Shorewood SEED Foundation
2017 Grant Proposal Packet
Table of Contents
Applicant Checklist......
Priorities and Funding Criteria......
Funding Priorities for 2017
Funding Policy and Criteria......
Procedure and Timeline......
Examples of Past Funded Projects......
Project Information Cover Sheet......
Project Budget Worksheet......
Proposal Application Outline......
Proposal Evaluation Scoring Sheet......
Project Evaluation Requirements
SEED was established in 2003 to promote excellence in Shorewood’s public education. SEED will work with the community to help provide Shorewood public schools with the financial resources needed to succeed. We believe that Shorewood is a community where each public school student receives an education responsive to his/her talent and abilities, preparing the student to meet the challenges of the future. Our vision is that Shorewood organizations and residents will work together to ensure that the School District has the support needed to continue its tradition of excellence.
Funds raised by SEED will be awarded to projects submitted to SEED using the procedure outlined in this document. Awards for larger grants will be made once a year, and the application deadline for 2017is 4:00 P.M. onWednesday, April 12th, 2017. Applications MUST be received no later than this date and time.
Email your application to Kathleen Rehbein, SEED Grants Committee, (the preferred method) or
Mail your application to: The Shorewood SEED Foundation, P.O. Box 71235, Shorewood, WI 53211
Or deliver in person by 4:00 P.M. onWednesday, April 12, 2017 to:
Kathleen Rehbein, SEED Grants Committee Chair, 3721 N. Prospect, Shorewood, WI53211 (If you mail or deliver the grant, you need to provide five copies of the grant)
Applicant Checklist
All items on this checklist should be completed and/or reviewed before submitting proposal to SEED. Any questions, please contact Kathleen Rehbein,2017 Grants Committee Chair, at ( or 414.332.3272 (Home)).
Review 2017 Priorities and Funding Criteria, Page 5
Attach the completed Project Information Cover Sheet on Page 10
Attach the completed Project Budget Worksheet on Page 11
Attach the completed grant proposal. Follow the outline and instructions on Page 12
Attach letters of endorsement from the applicant’s principal andthe district’s superintendent
Proposal emailed no later than 4:00 P.M. onWednesday, April 12, 2017
Email: or deliver in person by 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 to Kathleen Rehbein, 3721 N. Prospect, Shorewood, WI 53211
New Priorities and Funding Criteria
Funding Priorities for the 2017-2018 School Year
The purpose of this document is to provide principals and teachers with guidance on making grant request to SEED for the 2017-2018 school year. The administrative team and representatives from SEED developed this document as a collaborative effort to support teachers, grades, departments and schools as they request funds through SEED. SEED’s goal is to align grant requests with district priorities. For this academic year, the district’s priorities are supporting academic mastery (authentic learning is included), student wellness, and character and citizenship.
Academic Mastery:
Academic Mastery projects help all Shorewood students demonstrate authentic learning by integrating their knowledge and skills through creative application to real-world challenges. These projects give students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in a body of knowledge and skills within each discipline; demonstrate higher order thinking, multiple perspectives and transfer of understanding; create work that is accurate, elegant in concept and execution; demonstrate original thinking and voice, connect to real-world issues and formats, and create work that is meaningful to the community beyond the school; and communicate clearly, and be able to write, speak and present ideas effectively in a variety of media within and across disciplines.
Student Wellness:
Student Wellness projects help students develop and maintain habits that contribute to personal wellness. These projects give students the opportunity to: appropriately express and manage emotions; identify and manage stress, including maintaining reasonable balance between and among competing demands; understand and avoid risky behaviors; practice behaviors that encourage physical health; and understand the value of good nutritional habits.
Character and Citizenship:
Character and Citizenship projects help students build strong character with a commitment to contribute to the common good. These projects give students the opportunity to: be effective learners, able to apply the mindsets and skills for success in college, career and life; be ethical people, treating others with respect; contribute to a better world by applying their knowledge and skills to improve communities through citizenship and service; and be good stewards of the environment.
*Please note that the SEED Foundation will not fund technology for this grant cycle, as the District is developing a new Technology Plan. Once the Technology Plan is in place, the SEED Foundation will once again support technology grant requests next year.
Funding Policy and Criteria
The following policies and criteria are taken from the official SEED bylaws.
General Policies / Operating Assumptions
- SEED awards are made in conjunction with the school district administrative team and the Shorewood School Board.
- SEED awards are consistent with Shorewood School District policies and procedures.
- SEED awards are consistent with Shorewood School District goals and priorities.
- Both the SEED Board and the Shorewood School Board shall approve any stipulations associated with donations. SEED and the School Board reserve the right to deny any donations that have unapproved stipulations.
