Student Services Directors’ Meeting – January 16, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 § 10:00 A.M. – 12 P.M
1000 Bldg – Central Conference Room
Cathy Chun, Tony Costa, Lisa Dorgan, Ted Haase, Chris Linebarger, Tom Moran, Jeff Olmanaz-Hood, Andrea Rye, Thalia Saplad, Yvonne Terrell-Powell, Kim Thompson, Lynda Knight
I. Draft Admissions App -- Chris Melton
· Chris distributed copies of a draft of the new Admissions Application form modeled after Bellevue CC. The admissions application form is being updated and modified to insure there is accurate intent coding on students. Our application is out dated and did not include questions that would allow us to collect the data that we are required to have on our students. BCC is also sharing some software for updating student intent. A series of multi-tasks in Data Express will be able to pull together information to recode a student properly even if the student has not told us they changed their major.
· Part two of the application will have program intent codes for the student to choose from. Students will self-identify their intended major or program. Later a student may go from an undecided major but if they are taking a capstone class the software will track and identify the the courses that are specific to certain majors and change the student’s major code. The multi-tasking will pick up and change the major. There will be a statement on the application that students are not committed to the selected major and can change at any time.
· Out-of-state will be listed with the transfer colleges so that we can track how many students are going to universities out of state. Thalia wondered if the system would be able to extrapolate where students were more likely to transfer to. Chris said even now if students are coded correctly, we would be able to get that information. But there is no way to see if a student actually transfers to that institution. Andrea said this new form should show more easily where a student intends to go. Thalia would like to figure out at what point to collect data to show where student transfers to. Thalia asked about colleges for transfer and their coding and if this is in the data reporting system for all community colleges or SCC. Chris said this is a list created for SCC.
· Chris said that once the application is approved it will then be online. There will still be the CIS web information and application but if they come to our website they will have this new application. Both applications have the information but our website has the drop down menu for the schools.
· Tom said the deans were talking about defining majors such as psychology. Chris said this would mean coding would have to be changed. Andrea noted that we have coding from the state. Cathy asked if there could be examples, such as psychology under social sciences, because students do not necessarily know what division their majors are under.
· Tom said deans were worried about the wording asking for social security and addresses. Chris said we are obligated to get this information and that eleven other community colleges word it this way. Yvonne is looking for diverse information (1st generation, GED, Running Start, etc.). Thalia suggested changing the header so that it includes those who do not have high school diploma but are taking classes. Make it academic information. Ted asked if we do not ask for high school transcript from everyone. Chris said Enrollment does not. Yvonne said they do in High School Programs. Thalia felt it is unclear if the form is saying a student may be eligible for financial aid or is asking if student is receiving aid and what state. No formal documentation usually is needed to prove they are Washington state resident.
· The wording of prof-tech will be changed to workforce education or programs. Andrea suggested workforce education or programs or training because that is what the other colleges are using. They do not use prof-tech. Thalia thought maybe not use the word “training” and asked what wording Berta would prefer? Yvonne wondered if it is too much for the reader to say “workforce education programs.”
· Ted is trying to look at the form from the perspective of the reader and also has a question on the first page where it says to mail the application. Could the student submit online? Chris said that is a Chris Taylor question but students could apply and submit online. The directions would say something different. Yvonne wondered if the form could say workforce degrees and certificates. Thalia liked that idea.
· Cathy thought readability would be better if not all titles were in caps. Cathy thought that where the certificates say cr for credits it should say credits. Yvonne suggested an asterisk and then put “credits needed for the certificate.” Chris said they would need to talk to Berta about how to put this (cr or not). That page needs to be revamped and this was just a prototype.
· Yvonne wondered how the college records race and ethnicity. And if a student put down multiple ethnicities how would it be coded? Chris said there is an “other” category and there is not a “multicultural” in the state system. Yvonne is thinking about our recording purposes and what it means for our data. Chris will check on what Admissions is doing if a student checks more than one. Are we allowed to ask even if the state does not take the information?
· Yvonne suggested saying occupational skills instead of prof-tech. Short-term certificates generally are finished in one quarter. Ted thought we might ask voluntary income questions. Chris said we cannot ask income questions because a student might interpret that as a condition for admission. Yvonne asked if we can get the income question through Compass. It would be limited to students who take Compass. Andrea said maybe through IMS the questions could go out.
