The United Methodist
Church of the Resurrection
Student Ministries
2010-2011 Information Packet
Welcome to MAC Track!
Ministry as a Career Track, or MAC Track, is a program designed to provide avenues for students who have expressed an interest or possible calling to explore vocational ministry, both ordained and lay ministry, as a career option. MAC Track is committed to provide support, encouragement, resources and options to these students as they explore their calling.
In rezlife student ministries, we believe that as a staff we are called to be in partnership with parents/guardians, volunteers and students to build a Christian community where non-religious and nominally religious students and families are becoming deeply committed Christians. Furthermore, in MAC Track, we also believe that we are called to help students explore the possibilities open to them if they have expressed an interest in or possible calling to ministry as a career. We are committed to excellence in offering students a realistic view of ministry, developing leadership through experiential learning, and providing an authentic Christian community where students with similar goals are whole-heartedly seeking to discern God’s direction for their lives. We are so excited to welcome you to the journey of exploring! It is our prayer that this program will provide you with powerful tools, connections, and insights as you seek God and continue on your journey with God. We congratulate you on taking this step of faith and we are very excited to partner with you and your family for this portion of your journey.
We commit to you that we will seek the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit as we provide you with opportunities to explore the things God is stirring in you, as we come beside you on your journey toward becoming a deeply committed Christian, and offer you training and mentorship that will help you explore and develop your faith and leadership. We look forward to getting to know you more and going on this important journey with you!
In Christ,
The rezlife lead staff
Julie Peters, Associate Director of Student Ministries, is the lead staff member overseeing the research, development, and implementation of MAC Track and is happy to take your calls and questions. Your whole student ministries team is also available to meet with you.
Jason Gant 913.544.0718
Director of Student
Julie Peters913.544.0766
Associate Director of Student
Dave MaGee913.544.0262
High School
Taylor Ogden Thomas913.544.0262
Middle School
Ministry as a Career (MAC) Track
Overview of Program Components
MACtivitiesare bi-monthly, scheduled meeting times for MAC Track students to gather and grow together. MACtivity Gatherings and Experiential MACtivities are two distinct types of MACtivities. MACtivity Gatheringsare held once a month at a regular time and place and allow students to explore broad, relevant topics as well as information on specific ministry areas. The gatherings include fellowship, teaching, small group accountability, discussion and hands-on activities focusing on spiritual formation. Each month, Experiential MACtivitiesare also offered. These activities vary in their meeting times and places and include immersion experiences, service projects, retreats, conferences, and team building fellowship events. Both types of MACtivities are important parts of the overall MAC Track journey. MACtivities are also a great opportunity for students to interact and form relationships with pastors, ministry leaders, and others involved in vocational ministry, as well as students in college and seminary who are pursuing a call to ministry. Parents/Guardians and mentors are always welcome to attend.
One-on-One Mentorship is a pairing of a student and a veteran in vocational ministry that provides an opportunity for students to receive individual guidance as they explore their calling. Mentors will work with students to explore areas of interest, work through various assignments, guide spiritual development, and help provide access to resources for ministry exploration and academic plans. Parental/Guardian permission is required for participation in this part of the program.
Job Shadowingis an important opportunity for students to get an inside look at a variety of ministry positions by spending time working beside someone currently in vocational ministry. Students are encouraged to shadow their own mentor once a year and request job shadowing in other areas of interest. In addition, a group job shadow opportunity, rezlife staff day, is offered twice each summer in order to give students a chance to spend a day with the rezlife student ministries team, get to know staff members, attend meetings, ask questions and tour ministry areas of the church.
Nursing Home Ministry is a ministry provided in cooperation with our care pastors designed to allow MAC Track students to accompany a care pastor on a nursing home visit. This is an opportunity that will be offered to MAC Track students over the summer and on breaks. Sign-ups will take place at MACtivities and can also be requested via e-mail or Facebook.
Mugging is a ministry of theUnitedMethodistChurch of the Resurrection that is now partnering with MAC Track to give students the opportunity to deliver mugs to first time visitors. This ministry of “muggers”, or mug deliverers, is designed to welcome visitors to the church. MAC Track students may sign up at MACtivities or request participation in this ministry via e-mail or Facebook.
MAC Track Leadership Team is a team that offers opportunities to help shape and lead portions of the MACtivities and influence overall development of MAC Track. All high school students are welcome to apply for the eight available spots on the leadership team. Upperclassmen and highly committed MAC Trackers will be considered for these positions first. Students on this team will have additional responsibilities as well as additional opportunities.
Special Speaker Events allow small groups of students a chance to meet with individuals who are booked to speak at the UnitedMethodistChurch of the Resurrection. These events are offered with the intent of providing the leadership team with additional formational opportunities. The limited number of spots for these events will be offered first to the leadership team, then to students interested in an area of ministry relating to the topic.
