August 23, 2012 – 7:00 p.m.
1.Call to Order
2.Salute to the Flag
3.President’s Declaration:
“I hereby declare that the notice of this meeting was published in the Asbury Park Press and all Borough Clerks notified, in accordance with PL 1975, Ch. 231A.”
- Roll Call
5. Presentation:
A. Code of Ethics for School Board Members – Mr. Ronald O’Neill, President
A School Board Member shall abide by the following Code of Ethics for School Board Members.
- I will recognize that authority rests with the board of education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board.
- I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends.
B. Certificatesof Commendation:
- Board Member, Mrs. Nancy DeScenza
-Shore Regional Board of Education and NJSBA Presentations
- IB Diploma Certificate recipients
C. Presentations:
1. Recognition of new administration:
- Mr. Nicholas Ciambrone,
Athletic Director/ Supervisor of Health and Physical Education
2. Mr. Preston – Curriculum Revisions
3. Mr. Ciambrone – Health Curriculum
6.Student Representative Comments
7.Approval of Minutes: Agenda Workshop Meeting – July 26, 2012
Public Meeting – July 26, 2012
8. Correspondence
9. Report on Opening of Bids
10.Public Comments on Recommendations:
The following procedures will be observed at Regular Meetings: Stand, state name and address, the Board President will establish reasonable timelines that are fair to all.
- Finance
(1)Approve Transfer #14
(2)Accept Financial Reports
- July
(3)Approve Bill List
(4)Certification of Financial Status
(5)Approve Lease Purchase
(6)Approve Send/Receive Contract
(7)Approve Shared B.A. Contract
(8)Approve Breakfast/Lunch Prices for 2012-2013
(9)Approve Contracted Transportation Routes for Long Branch
(10)Approve Contracted Transportation Routes for Monmouth Beach
(11)Approve Contracted Transportation Routes for Oceanport
(12)Approve Contracted Transportation Routes for West Long Branch
- Personnel
(1)Salary Schedule Change requests
(2)Approve appointment Co-curricular Freshman Class Advisor
(3)Rescind Long Term Social Studies appointment
(4)Approve appointment of Special Education teacher, full-time position
(5)Approve Student Teacher Placements
(6)Approve appointment of IB Coordinator
(7)Approve appointment of Bus Driver
(8)Approve appointment of Long Term Social Studies teacher
(9)Approve appointment of Substitute teachers for the 2012-2013 school year
(10)Approve appointment of Special Education Aide positions
(11)Approve appointment of Long Term Math teacher
(12)Approve the Paraprofessional Aide (Special Education) job description
- Building and Grounds
(1) Facility Use Requests
- Technology/ Education/ Curriculum\
(1)Rescind personnel for Summer Writing Enrichment Class
(2)Appoint personnel for Summer Writing Enrichment Class
(3)Approve English, Math and Social Studies Curriculums
(4)Approve Health Curriculum, grades 9-12
(5)Approve Crisis Plan
E. Policy and Planning…report on progress
- Superintendent
- Approve placement of students with disabilities
G.Athletics…report on progress
12.Public Comments
Stand, state name and address, the Board President will establish reasonable timelines that are fair to all.
13.Old business
14.New business
15.Superintendent’s Report
The following bids were received and are available for review in the office of the Business Administrator:
Lease Purchase Financing
Opening Date:July 31, 2012
Time:1:00 p.m.
Respondent / Index Federal ReserveH-15 Like term
Multiplier / Purchase Option Penalty (% of outstanding principal balance ) / Rate Bid / Additional
Fee / Recommend
TD Equipment Finance, NJ / .31/6.2097 / 3% yr 1, 2% yr 2, 1% yr 3 / 1.925% / None / Recommend for Award
Global Strategic LLC, CA / .5/4.39 / None / 2.195% / None
Municipal Leasing Consultants, VT / .5/ 65% change in swap rate / None / 2.87% / $250
US Bancorp. / .31 65% change in swap rate / 3% / 2.9% / None
DDI Leasing, NJ / 6.943%
The Finance Committee, on recommendation of the Business Administrator and Superintendent, presents the following recommendations:
- That the listed transfer(s) be authorized in accordance with NJSA 18A:22-8.1:
Date EffectiveTransfer #14ToFrom
11 / 000 / 100 / 563 / 27 / 02 / Tuition - Vocational Regular / 48,582.5011 / 000 / 216 / 320 / 32 / 02 / Related Prof. Services / 3,400.00
11 / 000 / 219 / 320 / 31 / 02 / Purchased Prof. Services. / 5,269.05
11 / 000 / 230 / 530 / 35 / 07 / Telephone / 18,020.41
11 / 000 / 261 / 610 / 38 / 08 / Maintenance Supplies / 246.33
11 / 401 / 100 / 800 / 25 / 00 / Co-Curricular - Play / 57,687.53
Total / $66,602.91 / $66,602.91
-To reclassify.
- Accept the following financial reports:
Report of Board Secretary Dated: July 31, 2012
Report of the Treasurer Dated: July 31, 2012
- Approve the attached Bill List totaling $592,905.26
- Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:2-2.13(e), the Board certifies that after review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial Report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of its knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the year.
