Online Admission Packet
Children’s Program – Behavioral Health Services
Psychosocial and Family Assessment
Date______(To be filled out by legal guardian or with their assistance)
Child’s first name Middle name Last name
Race ______Hospital where born ______Location ______
Child’s Address: ______City______State______
Zip Code ______Child’sHome Phone number: ______Child’s SS#:______
Child’s birth date______Child’s age______
How long has the patient lived in the current location? ______
Where else has the patient lived in the past five years? ______
Who is the legal guardian of the child: ______
Guardian's Address (if not parent & if different than child's) ______
City ______State_____ Zip Code______Guardian's Home Phone #______Guardian's Work Phone #______Guardian's Cell Phone #______
Emergency Contact ______
Name Relationship
Home #______Work #______Cell #______
How long were the biological parents together?______
If separated/divorced, when did the separation/divorce take place? ______
Have the parents had additional marriages? YESNOIf “YES”, please identify date(s) of marriage(s) and divorce(s): ______
Does the child have contact with both biological parents? YESNO, why? ______
Is it okay to contact non-custodial parent? Yes No If no, explain______
Biological parents married when child was born?YESNO
If not together, date of parental separation (divorce, breakup, etc.)______
Name of Biological Father: ______DOB______SS#______
- Parental rights terminated? NO YES WHEN ______
- Address______City______State______ZipCode ______
- Phone: home#______cell# ______wk#______
- Employer______Occupation______
- Level of Education: Dropped out H.S. Trade Bachelor Master’s PhD/MD Other:______
- Mental illness, father or family? NO YES:______
- Substance abuse, father or family? NO YES: ______
- Any learning disabilities in family?NO YES: ______
- Military service history: NO YES: ______
- Any previous marriages? NO YES: ______# of kids from previous marriage: ______
- How did parent get along with own parents? ______
- How does child get along with him? ______
Name of Biological Mother: ______DOB______SS#______
- Parental rights terminated? NO YES WHEN ______
- Address______City______State______ZipCode ______
- Phone: home#______cell# ______wk#______
- Employer______Occupation______
- Level of Education: Dropped out H.S.Trade Bachelor Master’s PhD/MD Other:______
- Mental illness, mother or family? NO YES:______
- Substance abuse, mother or family? NO YES: ______
- Any learning disabilities in family?NO YES: ______
- Military service history: NO YES: ______
- Any previous marriages? NO YES: ______# of kids from previous marriage: ______
- How did parent get along with own parents? ______
12. How does child get along with her? ______
Other Adult involved with patient: ______DOB______SS#______
Relationship to child: Adoptive Parent Step Parent Legal Guardian Foster Parent Or: ______
- Address______City______State______ZipCode ______
- Phone: home#______cell# ______wk#______
- Employer______Occupation______
- Level of Education: Dropped out H.S.Trade Bachelor Master’s PhD/MD Other:______
- Mental illness, parent or family? NO YES:______
- Substance abuse, parent or family? NO YES: ______
- How does child get along with ______
Other adult involved with patient: ______DOB______SS#______
Relationship to child: Adoptive Parent Step Parent Legal Guardian Foster Parent Or:______
1. Address______City______State______ZipCode ______
2. Phone: home#______cell# ______wk#______
3. Employer______Occupation______
4. Level of Education: Dropped out H.S.Trade Bachelor Master’s PhD/MD Other:______
5. Mental illness, parent or family? NO YES: ______
6. Substance abuse, parent or family? NO YES: ______
7. How does child get along with ______
Who is responsible for child’s discipline ______
Place a check by any of the following methods used
Time out Restrictions Loss of privileges Spanking Limited choices Praise Rewards
Other ______
Is there a Guardian Ad Litem involved? Name______phone#______
How long has the involvement been? ______
Siblings:(H-Half, F-Full, S-Step, A-Adoptive)
NameGender Age RelationshipWhere do they live
1) ______M F____ H F S A______
2) ______M F____ H F S A______
3)______M F____ H F S A______
4) ______M F____ H F S A______
Relationship with siblings: ______
Who is currently living in the home? ______
Isthere any information that cannot be disclosed to the patient at this time? NO YES (explain) ______
Behavioral Profile (Put a star beside any behavior that has occurred in past month) If it is not a problem write NO for that question.
