Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Liveby Martha Beck is a guide to realize your potential for happiness by tuning into your core desires —your own true self. Most of us have crafted our lives in ways that family/society has taught us we ‘must’ or ‘should.’ Many of us have for so long ignored our inner voices we often aren’t even consciously aware that they are there! No wonder we are restless, unhappy or feel unfulfilled. Beck’s questionnaires and exercises help us tune into our feelings and needs as well as find the courage to act on them to build a more satisfying life. Once we start listening we have a ‘compass’ for living a life that will give us the most happiness and fulfillment. Beck’s wit, spunk, wisdom and true stories make the book a fun, thought provoking and inspiring read.

Falling Awake by Dave Ellis grapples with meaningful questions such as, What will we do with this life?How will we achieve that purpose?It contends that our later decisions and choices should all be infused with that mission in mind.Using the "12 major Success Strategies" and bolstered by practical lessons and exercises, the book helps the reader create a comprehensive vision of what’s really important to have, be, and do in this life and then to develop the necessary tools and approach for achieving it.It’s as much an approach and an attitude towards life and living as it is a prescription for how to get what you want or where you want to go. For those who have not yet thought about their life goals – or for those who need a refresher to bring purpose into alignment with choice – it is a worthwhile book.

Transitions, by William Bridges has been through many printings since it was first published in 1980. Bridges believes that adulthood “unfolds its promise in an alternating rhythm of expansion and contraction, change and stability”.Since transitions are core to our development throughout life, this book is intended to help us better understand and embrace them, whether they are triggered by changes in relationships or work, a move or an internal recalibrating of purpose. The book provides a framework for understanding and working through the stages, decisions and emotions of transitions that many will find useful.

The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of our Inner Resources, by Lynn Twist is entitled “the soul of money” but as the intro says, "it is really about our own soul and how and why we often eclipse it, dismiss it, or compromise it in our relationship with money…. ultimately this book is a pathway to personal and financial freedom.” She believes there is enough for everyone, but the challenge is that all our systems today are designed around scarcity. How do we move to true personal freedom?

For those of us at one of the transition points in our lives, she raises several principles of personal transformation and empowering self-enquiry:

•Who do I need to be to fulfill on the commitment I’ve made?

•What kind of human being do I need to forge myself into to make this happen?

•What resources do I need to be willing to bring to bear in myself and my colleagues and in my world?