Should you wish to discuss any matter in private, please ask at Reception, and the staff will be happy to arrange this for you.

Services we offer

Asthma checks / Rachael Ogden
Blood tests / Community Clinics
Cervical Screening / Elaine Jenkinson or Rachael Ogden
Child health surveillance / Health Visitor and/or Dr Gana
Childhood Vaccinations and Immunisations / Rachael Ogden
Chronic disease monitoring (e.g. Diabetes, COPD, Heart disease) / Rachael Ogden
Contraceptive Reviews / Rachael Ogden
Contraceptive Services (provision of) / Dr Gana/Locum GP
Counselling / Sue Cubben (via Counselling Service
Diabetic Clinic / Rachael Ogden
Dietary advice / Rachael Ogden
General medical management of illnesses / Dr Gana/ Locum GP
Management of terminally ill patients / Dr Gana
Maternity services / Midwifery Team
New patient healthchecks / Elaine Jenkinson
Postnatal care / Dr Gana
Private Medical services (eg for insurance reports) / Dr Gana
Vaccinations / Immunisations (including holiday vaccinations, influenza/ pneumococcal vaccinations) / Rachael Ogden/ Elaine Jenkinson

Useful Telephone Numbers

NHS Direct / 0845 4647 / GP On Call Centre
(SouthportHospital site) / 0845 070 4422
PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service / 0800 218 2333 / Urgent medical matters / 01704 566277
Ambulance (emergencies only) / 999

Useful Website addresses

NHS Sefton

NHS Direct

Lincoln House Surgery

33 Lincoln Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 4PR

Tel: 01704 566277 Fax: 01704 565128 Email:

Welcome to Lincoln House!

We are a small, family friendly practice, and are delighted you are thinking of joining us.

Should you decide to join our practice, please complete a New Patient Registration form, available from Reception. You will need to complete one form for each member of your family who wishes to register here. You will be asked to book a New Patient Healthcheck appointment, which is an opportunity to meet our Practice Nurse, and to ensure we can offer you the most appropriate services for your needs. You can see a doctor prior to your new patient appointment. For information, our practice boundary extends from Southport Town Centre, through to Ainsdale.

The Clinical team at Lincoln House is as below:

Name / Role
Dr G F Gana / GP
Sister Rachael Ogden / Practice Nurse- chronic disease management, cervical smears, BP checks, injections, well person checks and holiday vaccinations
Elaine Jenkinson / Treatment Room Nurse
Louise Taylor / Practice Manager
Jill / Admin Team
Diane / Admin Team
Tracy / Admin Team
Donna / Admin Team
Anne / Admin Team
Julie / Admin Team
Lorna Blackburn / Health Visitor – Under 5’s developmental checks, childhood vaccinations.
Sue Cubbens / Counsellor
Community Midwife Team / Antenatal Services

In addition to the above clinical team, we are supported by locum GP’s and may sometimes offer you an appointment with the locum if we are unable to offer an appointment with Dr Gana.

Opening Hours

Monday / 8.00am – 6.30pm
Tuesday / 8.00am – 6.30pm
Wednesday / 8.00am – 12.00pm
Thursday / 8.00am – 6.30pm
Friday / 8.00am – 6.30pm

Booking an Appointment

Appointments with GP’s, Practice Nurses and our Phlebotomist can be booked up to 6 weeks in advance. We also offer a number of appointments which are available on the day.

The GP’s and Practice Nurses are happy to give telephone advice where appropriate. Please telephone and leave your details with the Receptionist who will arrange this for you.

Repeat Prescriptions

We have repeat prescription request slips in the Reception area, or alternatively, there is a request slip on any prescription you receive from the practice. Alternatively, you can email the practice on to request a repeat prescription. We do not accept prescription requests over the telephone. Please take into account when requesting repeat medication that orders take two working days to process.

Confidentiality/ Freedom of Information

You can be reassured that we treat all patient information with the strictest confidence and in accordance with NHS guidelines. All staff receive regular training as to their responsibilities in this regard, and have signed a confidentiality agreement. These standards of confidentiality also apply to information held on your computerised record, and in this respect we are registered under the Data Protection Act. Should you have any queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact the Practice Manager who will be happy to answer any queries. Although the practice has CCTV cameras in operation, this complies with both the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act.

Complaints or Compliments

We strive to provide the highest levels of service to you at all times. If you should find that you are unhappy with any aspect of the service we provide, please contact our Practice Manager or Dr Gana. A copy of our complaints procedure is available from Reception should you require. We are always happy to hear any suggestions you may have on how to improve the service we offer, and again, please contact either the Practice Manager or Dr Gana if you have any comments in this regard.


We have a number of parking spaces at the side of our building. We would ask that you refrain from parking on the road wherever possible, to avoid any inconvenience to our neighbours.

Zero Tolerance

This practice operates a zero tolerance towards violence and/or abuse towards any of our team. Our staff have a right to work in an environment free of violent, threatening or abusive behaviour, and we will protect that right at all times. Any such behaviour will not be tolerated at Lincoln House. If any such behaviour occurs, we reserve the right to inform the police and make arrangements for you to be removed from the practice list.

Home Visits

Please telephone the Surgery before 10.00am for home visits. Home visits are reserved for patients who are truly housebound or so incapacitated that they cannot be brought to surgery. In almost all cases children can be brought to the surgery. This is safer for your child, as urgent problems can be referred to the hospital quickly. Some visits may be made after 12pm, so please let Reception know if you feel you cannot wait until then. Unfortunately, the cost of travel is not a consideration in requests for home visits.

Emergency Contraception

Patients can either book an appointment with a GP to discuss this, or may obtain the “morning after pill” from a Pharmacy of their choice (however, there may be a charge for this).

Test Results

Occasionally your doctor may send you for a blood test or other investigative test. If this happens, you can telephone the surgery to obtain the results. We may give the results to you when you call, or we may ask you to book an appointment with the doctor to discuss them.

Facilities for the Disabled

The practice has disabled access and facilities available for all patients. Animals are not permitted in the practice other than those accompanying patients who are blind or dogs who assist those with hearing impairments.

All patients are welcome to be accompanied at their consultation by a friend or relative. We can also arrange chaperones during consultations at the request of the patient or the clinician. Please let us know if you require a chaperone, and we can arrange this for you.

Non Attendance

Our appointments are in great demand. Please let us know if you are unable to keep your appointment, so that we can offer it to someone else. We record non attendances, and after 2 non attendances we may write to you. We reserve the right to remove you from the practice list should you fail to attend 3 pre-booked appointments.

Other Services

Should you require an interpreter, this can be organised by prior arrangement. Please telephone Reception to discuss any such request.

Your medical record

You have the right to information about your own health. You also have the right to see your own medical records subject to statutory limitations. If you wish to see your medical records, you must put this request in writing, and your request will be dealt with according to the statutory guidelines. There may be a charge for this service, which will not exceed the maximum fee as per NHS guidelines.

We operate a no smoking policy in the building and grounds, which we would ask you to respect at all times. We ask that you keep all mobile phones switched off in the surgery.