Describe any suicidal or self-harming behavior: ______
Describe any homicidal or assaultive behavior(onset, triggers) : ______
Describe any depression (onset, duration, what makes it worse): ______
Describe any psychotic behavior (onset, duration, triggers): ______
Describe the child’s usual mood:______
Describe any mood swings: ______
Describe any significant losses:______
Describe any pyromania (fire setting): ______
Describe any stealing: ______
Describe any cruelty to animals: ______
Describe any verbal abuse/swearing: ______
Describe any history of temper tantrums (If previous, when tantrums stopped?):______
Describe any destruction of property/vandalism: ______
Describe any day or night time wetting, soiling clothes, or urinating in inappropriate places: ______
Describe extent of any alcohol use or drug use or smoking: ______
Describe any lying: ______
Describe any running away: ______
Describe any poor hygiene: ______
Describe any impulsive behavior (doing without thinking): ______
Describe any problems with memory or concentration (onset): ______
Describe any risky behavior: ______
Describe any problems playing with others (is child invited to others’ houses for day, overnight?): ______
Describe any problems with peer group (what is typical relationship like with peers?):______
Describe any inappropriate sexual behavior (public masturbation, fondling, exposing self, etc.):______
How has the family reacted to the patient’s problems?______
Where has the patient received therapeutic services in the past? (Most recent first, I-Inpatient, O-Outpatient)
Name of Agency/Therapist DatesLevelPrimary Referring Problem(s)
1)______I O______
2)______I O______
3)______I O______
4)______I O______
5)______I O______
Other services received: (and reasons previous services were stopped)
Case Management: ______
In Home Family Based Services/Dates:______
Parenting Classes/Dates:______
Neurological Evaluations/Dates:______
Any Psychological Testing done?NO YES ______
When: ______Where:______By whom:______
Why: ______I.Q.______
Who referred you to the Children’s Program? ______
List any drug allergies______
Child’s current height ______Child’s current weight ______
Child’s family doctor ______Office name______Phone #______
Has your child had problems with any of the following:
Three or more ear infections?NOYES______
Difficulty urinating or urinary infections?NOYES______
Seizures/convulsions NOYES _______
Describe any sleep problems: (onset, what makes it worse, frequency of problem) ______
Describe any appetite problems (onset, what makes it worse, frequency of problem): ______
Describe your child’s eating habits/preferences______
Has your child had a change in appetite?NOYES______
Does your child follow a special diet?NOYES______
Have there been any weight changes in last six months?NOYES______
Does your child have any food allergies?NO YES______
Does your child wear braces or a retainer?NO YES______
Who is your child’s orthodontist? ______
Has your child had recent cavities or tooth pain?NOYES ______
When was your child’s last dental visit?______Name of dentist______
Hearing problems?NOYES______
Date/Place of last hearing test______
Vision problems? NOYES______
Date/Place of last vision exam ______
Allergies NOYES _______
Check if the child has had any of the following illnesses and when.
If none of these check here
Roseola______Red Measles______German measles (Rubella) ______
Mumps ______Chicken Pox ______Asthma ______Jaundice ______
Pneumonia ______Broken Bones ______Whooping cough ______
Tonsils removed ______Adenoids removed ______
Describe any significant illnesses______
List any hospitalizations (reasons, dates, age of child) ______
List any outpatient surgeries (reasons, dates, age of child) ______
Has your child had a head injury in the past? NOYESWhen______Loss of consciousness? NOYESDescribe______
Has your child had any of the following tests? If so, please state why, when and where.
MRI NO YES ______
CT scan NO YES______
EEG (test for seizures) NOYES _______
Check any of the following that the child’s biological family members have had (include parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and first cousins) Write the relationship on the line beside the illness.
