K of C Super Cash Bonanza 2017
“Grow Cash for Charity”
Once again, it’s time for our annual Charity Campaign. The income from the Charity Campaign provides a significant amount of funding for our council’s many charitable donations that are given to our church, school systems and community projects. The campaign is funded through our ticket sales - so I hope you will continue to help support our council and sell or purchase your tickets!
This year we will continue the direct mailing that we used the last several years. Please sell your tickets and mail your ticket stubs and money back to Dave or Steve at the addresses at the bottom of this sheet. We will still have the turn-ins for those who prefer that option. We would like to encourage everyone, especially those who haven’t been to the hall lately,to feel free to stop in at the turn-ins for some complimentary snacks and refreshments and to visit with other Knights. Use this as a chance to stop in even if you mail your ticket money.If you would like to talk to someone about getting more involved, even better!
This year’s program will be the same as last year’s with each ticket costing $5.
We are using the all cash prizes this year as we did last year within the council to reward high sales.
- 12 tickets sold – $15
- 20 tickets sold – $30
- $2 for each ticket sold over 25 (i.e. 40 tickets sold- additional $30 cash)
If you need additional tickets, you can call Dave Szippl at 498-9713 or Steve Wenning at 492-9930. We will be glad to get them out to you. Tickets will also be available at the hall at the Bar during Meetings and Fish Fries.
Your 6 tickets are enclosed. Please sell or buy as many as you can and mail the stubs and money to Dave or Steve at the addresses below. If you prefer to turn them in at the turn-ins, the dates are below. Please put these dates on your calendar.
Our council quota is 4 tickets per member. The profit increases with each additional ticket sold and is heavily weighted towards the first turn-in so please try to return them prior to the first turn-in date, if possible.See Back for more info to help you explain the sales and benefits of the Tickets.Turn-in's are scheduled before the regular meetings at the hall.
Thanks in advance for your support!
First turn-in will be Wednesday, April 5thfrom7:00-7:30 at the Hall
Final turn-in will be Wednesday, May 3thfrom 7:00-7:30 at the Hall
Bob Guillozet David Szippl Steve Wenning
Grand KnightCo-Chairman Co-Chairman 4191 Patterson Halpin Rd. 4225 PattersonHalpin Rd.
Sidney, OH 45365 Sidney,OH 45365
498-9713 492-9930
Make checks payable to K of C -Sidney Council 659
Info about the Annual Charity Campaign
The Super Cash Bonanza Charity Campaign for the Ohio State Council of the Knights of Columbus is now in full swing. The sales of this campaign provide financial support for charities around Ohio as well as locally.
The Knights of Columbus of Sidney, Council 659 is once again participating in the statewide charity campaign —Grow Cash for Charity with more than $108,000 in cash prizes to be awarded on the weekend of May 28th, 2016 at the State Convention in Columbus, Ohio.
The Knights of Columbus Organization was formed in 1881 in New Haven, Conn. as a fraternal benefit society. The Knights were formed to render financial aid to members and their families during times of hardship. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families.
Throughout the years, the local Knights have helped many organizations in Sidney and Shelby County through fundraisers and other events.
The purpose of the raffle is to maximize resources to raise every dollar possible for the local council and diocesan charity programs. The mission is to raise $1 million in ticket sales throughout the state of Ohio.
There will be 25 cash prizes in this year’s campaign — Top prize once again is $49,680, payable $414 per month for 10 years.
Second prize is $18,780, payable at $313 per month for five years. Third prize of $12,720 is payable at $212 per month for five years.
Additional prizes include fourth place, $4,000; fifth place, $3,000; sixth through ninth place, $1,500 each; 10th through 13th, $1,250 each; 14th through 17th, $1,000 each; 18th through 21st place, $750; and 22nd through 25th, $500.
Tickets are $5 each
Objective of the Annual Charity Campaign
Each year the Ohio Council and the Sidney Council 659 of the Knights of Columbus have our annual Charity Campaign. This Campaign is to raise funds for our council and the state council to fund many charitable projects and programs in Sidney, Shelby County and the State of Ohio.
This is Sidney Council 659’s largest fund raiser.
The Sidney Councils proceeds go to fund local charitable programs which include but are not limited to:
Annual College Scholarship
Holy Angels Church and School’s Special Needs
Lehman High School’s Special Needs
The Shelby Co Right to Life Campaign
United Way Needs
Community Projects
Special Requests
Use of our Hall for Charitable Events
Support a Local Boy Scouts Troop
These are just a few areas where we use the funds generated from this Campaign and none of the funds are used to fund the local council or the upkeep of our property