Mission Trips and Local Mission Workare projects and trips that reach into our community, our nation, and our world in order to make a difference in the lives of others in the name of Christ. Because these experiences are important and formational for students considering vocational ministry, participation in them is encouraged for every student in MAC Track. Students may participate in mission work in various ways including church-wide opportunities, rezlife mission trips, missions offered by other organizations and specific projects offered exclusively to MAC Track students.
Serving in a Ministryis an opportunity for students to serve inside and/or outside the ministry of the UnitedMethodistChurch of the Resurrection in order to grow in their knowledge and skills for ministry. This type of service is a vital part of discerning a call to ministry. Students are encouraged to serve and lead in a ministry setting on a regular basis. We provide current, updated info about opportunities to serve and lead in ministry.
Challenge Track is a challenge for MAC Track students to get the most out of what MAC Track has to offer. This challenge will be offered each year and awards will be given at the end of the year recognizing students who have successfully completed various requirements throughout the year. The requirements are outlined in this packet.
Other MAC Track Opportunitiesarise during the year and include things such as reading scripture in church services, leading worship, attending and leading conferences, and other leadership development activities. Many of these are last minute opportunities and will be made available through e-mail and Facebook.
Visit our website at or join the
MAC Track Facebook Groupto obtain the most up to date information on all events & activities.
Schedule of MACtivities
Fall 2010
8.29.10Fall Super Awesome Fun-time Kick-offnoon-1:30, room 304
9.11-12.10Experiential MACtivity: Fall Retreat at Tall Oaks10:30am-1pm
9.26.10MACtivity Gathering: Workshop Workshop12-2pm, room 300
10.17.10MACtivity Gathering: Leadership – SeniorPastor12-2pm, room 300
Adam Hamilton
10.30.10Experiential MACtivity: Jamesport Day Trip to 9am-4pm
Amish Colony
11.7.10MACtivity Gathering: Living Out Your Faith –12-2pm, room 300
Young Adult Panel
11.20.10Experiential MACtivity: Operation Christmas9am-3pm
Child – Shoe Box Project
12.4.10Generation Change Retreat Day (Dave Ramsey’s 9am-5pm
FinancialPeaceUniversity for students)
12.5.10MACtivity Gathering: Wesley and the United12-2pm, room 300
12.17.10Experiential MACtivity: Christmas Celebration6-9pm, Lisa & Mike
Hiteshew’s House
Schedule of MACtivities
Spring 2011
1.9.11MACtivity Gathering: Stump the Speaker – Faith12-2pm, room 300
Questions with High School MinisterDave MaGee
Internet Campus Pastor Andrew Conard
1.22.11Experiential MACtivity: Kansas City Rescue 4-7:30pm
Mission Homeless Shelter
2.6.11MACtivity Gathering: Paul & Timothy – Amazing 12-2pm, room 300
Mentorship(All mentors encouraged to attend)
2.20.11Experiential MACtivity: PentecostalChurch Visit
3.6.11MACtivity Gathering: Worship Planning: An12-2pm, room 300
Inside View – Connie Stella, Creative Director
of Worship
3.26.11Experiential MACtivity:Kansas City Rescue
4.10.11MACtivity Gathering: Fearless: Learning to 12-2pm, room 300
Speak in Public – Debi Nixon, Managing
Executive Director of Regional Campuses &
4.29-5.1.11Experiential MACtivity: Spring Retreat at Tall7:30pm-1pm
5.15.11MACtivity Gathering: Spiritual Disciplines12-2pm, room 300
5.21.11Experiential MACtivity: End of Year BBQ 6-8:30pm, Julie &
Dave’s House
MAC Track MACtivity Info
Basic Outline of MACtivity Gatherings
12:00-12:30pmFellowship & Lunch
12:30-12:45pmAnnouncements & Devotional Time
12:45-1:50pmSpeaker/ Panel
Description of MACtivity Gathering Topics
Workshop Workshopwill allow students to participate in planning and preparing for a workshop that will become the student led part of the MAC Track workshop at Leadership Institute.
Leadership will explore the essentials of leadership with Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton.
Living Out Your Faith will give students the opportunity to hear the stories of young adults who are in various stages of exploring a call into vocational ministry.
Wesley and the United Methodist Church will help students gain a clearer understanding of who John Wesley was, what he believed, and what role he played in the United Methodist church.
Stump the Speaker will give students an opportunity to explore the tough questions of Christianity with High School Minister Dave MaGee and Internet Campus Pastor Andrew Conard.