Asthma ______Seizures ______Depression ______
Diabetes ______Tuberculosis ______High blood pressure ______
Bipolar illness ______Genetic disease ______Anxiety ______
Drug abuse ______Alcohol abuse ______High cholesterol ______
Heart disease before the age of 35 (for example: sudden cardiac death or fainting (syncope). If yes, please describe in detail______
List child’s current medication/dosage, who prescribes them and why it is taken
Response ______how long on med ______
Reason for med ______
Medication______Dose______Times ______Doctor______
Response______how long on med______
Reason for med______
Medication______Dose______Times ______Doctor______
Response______how long on med______
Reason for med______
Medication______Dose______Times ______Doctor______
Response ______how long on med______
Reason for med _______
List any medications your child has taken in the past, when it was taken and why it was stopped
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Was pregnancy planned? NOYES Birth weight ______Full term or early ______
Problems during pregnancy/birth? NO YES: ______
Any history of prenatal substance exposure?NO YES: ______
Any history of postpartum depression?NO YES: ______
History of miscarriages/abortions prior to this delivery?NO YES ______
Birth - infancy
Any negative responses to separation from parents, feeding schedules, change?NO YES______
What was the parent/child relationship during infancy? ______
Any family changes/stressful events during this time?______
Toddler years: (1 – 4 years old)
When did the child start walking? ______talking? ______toilet trained? ______
Any toilet training problems/regressions? NO YES______
Any behavior or temperament problems? NO YES ______
What age did you first notice problems in your child’s behavior?______
What was the parent/child relationship? ______
Any family changes/stressful events during this time?______
Childhood years: (five – twelve years old)
What was the parent/child relationship? ______
Any family changes/stressful events during this time?______
Describe child’s strong points: ______
Did your child attend daycare? NO YES What ages did they attend?______
Any behavior problems? NO YES ______
Any history of physical abuse?NO YES______
Any history of sexual abuse (including rape)?NO YES______
Any history of neglect?NO YES______
Any exposure to violence (movies or domestic violence)? NO YES______
Has Social Services ever investigated the family or patient? NOYES
When?Why?Findings/Result of Investigation
1) ______
2) ______
CurrentSchool______Current grade______Last school grade completed ______
Name of primary school contact: ______
Type of educational disability if child is in special education
LD (learning disability) grade started ______
EBD (emotional behavioral disabled) grade started ______
EMD (educable mentally disabled. IQ 50 – 70) grade started ______
OHI (other health impairment) Reason______Example ADHD, bipolar disorder, medical conditions
When it started ______
Type of school classroom – please write when that placement started if other than a regular class
Regular classroom education? ______
Resource: How many periods per day? ______When started?______
Self – contained class room - When started? ______
Has your child had any educational testing other than testing all children receive (standardized)?NO YES If yes, then when and where? ______
Special education services or 504 Plan?NO YES______
Does the child have an I.E.P.?NO YES _______
Peer/Teacher Relations______
Preferred Learning Method: Visual Auditory Tactile
Recent school performance (grades, behavior):______
How frequently is your child sent to the principal’s office? ______
How frequently are you called about your child’s school behavior? ______
Has your child been suspended?NO YES ______
Has your child ever repeated a grade? NO YES______
Number of days of school missed in past year? 0-56-1011-15>15
Past schools ______
Speech therapyWhen______Where______
PT (physical therapy) When______Where______
OT (Occupational therapy) When______Where______
*If available - Please enclose a copy of the psychological testing results, IEP or 504 Plan.
Cultural and Spiritual Needs/Issues
Spiritual affiliation? ______
Active in cultural or spiritual activities?NO YES: ______
Cultural/environmental factors that may interfere with treatment? NO YES: ______
Leisure/Recreation Interests
What are the patient’s interests/hobbies?______
Types of movies child likes to watch?______
What kind of video games does your child like?______
Hours of TV, video games, computer per week? <1011-24>25
Environmental Needs
Patient has stable housing? YES NO: ______
Neighborhood safe?YES NO: ______
Do you receive your drinking water from a private well? YES NO ______
Are guns stored in the house? YES NO Are they locked up?YES NO
Other environment concerns?______
Discharge Plans for after Residential Treatment:______
Available Community Resources
Put a check mark beside the support systems or community resources you have available to you – even if you do not use them. Circle the ones that you use.
ChurchAfter school programsMental Health Services
Dept. of Social Services ProbationNeighborhood Community Center
Extended familyAdvocacy GroupNeighbors
Big Brother/Big Sister Autism Society Dept. of Disabilities & Special Needs
Continuum of Care Other Other
Medicaid number______
Primary insurance
Name of insurance company______
Phone number______Group number______
Policy holder______Relationship to child______
Policy holder birth date______Policy holder SS # ______
Secondary insurance
Name of insurance company______
Phone number______Group number______
Policy holder______Relationship to child______
Policy holder birth date______Policy holder SS # ______
Signature of Person completing this form/relationship to child Date/Time
Reviewing Nurses Signature Date/Time
Reviewing Physician Signature Date/Time
Reviewing TherapistSignature Date/Time
Reviewing Teacher Signature Date/Time