- WHEREAS, The Board of Education of the Shore Regional High School District in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey (the “Board” when referring to the governing body, and the “School District” when referring to the legal entity and the territorial boundaries that are governed by the Board) has determined to lease purchase finance the acquisition of 270 Samsung “Chromebook 550” laptop computers, 8 computer carts and 12 Samsung Chromeboxesand costs required to enter into a Lease Purchase Agreement (“Lease, Agreement”) for an amount not to exceed $143,000, and a term not to exceed three-years (collectively, the “Acquisition”); and
WHEREAS, Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Lease Purchase Bidding/Financial Advisory Service (MRESC) has served as financial advisor (the “Financial Advisor”) to conduct a competitive quote (Quote) for the Lease Purchase to finance the cost of the Acquisition pursuant to the attached contract; and
WHEREAS, MRESC has conducted the Quote for the Lease Purchase on behalf of the Board on July 31, 2012 and has made its recommendation to the Board (see attached); and
WHEREAS, The Board wishes to expedite the payment of the respective vendors of the Acquisition;
The Board awards the Lease Purchase financing to TD Equipment Finance, Inc., and or their Assignees, at an interest rate of 1.925%, unless the award is not approved within thirty (30) days of the bid opening, at which time the indexed rate will apply (.31/6.2097 % Federal Reserve H-15 as of July 26, 2012) and to enter into Lease with the TD Equipment Finance, Inc. (Lessor) after Board Counsel has reviewed the Agreement; and
The Board hereby approves the execution of the Lease to the Lessor in order to finance the Acquisition and authorizes the sale of the Lease to the recommended low respondent as Lessor. This award is to be made in accordance with the proposal form submitted by the Lessor to the Board Secretary as of the date of the Quote, said proposal is attached hereto, and kept on file with the Board Secretary; and
The Board authorizes the Board President or the Board Secretary to approve any changes or deletions to the Lease Agreement or related documents as may, in the judgment of Counsel be necessary, advisable and in the best interest of the Board; and
The Board authorizes (if necessary to facilitate equipment delivery schedules) the Board President or the Board Secretary to establish an escrow account for the deposit of the lease proceeds in accordance with the Governmental Unit Deposit Protection Act (GUDPA), and to direct the deposit and investment of the lease proceeds in escrow for the term of the lease; and
The Board hereby delegates the Board President and the Board Secretary the ability to execute the lease purchase agreement and other related financing documents with recommended low respondent, serving as the Lessor and purchaser of the lease purchase agreement (the “Lessor” and “Purchaser”), and Escrow Agent (Escrow Agent); and
The Lease is hereby designated as a “qualified tax-exempt obligation” for purposes of Section 265 (b) (3) (ii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
- BE IT RESOLVED, that the Shore Regional Board of Education accepts the renewal of a tuition contract agreement between the Shore Regional Board of Education and the Interlaken Board of Education for the purpose of providing viable educational services to the students of Interlaken for the 2012-2013 school year at a rate of $10,000 per student, as approved by the Executive County Superintendent.
- Approve the shared services agreement with the Interlaken Board of Education for the services of a School Business Administrator as per the agreement as approved by the Monmouth County Executive Superintendent for the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, at the annual rate of $15,000 per the agreement.
- That the following breakfast/lunch prices be approved for the 2012-2013 school year:
Student Breakfast-$2.50
Milk Price for Students-$ .75
Student Lunch-$3.00 - $3.75
- That the Board of Education approve the Joint Transportation Agreement with the Long Branch Board of Education for the round-trip transportation of students for the 2012-2013 school-year as follows:
Route #Destination Cost
MASTMAST – Sandy Hook$6,423.60
- That the Board of Education approve the Joint Transportation Agreement with the Monmouth Beach Board of Education for the round-trip transportation of one Monmouth Beach student for the 2012-2013 school-year as follows:
Route #Destination Cost
MB-WHWolf Hill Elementary School - Oceanport$6,541.53
- That the Board of Education approve the Joint Transportation Agreement with the Oceanport Board of Education for the round-trip transportation of Oceanport students for the 2012-2013 school-year as follows:
Route #Destination Cost
OP-TFMaple Place School plus Aide$ 6,541.53
OP-SDSEARCH Day Program plus Aide 12,587.82
OP-LBLong Branch Middle School 14,004.90
OP-MBMonmouth Beach School plus Aide20,899.72
OP-PreKWolf Hill Elementary School 8,190.60
OP-St.JSt. Jerome School 2,361.00
- That the Board of Education approve the Joint Transportation Agreement with the West Long Branch Board of Education for the round-trip transportation of West Long Branch students for the 2012-2013 school-year as follows:
Route #Destination Cost
WLB-HSHarbor School$16,433.40
WLB-CSCollier School 15,791.04
WLB-HKSHawkswood School 26,858.70
WLB-AIDEAide to BME 17,791.20
The Personnel Committee, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, presents the following:
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the salary schedule change for the following employee:
NAMEStepFrom To Salary
McGowan, Kathryn 11 B+30 MA $67,400
Dean-Esposito, Alice 4 BA B+30 $59,400
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Lauran Marotta as the Co-Curricular Freshman Class Advisor for the 2012-2013 school year.
