
Week of October 26-30

Sight Word Vocabulary: home, into, many, them, swim

Monday: Spanish

1.  Spelling: write all 15 words 2 times each in your “S” book.

2.  Reading: read orally “Animal Park” and practice word bag words in your green folder

3.  Math: workbook pgs. 49 and 50 + play First in Math

Tuesday: Art

1.  Spelling: Complete “Spelling Homework” worksheet (attached)

2.  Math: workbook pgs. 51 and 52 + play First in Math

3.  Reading: practice all words in your word bag!!!

Wednesday: French, Technology, and Library

1.  Reading: read orally our take-home book "The Test" (in green folder)

2.  Grammar: “Sentence Worksheet” (attached) students will punctuate given sentences. Some will be telling sentences, some will be asking sentences and some will be exclaiming (Wow!) sentences

3.  Math: workbook pgs. 53 and 54 + Play First in Math

Thursday: Music and Gym

1.  Math: workbook pgs. 55-56 + Play First in Math

2.  Religion: Chapter 6 test on Friday - review the Chapter 6

3.  Spelling: test Friday - study short u words and take a practice test with Mom or Dad

Friday: Science lab and Adoration

Spelling List

Short u with Final blend Words

Week of October 26-30

Spelling Words Challenge Words

1. dust 11. home

2. just 12. into

3. must 13. many

4. crust 14. them

5. trust 15. swim

6. jump

7. lump

8. bump

9. dusk

10. hunt

** All students must take all 10 spelling words and at least 2 Vocabulary word on each weeks test during the month of October. Students will also have a dictation sentence on their weekly test. Words in the dictation sentence are either spelling words (past and present) or words we have added to the word wall and are visible during the test for students use.

Spelling Homework

Name ______Number ____

Pick the correct spelling word to complete each sentence. If you are unable to read the sentence yourself, Mom or Dad can read the sentence for you.

1.  We call the time of the day when the sun goes down ______.

2.  He fell off the couch and got a ______on his head.

3.  Some first graders do not eat the ______on their sandwiches.

4.  We ______got home from the beach.

5.  Some people are allergic to ______.

6.  His sock made a ______under his comforter on his bed.

7.  In gym class, we sometimes hop, skip, and ______.

8.  The lion was on a ______for his dinner.

9.  You ______stay sitting while a bus is moving.

10.  We can ______you if you always tell the truth.

Grammar Homework

Name: ______Number:___

Put the correct punctuation at the end of each sentence. Remember: If it is a telling sentence, it gets a period (.) at the end. If it is asking a question, it gets a question mark (?) at the end of the sentence. If it is an exclaiming (Wow) sentence, it gets an exclamation mark (!).

1.  Help, the lion got loose __

2.  Did you do your homework yet __

3.  The dog wagged his tail __

4.  Wow, I got a great goal __

5.  Jim ran in a race__

6.  Are you going to the apple orchard next week __

7.  I won the lottery yesterday __

8.  Who are your Godparents __

9.  First grade is the best class ever __

10.  Where are you going for vacation __