each RAS

(e.g. in a 600 modem RAS- 5 nos of 120

ports etc)

This will depend on the RAS being

proposed by the bidder.

Signature of Tenderer 5

S.No Clarification Sought Clause Clarification

37. The clause may be amended to include

principal technology partner.


Clause 2.2

No Change

38. It is requested to reduce turnover value to

around 20 crores only.


Clause 2.2

No Change

39. Kindly amend to include the bidder’s

technology partner in this clause.


Clause 2.3

No Change

40. Please confirm that the compliance for only

the mentioned sectioned and NOT the

whole Tender Document is required.


11.2 ( c )

Please refer to clauses 1 & 16 of Sec-

IV of the tender

41. Please clarify what is meant by upto 50%

and 25% respectively. Variation in quantity

of the order of 50% is too much. It is

requested to keep it upto 25% only.

Incase of split of orders into multiple

phases, atleast the total quanity should not

be changed while issueing multiple orders.


24 (c),

paragraph after

(f) and before


Please refer to the revised clause.

In case of multiple orders, the total

quantity will be governed by the

revised Clause 22 (c) of Sec-IV

42. Clause 10 of Section-II is only until 10.2.

Kindly either provide 10.3 and 10.4 or

change the existing clause to mention until

clause 10.2 only.


31 (iii)

The clause 31 (iii) may be read as "

Clause-2 & 10.1 to 10.2 of Section-

II: If the eligibility conditions as per

clause-2 of Section-II are not met

and/or documents prescribed to

establish the eligibility as per Clause-

10.1 to 10.2 of section-II are not

enclosed, the bids will be rejected

without further evaluation."

43. By virtue of Special conditions of the

contract in Section IV (clause 13: 5 years

from the 1st Sepember'2003) being

overriding to these General (Commercial)

conditions of the contract, the spares need

to be provided for a period of 5 years from

the date of commissioning. Kindly confirm



The spares are presently not being

procured by BSNL, however the

bidder is required to guarantee their

availability as per clause 13 of Sec


Simultaneously the bidder is required

to maintain spares to meet the

warranty/AMC clauses of this tender

44. Kindly confirm that once the

validation/field trial has been conducted for

each type Low, medium and high capacity

RAS at 3 locations, then there is no need

for the same at any other location



Please refer clause 3.1(e) of Sec IV

45. Since there are 134 locations, please clarify

the meaning of "ONSITE" warranty. Is the

expectation is to have a fulltime engineer at

every site?


3.7 (a)

The bidder is required to meet the

warranty/AMC clauses of this tender.

Also the increase in the number of

locations may kindly be taken note of.

46. Kindly clarify the basis/logic of calculation

of RAS ports. Is it the number of modems


Annexure IV RAS ports are same as modem ports.

47. The number of ingress ports in Section V,

row 15 and Table-2 of Section VI are

contradictory. Kindly clarify.

Table-2 of Sec-

VI and row 15

of Section V

Please refer the revised table.

Signature of Tenderer 6

Annexure - B

Amendments/ Additions to the tender document for Procurement of RAS

Tender No BSNL/DNW/Tech-4601/2003

1. The phrase "Remote Access Servers for NIB 'C' type Nodes" appearing

in the heading of the Tender and elsewhere in the tender document may be

read as " Remote Access Servers for NIB 'C' type Nodes and additional


2. Clause 12 of Section -II is revised to the extent that the Earnest

money deposit is being increased from Rs 20 lakhs to Rs 40 Lakhs.

3. The following clause regarding near relatives is inserted as Clause 32

of Section-II :-

"The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in

BSNL unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted.

i. The near relatives for this purpose are defined as:

(i) Members of a Hindu Undivided family.

(ii) They are husband and wife

(iii) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s)

& son’s wife (daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) & daughter’s husband (sonin-

law), brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband


ii. The unit is defined as SSA/ Circle/ Chief Engineer/Chief Archt./ Corporate

Office for non-executive employees and all SSA in a circle including circle

office/Chief Eng/Chief Archt/Corporate office for executive employees

(including those called as Gazetted officers at present).