Paul & Timothy: Amazing Mentorship will explore the essentials and the importance of mentors in our faith journey. All mentors are encouraged to attend this session.
Worship Planning: An Inside Viewwill allow students to explore the behind the scenes planning and preparation that goes into each worship experience at Resurrection.
Fearless: Learning to Speak in Public will teach students the essentials of speaking in ministry settings and provide students with many helpful speaking tips.
Spiritual Disciplines Workshop will give students opportunity to learn about and experience various spiritual discplines.
Challenge Track
Challenge Track is back! Again this year, we will be challenging our MAC Track students to get the most out of what MAC Track has to offer. This challenge will begin new each year. Awards will be given at the end of each year recognizing students who have successfully completed various requirements throughout the year. The categories of recognition are as follows:
- MAC Walker– the student earning this recognition will be on a steady course of participation in MAC Track. This student will participate in at least 50% of all MACtivities and meet the following requirements:
- meet regularly with a mentor
- serve in a ministry setting at least 4 times during the year
- MAC Jogger – the student earning this recognition will be on a steady course of participation in MAC Track and willing to push a little further and faster to pursue all that MAC Track has to offer. This student will participate in at least 65% of all MACtivities, and meet the following requirements:
- serve in a ministry setting monthly
- lead in a ministry setting at least once during the year
- job shadow at least once during the year
- MAC Runner – the student earning this recognition will be seeking all MAC Track has to offer and rushing toward a chance to participate in all aspects of the program. This student will participate in at least 80% of all MACtivities, and meet the following requirements:
- serve in a ministry setting bi-monthly or weekly
- lead in a ministry setting at least 4 times during the year
- job shadow at least twice during the year
- participate in a small group
- attend the retreat
- MAC IronMan or IronWoman – the student earning this recognition will be whole-heartedly seeking everything they can gain from MAC Track, and will go above and beyond to be a leader among MAC Track peers. This is the highest award given to a MAC Tracker. This student will participate in at least 90% of all MACtivities, and meet the following requirements:
- serve and lead in a ministry setting weekly and turn in an end of year report
- job shadow at least twice during the year
- participate in a small group
- attend the retreat
- complete the read the bible in a year challenge
- show leadership qualities among MAC Track peers, including serving on the leadership team as eligible
Ministry as a Career (MAC) Track
Registration & Parental/Guardian
Permission Form 2010-11
Student’s Name: ______Today’s Date: ______
Home Address:______
Parent’s Name(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Home Phone:______Parent/Guardian Cell(s): 1______
Parent/Guardian -Email: ______@______2______
Student’s Home Phone: ______Student’s Cell: ______Text? Yes___ No___
Student’s Email:______@______Facebook? Yes___ No___
School: ______Grade: ______DOB:______
Emergency Contact:
Name: ______Phone: ______
Allergies, Medical Conditions, or other important information we need to know about your student:
Permission to Participate in MAC Track Mentor Program
I hereby grant permission for my student, ______,to participate in Ministry as a
Career (MAC) Track, including the one-on-one mentorship program. I understand that I will be required tomeet with my student and his or her mentor at the initial meeting. I understand that my student will
be meetingwith his or her mentor one-on-one on a monthly basis or more. I understandthat this parental/guardian permission to meet one-on-one is required by Resurrection Safe & Sacred Policies
as it is outside the two adult rule required by Safe & Sacred Policies.
______& ______Date ______
MAC Track2010-11
Getting to Know You
Please fill out the following info as honestly and completely as possible. We will use it to get to know you, to match you with a mentor, and to provide the mentor some info about you before you meet. If you need more room, complete your answers on the back of this page. If you are a returning student, this will serve as an update for us and your mentor.
Name:______Date: ______
- When and how did you come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
- When and how did you decide to explore a call to ministry as a career?
- What are the top 3 priorities in your life?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- What else do you want us to know about you?
- What is one random fact that would help us to know you better?
- Is there anything we need to know about your personality and preferences as we prayerfully consider who your mentor will be?
- If you know any of your gifts, talents, or topics you are passionate about, list those:
- Do you currently have a mentor?
- If yes, do you wish to continue with the same mentor?
- If you need a mentor, do you have any suggestions for a mentor for yourself?
- Which area(s) are you interested in exploring as a call to ministry as a career? (Check all that apply)
___ Pastor___ youth ministry___missions
___music___information technology___caring for people
___media___children’s ministry___administration
___drama___social justice related___counseling
___chaplain___recreation (sports)___worship leader
___lighting___audiovisual___graphic design
___facilities___special needs ministry___creative video
___finance___staff & human relations___adult discipleship
If you have more specific ideas of what ministry God is leading you to, explain below (for example…if you chose music, you might know you want to be a worship leader or a choir director):
Revised 10/17/2018