- SEED awards are not made for school-based projects that lack the support of the Shorewood School District. Receiving a SEED award does not commit the District to maintain or continue to support a project.
- The SEED Board will not discriminate in the administration of awards on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability or handicap.
Criteria for Awards
- Has an educational focus.
- Is consistent with funding priorities set by SEED and the School Board.
- Demonstrates a need for the project.
- Students are positively impacted by the project.
- Has the potential for long-term impact on the Shorewood School District and students.
- Is reasonable, feasible, and has well-defined goals.
- Has a budget that provides thorough information about the costs associated with the project.
What is NOT funded
- Personnel or salary costs
- Awards for programs that will not be supported by the District.
- Awards for programs that dictate curriculum changes without prior approval from appropriate levels of the District.
- Awards inconsistent with District priorities or policies.
- Awards that are already contained in and approved as part of the normal operating budget of the district.
Procedure and Timeline
- December/January: Priorities are developed and finalized
- February: Request for Proposals (Grant Proposal Packet) is available
- Deadline for Proposals: April 12, 2017
- May/June: Proposals evaluated and applicants notified of awards
- June: Coordination of purchasing with district
- January 1 of following year: First Project Evaluation is due
- June 1 of following year: Second Project Evaluation is due
- Each December/January, the SEED Awards Committee, consulting with appropriate parties, including liaisons from the School Board, the district administration, and the district teachers, will identify a set of priorities for funding. The Awards Committee and Chief Advancement Officer will distribute the list of priorities to the SEED Board for approval.
- Each February, request for proposals (Grant Proposal Packet) will be distributed to each school by the Chief Advancement Officer, placed at the Shorewood Public Library for distribution to the community, and posted on the SEED website,
- Those wishing to submit proposals for funding will be asked to complete a Project Information Worksheet, a Project Budget Worksheet, letters of endorsement from the applicant’s principal and the district superintendent, and a written grant proposal containing a Project Description and Project Need, Population Served, Timeline, Goals, Methods to Achieve Goals, Anticipated Outcomes, and Detailed Budget.
- The deadline for proposals is 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. Applications submitted after this deadline will NOT be reviewed.
- The SEED Awards Committee will meet to review proposals, using a uniform evaluation-scoring sheet (see Proposal Evaluation Scoring Sheet, Page 13.)
- The SEED Awards Committee will review the proposals, consulting with appropriate parties, including liaisons from the School Board, the district administration, and the district teachers, and make recommendations to the SEED Board.
- The SEED Board will make recommendations for funding to the Shorewood School Board.
- The SEED Board President and/or grants committee chair will notify accepted applicants of their award. Accepted awards will be posted on the web site.
- The SEED Board President and/or grants committee chair will notify those applicants whose proposals were not funded.
- Grant awardees must complete a Project Evaluation Form (Page 14) as a progress report, due each January. The evaluation form will be distributed to the School Board as a form of accountability for the project. In addition, the grant awardees will meet with Shorewood’s Superintendent and the SEED grant committee and discuss how the funds have been implemented and their initial impact (in the following spring).
- Each May, SEED will provide a full report to the SEED Board. Each June, the same report will be presented to the School Board. The annual report will consist of funds raised, number of proposals received, number of awards allocated, number of awards completed, and total dollars distributed.
Examples of Past Funded Projects
The following list is a representative sample of the projects that were recently funded. A complete list can be found on the SEED website,
- Desktop Computer Labs for Lake Bluff and Atwater (2 Labs, 2016) - $31,890.00
- Lab Quest and Environmental Data (SHS, 2016) - $14,088.82
- iMac Computers for SHS GradPoint Classes (2016) - $10,490.00
- Music Recording System (SHS and SIS, 2016)- $3,779.80
- Math Chromebooks and File Cabinet (SIS, 2016) - $3,877.47
- Mobile Computing Carts for Lake Bluff and Atwater (2 carts, 2015) - $ 29,000
- Using Lab Quest Technology to Improve Physics Literacy (2015) - $ 5,733
- The Digital Photography Initiative (2015) - $ 2,199.75
- Discovery Education Streaming Plus, A Multimedia Offering for All of the Schools (2014): $ 31, 207.50
- SIS Courage Retreat (SIS, 2014): $ 2449.00
- Leveled Literacy Intervention for Elementary (Atwater and Lake Bluff, 2014): $ 44,137.00
- 30 Chromebooks, Mobile Charging Cart, and 30 Management Console (SHS, 2014): $ 9878.60
- Bullying Prevention Unit (Atwater and Lake Bluff, 2014): $ 2449.00
- Down to Earth Experimental Physics (DEEP) Program (Atwater and Lake Bluff, 2014): $ 1200.0
- LAUNCH: A Personalized Approach to Teaching Math (Atwater, 2014): $ 9200.00
- Mobile Computing Lab (Lake Bluff, 2014): $ 10,000
….and others….
