To Kill a Mockingbird Letitia Hughes

Shoe Writing Activity BarrenCountyHigh School

30 Point Daily Grade AP Language

Due 9/8/10 Name: ______

"If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." Atticus Finch


  1. On the back of this paper, trace the outline of your foot/shoe. Fill the ENTIREoutline with the following writing assignment. Sorry, if you have big feet, you will still have to fill it.
  2. Choose a specific person or general / specific group of people you would like to walk in your shoes for a day. Examples, my father, mother, sister, brother, boss, people who do not have to work an afterschool job, people who complain about their mothers, etc.
  3. Write to them as an audience. What do you want him/her/ them to learn about you while they are walking in your shoes? What greater understanding about you will he/she/ they leave with after having been in your shoes for a day?
  4. Label the audience below.
  5. Note whether I can display it in the room on the bulletin board or if this is too personal to publish in the room.
  6. Actually, consider letting the person read it once it has been graded. Perhaps it will open the doors for communication for you.
  7. Yes, you can use colors and personalize it (flip flop etc) but it is not required.


5 points:

I choose ______to walk in my shoes because ______

20 points:

Outline filled entirely with few errors in mechanics and grammar.

Circle one:

Yes, you can display my shoe in class.

No, my shoe is personal and I want it back in my possession once you have graded it.

Best example from previous class:

A student brought me to tears while I was grading these. After reading about 5 shoes where the studentswrote to their mothers about taking it easy on them because they do not how hard it is to be a teenager right now and about how their mothers complained about grades, making car payments, etc. I read a student’s paper that chose to write to girls who complain about their moms all the time. Her mother died from cancer when she was in the fourth grade and said she would love to have her mom there to talk to about her new after school job and her classes. She heeded not to take your mom for granted after giving examples of times she would love to her mom there like prom dress shopping for example.