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education rescind the appointment of Lauran Marotta as Social Studies teacher for the 2012-2013 school year.
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following as Special Education teacher for the 2012-2013 school year:
NAMEEffective DateStepDegree Salary
Marotta, Lauran 9/1/2012-6/30/2013 1 BA$54,500
(New Special Education Position)
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the following student teaching placement to begin September 4, 2012 through December 14, 2012:
NAMECollegeSubject MatterCooperating Teacher
Romano, DanielleMonmouth University English 9-12 Koontz, Victoria
Agreda, DaniellaMonmouth University Spanish Gilbert, Gene
Milne, KelseyWilliam Patterson Social Studies Mike Whitacre
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following as IB Coordinator for the 2012-2013 school year:
Ensor, Linda$5300.00
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following Bus Driver for the 2012-2013 school year:
NAME Stipend
Ceralde, Carl$19.59 per hour
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following Long Term Social Studies substitute for the 2012-2013 school year pending criminal history and medical review:
NameStepDegree Effective DateSalary
Shalaby, Tamer 1 BA9/3/2012-6/30/2012$54,500
Mr. Ker Family Leave replacement
9. Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the following substitute teachers for the 2012-
2013 school year:
Name Town
Aikens, ToddLong Branch
Bohnert, Ray Jr.Monmouth Beach
Carney, SeanEatontown
Corbin, JohnLong Branch
Emery, DaveOcean
Ferrara, FrankWest Long Branch
Garofalo, MariaOakhurst
Ignar, CharlesSea Bright
Juliano, SueWest Long Branch
Kelly, MichelleNeptune
Krauter, JamieWest Long Branch
Little, RichardLong Branch
McGhee, JustinOceanport
Meharg, ChristopherRed Bank
Monteagudo, CristinaLong Branch
Muller, CindyNeptune
Olesky, KristinSayreville
Palmigiano, JoannaTinton Falls
Roma, AlbertWest Long Branch
Woodard, SteveShrewsbury
10. Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following Special
Education Aides* for the 2012-2013 school year pending criminal history and medical review:
Petillo, Michelle$15.72 per hour
Tarbell, Sarah$15.72 per hour
Dalton, Nora$15.72 per hour
Janofsky, Janet$15.72 per hour
*TBD$15.72 per hour
11. Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following Long Term
Math teacher pending completed criminal history and medical review:
NameExpDegree Effective Date Salary
Laureti, Joseph Jr. 1 BA9/3/2012-6/30/2012$54,500
Mrs. Mazza maternity leave replacement
12. Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the Paraprofessional Aide (Special
Education) job description for the 2012-2013 school year.
The Building and Grounds Committee on recommendation of the Business Administrator and Superintendent presents the following recommendation:
- Facility Use Requests:
- That the Board of Education grant permission to Ecliptic Financial to use a classroom for a free workshop on college funding on October 16th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
- That the Board of Education grant permission to the Jersey Shore Devils to use a gym for basketball practice, Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 9:00pm and Sundays from 11:00am to 2:00pm, September 1 – November 30, 2012.
The Technology/ Education/ Curriculum Committee, on the recommendation of the Superintendent,
presents the following:
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education rescind the appointment of Jeffrey LaBush for the following 2012-2013 Summer Enrichment class:
CourseRateHours not to exceed
Righting the Writing Process$30 per hournot to exceed 15 hours
- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following personnel for the following 2012-2013 Summer Enrichment class:
NameCourse RateHours not to exceed
Koontz, Victoria Righting the Writing Process$30 per hournot to exceed 15 hours
3. Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the following English, Math and Social
Studies Curriculums for the 2012-2013 school year:
English 9 College Prep
English 9 Honors
English 10 College Prep
English 10 Honors
English 11 College Prep
English 11 Honors / IB
English 12 College Prep
English 12 Honors / IB
Algebra I
Algebra II
Social Studies
Honors World Cultures
4. Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve Health Curriculums for grades 9-12 for the
2012-2013 school year.
5. Be it resolved, that the Board of Education approve the Crisis Plan for the 2012-2013 school year.
- POLICY AND PLANNING…report on progress
1)Be it resolved, that the Board of Education, approve the placement for a student with disabilities, for the school year, and assume costs for tuition.
Case Number Placement Effective Date Tuition
2237 Collier School 2012-2013 $52,570.80
2137 Harbor School, LLC ESY+2012-2013 $51,458.00
2128 Harbor School, LLC ESY+2012-2013 $51,458.00
0601 Harbor School, LLC ESY+2012-2013 $51,458.00
1027 Schroth ESY+2012-2013 $59,541.00
1018 Wall Township 2012-2013 $20,760.00
1029 Children’s Center ESY+2012-2013 $51,947.88*
*Revised Contract, case previously approved at June 21, 2012 board meeting
G. ATHLETICS…report on progress