Math 309Test 2CarterName______

Show all work in order to receive credit.10/8/01

distributionbinomialgeometricnegative binomialPoissonhypergeometric



1. The number of cars abandoned on a certain highway averages 2.2 per week.

a)What is the probability that no car is abandoned on the highway next week?

b)What is the probability that at least 3 cars are abandoned in the next two weeks?

2. Y is a random variable with mean 500 and variance 100. Find a, b, c, d such that:

a)P ( a < Y < b )  ¾

b)P ( c < Y < d )  8/9

  1. Daily sales records for a computer manufacturing firm show that it will sell zero, one, or two mainframe computer systems with the following probabilities:

Number of sales 0 1 2


a)Find the expected value, the variance, and standard deviation for daily sales.

b)Find the cumulative distribution function (cdf) for the number of sales. Sketch its graph.

4. A multiple-choice quiz has 5 questions each with 3 possible answers. There is one correct answer for each question. A student who hasn’t studied randomly guesses on each question.

a)Find the probability that he gets exactly 4 of the questions correct.

b)Find the probability that he gets at least 4 of the questions correct.

5. A jar holds 7 chocolate chip cookies, 5 peanut butter cookies, and 3 oatmeal cookies. Janet grabs 4 cookies. Let X denote the number of chocolate cookies selected.

a)P( X  1)

b)P( X = 3 )

c)P( X = 3 | X  1)

6. A recruiting firm finds that 30% of a large pool of applicants have the required training for a certain position. The firm conducts interviews sequentially and randomly.

a)Find the probability that it takes exactly ten interviews to find four qualified applicants.

b)Let Y denote the number of interviews required to find 4 qualified applicants, find the mean and variance of Y.

c)Would you be surprised if it took 18 interviews to find four qualified applicants? Why or why not?

7. Let X denote a binomial random variable with n = 10, p = 0.4. Find the mean and variance of C if C = 3x + 5.

8. Suppose that 8% of the engines manufactured on a certain assembly line are defective. Engines are randomly selected one at a time and tested.

a)Find the probability that the first defective is found on the 6th test.

b)Find the probability that more than ten engines are tested before finding a defective.

c)If you have tested three engines and have found no defective, what is the probability that you will test more than 13 before finding a defective?

9. Prove two of the following:

a)Prove that if Y is a binomial random variable, E[Y] = np; or if Y is a Poisson random variable, E[Y] = .

b)Prove that if Y = aX + b, then V(Y) = a2V(X) for constants a and b.

c)Prove that if X is a geometric random variable and c > b, then P(X > c | X > b) = P(X > c-b).

[You may use P( X > j) = qj, j = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .]

1a. e^(-2.2), b. 1-e-4.4(1+4.4+(4.4)2/2);
2. a=480, b=520, c=470, d=530;
3. 0.4, .6-.42, (.44).5; 0 for x < 0, .7 for 0<= x < 1, 0.9 for 1 <= x < 2, 1 for x >= 2;
4. 10/243, 11/243;
5. 259/273, 280/1365, 280/1295;
6. .0800; ; not surprising, 18 is within 1 standard deviation of the mean;
7. E[C] = 17,
8. (.92)5(.08), (.92)10, (.92)10