Project Information Cover Sheet
Application Date:
Project Title:
Project Synopsis:
Grant Request ($):
Total Project Budget (if different from Grant Request) ($):
School(s) Impacted:
Number of Students Impacted:
Proposed Project Start Date:Expected Project Duration:
Primary Applicant:
City/Village:State/ZIP Code:
Home Phone:Business Phone:
Secondary Applicant:
City/Village:State/ZIP Code:
Home Phone:Business Phone:
Please attach separate sheet for additional applicants.
Project Endorsed By (Name of the applicant’s principal(s) and district superintendent, in order for the grant to be considered.
Project Budget Worksheet
Item / Description / Unit Cost / Quantity / Total Cost / VendorTOTAL / $
Any other sources of funding not requested by this proposal but which will contribute to this project? (if so, please list here):
Proposal Application Outline
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the written proposal in the following order. All proposals should be printed on 8.5x11 paper using double spacing and 12pt font. Proposals must be accompanied by letters of endorsement from a building principal and the district superintendent who can speak to the need and relevance of the project and its feasibility. If you do not email your application, please provide (5) copies of your complete grant application.
Cover Sheet with Project Synopsis
- Please complete the provided cover sheet, including a one-paragraph project synopsis that is suitable for use in SEED communications, marketing, and publicity materials.
Project Description
- Description: Describe the project in detail
- Need for project: Include a general statement of how this project will enhance the educational opportunities of the Shorewood Public School students it will serve
- Population served: Describe who will benefit, including the numbers and grade level(s) of students who will be served, both directly and indirectly by the project
- Timeline: Include the expected beginning and ending dates for the project
Statement of Goals
- What educational goals will be addressed by this project?
Methods to Achieve Goals
- What will you do to achieve your goals and how will you carry out these activities? Be as specific and descriptive as possible. Length of description is not important, but clarity of description is very important.
Anticipated Outcomes
- Impact of Project: As specifically as possible, describe the impact of the project on student learning and education
- Future Plans: Describe how completion of this project will continue to enhance learning. If you are requesting purchase of re-usable materials, describe how these materials may be used in the future.
- Line-Item budget. Please include the completed Budget Worksheet and any additional descriptive or supplementary materials.
- Other funding sources: If you know of other possible or known funding sources, please describe them
- Other needs not covered by the budget: The timeline, budget, resources needed not covered by the project budget (e.g., staff time, space needs, etc)
Proposal Evaluation Scoring Sheet
The following criteria and scoring method will be used by SEED when evaluating proposals.
Points Awarded
1.Project Description AND GOALS30 points
a.educational focus
b.clarity of the project
c.clearly stated goals
d.clearly stated methods
e.clearly stated outcomes
2.Consistent with Priorities15 points
3.Demonstrated need for the project15 points
a.local need cited
b.placed within context of district/school needs
4.Number of students impacted by the project15 points
a.number of students impacted
b.impact district-wide
c.students indirectly affected (after project ends)
5.Potential for long term impact10 points
a.anticipated outcomes delineated
b.impact is reasonable given project
6.Reasonable, feasible, and is well planned15 points
a.reasonable time line
b.cost is appropriate to project
c.project staff are qualified
d.budget is itemized
TOTAL: 100 points
Project Evaluation Form and Presentation
Due March 1 following acceptance of the prop0sal.
Date of Report______
Grant Title______
Semester Awarded______
Amount of Grant Award______
Completion date (or anticipated)
1. What activities have you undertaken in your project?
2. Have you had any unexpected barriers, problems or concerns as you have initiated your project?
3. Is your project proceeding according to the timeline you submitted with your proposal? If not, what have been the time delays?
4. Is your project proceeding according to the budget we approved for your project?
If not, please explain the differences?
5. How many students have been served or impacted by your project?
6. What do you see as the long-range effects of your project?
7. What other comments do you have to share with SEED?
Evaluation Presentation
In addition to submitting the form, grant awardees will also make a short presentation to Shorewood’s Superintendent and the SEED Grant Committee, during March 2017, prior to the next grant cycle.
This new requirement has three objectives:
- First, one purpose of the awardee’s presentation is to discuss the implementation of the grant, any challenges or obstacles that were encountered.
- A second objective is to provide preliminary feedback about the impact of the grant, in terms of attaining learning goals and objectives.
- Lastly, a third objective is for the grant committee to receive feedback that will enable it to continuously improve SEED’s grant process.