· Cathy wondered about undocumented students who may not provide information for some of these choices. Chris said the first paragraph at the top talks about 1079 (affidavit referred to as 1079). BCC uses this and also it is close to the language that is on the affidavit itself. That does not apply to a documented person except some visa holders who have not left the country. Tom asked about ABE students. Chris said ABE, ESL, and maybe GED students will have a separate form until they transition into regular classes. Tom asked if an ABE student needs to show documentation. The library needs something for them to get a SCC ID. Chris said many have an employment ID card with picture.
· Andrea asked how the system defines first generation. Chris said it could vary. Andrea said this information is needed for the state so it needs to be clarified. This could affect how we ask the question. Cathy Chun said that the TRIO grant application defines it as first to attend college meaning that their parents did not attend college.
II. Presentation of each area's processes/procedures/scripts/practices
· Financial Aid – Ted Haase
o Their office provides students with handouts of consumer information on Financial Aid information that tries to explain key information to students and to meet federal financial aid regulations. Direct loan FAQ’s are also supplied. Satisfactory academic progress policy is automatically sent to students who are approved for financial aid. This meets government standards. It is received with the initial award notification. Any form is available on the website.
o The first point of contact is usually by telephone message, electronically received application data, or the front desk. Follow-up is usually returning telephone messages or responding to e-mails. Most of the time spent with students is on the telephone or at the front desk and not so much by e-mail.
o They work with prospective students providing information and assistance with the application process and other financial aid processes such as the student loan promissory note, entrance counseling, and student loan exit counseling.
o The most common core processes for student intake includes receiving electronic application from federal processor, letters and memos to student requesting required documents, setting up file and tracking in computer system, reviewing application and electronically awarding aid, mailing letter of aid eligibility. Student loans require a separate form, completion of promissory note and student loan entrance counseling. Checks require instructor signature or email verifying attendance. At the end of each quarter, student grades are monitored to ensure they are making satisfactory academic progress. If not, students are mailed a probation (warning) letter or a letter of cancellation (aid cancelled for the following quarter).
o Application documents are collected from students. Some students are required to submit additional documents.
· Andrea asked how the financial aid office coordinates with other areas for funds. Ted said they receive information from DVR, report from cashiering, some students tell them, sometimes WorkSource funding, etc. Sometimes students do not know at the time they fill out the SCC form. Yvonne asked if some students think they can get all funds from all or some places. By law it all has to be considered. Tom asked if a student ever has to payback a loan? What happens if student defaults or if find out student also had other funds? Ted said all have to pay back student loans. Yvonne asked if it is bolded anywhere on the form. Ted said the financial aid sheet does tell students to report if they are getting funds from other sources. Thalia thought it needs to be repeated often and in bold to remind students of this. Tom thought maybe it should be in the FAQs sheet. Thalia said they remind and repeat constantly to IP students that they could be out-of-status. Andrea wondered if there could be a pop-up on the financial aid page since many students have to go on computer anyway to fill out the form. Dave Holmes updates the sites. Tom said he would shepherd it so that this can happen. Thalia said it should be very clear what changes you would like when presented to Dave. Tom will clarify the process of who and how to to make changes or additions to the website. Andrea said the TSS helpline form will start the process.
· Most documentation collected on students is required by federal law. Thalia said now that the IP office has put together forms with information there has there been less impact of students on their office. Ted said forms have been available for years. It may reduce some phone contact but students want human contact. Andrea felt that was understandable because the information is complex and always changing. There are federal and state regulations. Students are nervous that they have forms and information when needed. Cathy felt hearing information in person can make a difference to the student. Maybe there are additional ways to experiment with different communication methods. There is a lot of information that is very complex. Thalia wondered if financial aid could offer quarterly workshops on campus. Ted said in the past there were very few takers, although those who came definitely appreciated it. Thalia thought maybe it would take a few tries and maybe evaluation would show if it is valuable or not. Andrea said it is difficult to find a time to conduct the workshops when students are able to come. Matt and Linda are teaching the course “Major Destination.” Maybe FA could conduct a seminar in this class as a mechanism for reaching students . Ted said it took 50-75 minutes when done in a class before. It seemed to be appreciated but it was built into a curriculum. Andrea said some colleges are focusing on first year students and have classes focusing on issues that first year students face. They are also assigned an academic coach. Andrea asked about students not making satisfactory progress and if are they encouraged to contact their advisor or counselor. Ted said they do not specifically tell them that but they do get a letter of warning.
III. Other
Yvonne announced they have hired Maria Tungol as the new High School Programs counselor.
~Meeting adjourned at 12:07 pm.~
Submitted by Lynda Knight