Shipyard Plantation

Board of Directors


Present Members:Mr. Elwood Bish, Mr. Bill Devine, Mr. Bob Holmes, Mr. Don Manak, Mr. Kevin McMahon, Mr. Ken McNerney, Mr. Joe Murray, Mr. Joe Nahman, Mr. Rick Pfannenschmidt, Mr. Gunter Schramm, Mr. Karl Sneed, Mr. Stan Snell, and Mr. Jay Wiendl

Absent Members: Mr. John Bopp, Mr. Bob Brown, Mr. Richard Jaynes, Mr. John Kzenovich, Mr. Tim Lucas, Ms. Kim Lutian, Ms. Susan Roman, Mr. Michael Toland, and Mr. Jim Winner

Present Staff:Mrs. Sally Warren, Mrs. Meredith Simmons, and Chief Brian Pettersen

Date:January 16, 2014


  1. Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.

  1. Review of Prior Minutes

The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed and approved as written.

  1. Financial Report

Mrs. Warren stated that the income for the year was $115,465.68 ahead of budget due to the Enhancement Fee Income and strong decal income, which exceeded budget by $6,710.00 for 2013. It was reported that Beach Club rentals exceeded projections, but that locker income was down as compared to prior years as the major timeshare blocks did not pay until January of 2014. It was also noted that ARB income had been exceptional due to the regime program. Mrs. Warren stated the total receivable, as of 12/31/13, was $5,948.56, which represents one of the best years for collection ever experienced by the Association. She stated that security finished the year with a positive variance of 6% below budget with insurance and labor savings contributing to the surplus. Mrs. Warren stated the landscape costs through December were $4,909.44 below budget primarily due to controlled grounds expenses and hauling costs. Mrs. Warren stated the General Administration costs through December were 6% below budget including writing off the foreclosure bad debt authorized by the board and Association attorney this past fall. She stated that General Maintenance costs were $8,030.60 below budget through year-end, mainly due to savings in the supplies and equipment category. Mrs. Warren stated the Beach Club expenses were 6% under budget due to savings in labor costs, electricity and insurance. In closing, Mrs. Warren stated that Enhancement Fee Income through year-end is $105,469.25, which was $15,000 short of the prior year but approximately $20,000.00 above 2011 and above the 8-year average of all Enhancement Fund collections.

  1. Old Business
  1. Gate Renovations

Chief Pettersen reported on the condition of the anchor gate at the Parkway Gate entrance, to include estimated repair costs. He also updated the attendees on the status of the newly installed HVAC units at both gates and the spray foam installation which followed.

  1. Security Report – Year in Review

Chief Pettersen presented a security report detailing the status of officer training, employee morale and retention, state report and ticket statistics, and residential and commercial property check volume for the year. He spoke in detail regarding recent patrol vehicle purchases, upgrades to the Detex and camera systems which help to make Shipyard a safer place for everyone. He thanked the Board for their ongoing support and entertained questions.

  1. Lagoon Contract

Mrs. Warren presented information on Quality Lakes, the new lagoon maintenance company. Discussion followed regarding their recent assessment of the lagoon system.

  1. New Business
  1. Annual Meeting Preparations

Mrs. Warren reported that the Annual Meeting would be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 4:00 p.m. at the Sonesta Resort. She announced that resident and Coastal Discovery Museum Docent, Mrs. Helen Xenakis, would be the guest speaker. It was noted that she would present on the history of Shipyard, and the Island in general. Brief discussion followed.

  1. Elections & Regime Appointments

Mrs. Simmons detailed the listing for expiring board seats for 2014. She reported that the Residential North election would take place in February, and asked that the regimes report their selections by February 19th.

  1. Enhancement Options

Mrs. Warren presented the following list of enhancement projects, which were approved by the Executive Committee:

  • Barcelona Road bike path (partial) $30,000, ½ in 2014 & ½ in 2015
  • Circle landscape upgrade $ 5,000
  • Annual marketing funds/advertising $ 5,000
  • Beach Club digital sign $ 4,000
  1. Adjournment

Prior to adjournment, Mr. Schramm raised questions regarding the condition of the property at 86 Gloucester Road and Mrs. Warren indicated that fines have been issued. Discussion was also held concerning branding ideas for Shipyard.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m.


Mr. Joe Murray, Secretary/Treasurer