Sheringham Town Council
6th September 2016
PRESENT:The Mayor – Cllr D Gooch
The Deputy Mayor – Cllr M Hill
Cllrs Burns, Ashcroft, Fields, Worboys, Cox, Bush, Farley, Smith, Withington, McGinn, Brooks, Craske and Ward
Dist Cllr Oliver
Major J Bishop – The Salvation Army
The Town Clerk and Clerical Assistant
The Press
1 Member of the Public
10166.APOLOGIES: Cllr Ringer gave apologies which were relayed to the meeting. Dist Cllrs Shepherd and Smith, Cty Cllr Hannah and the Police also relayed their apologies.
10167.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RELATING TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: All Members declared an interest in Item 23 – all are known to Staff. The Deputy Mayor and Cllr Ward declared an interest in Item 22 – they are known to those concerned.
10168.ITEMS REQUIRING A RESOLUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT 1960) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC UNDER SECTION 1C OF STANDING ORDERS: The Mayor recommended Items 21, 22 and 23 are taken under Standing Order 1C, due to the sensitive nature of business being transacted. IT WAS AGREED.
10169.TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 2ND AND 9TH AUGUST, 2016: Cllr Smith asked for an amendment to Min 10142 – line 11 – to delete ‘Election’ and insert ‘Electoral’ and line 12 – to insert ‘is likely to be reduced to 8’. Cllr Bush asked for a typo correction to Min 10150 – line 1 – to delete ‘the’ and insert ‘there’. Cllr Brooks asked for an amendment to Min 10164 – line 6 – to delete ‘Cllr Brooks’ and insert ‘Cllr Burns’. With the above amendments, Cllr Cox PROPOSED acceptance of the Minutes of the Meetings held on 2nd and 9th August, 2016; Cllr McGinn seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10170. POLICE REPORT: PCSO N Jonas provided two Police Reports for July and August which were tabled at the meeting. Concerns were raised relating to detected crime rates which Cllr McGinn volunteered to raise at this week’s SNAP meeting.
10171.TOWN MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Town Mayor reported attending the following engagements:
¤3rd August - Presenting Prizes for Talent Competition during Sheringham Carnival and Opening Children’s Fancy Dress Parade
¤5th August – The Carnival Duck Race Competition and Waving off the Intergalactic Train
¤7th August – The Town Council Boat Race Competition
¤8th August – Photoshoot at Top of Holway Road regarding a Roundabout
¤10th August - Inaugural Dining Train to Cromer
¤18th August – Opening Sheringham and District Society Art Exhibition
¤3rd September – Merchant Navy Day Flag Raising Ceremony at NNDC
10172.MATTERS ARISING FROM THE ABOVE MINUTES:For information only – There were no Matters Arising on this occasion.
10173.ANY COUNTY / DISTRICT COUNCILLORS WISHING TO MAKE A REPORT: Dist Cllr J Oliver provided a report as per annexed to the Minutes. Cllr Farley raised questions on Council Tax on Second Homes and Cllr Withington raised questions on the waiting fee for Beach Huts.
10174.To Accept the Minutes of the Planning Committee MeetingS held on 2ND and 16TH august, 2016: The Minutes having been previously circulated; Cllr McGinn PROPOSED acceptance of the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings held on 2nd and 16th August, 2016, with one amendment to the Minutes of the 16th August, 2016, Cllr Smith seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10175.TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 9TH AUGUST, 2016: The Minutes having been previously circulated; Cllr McGinn PROPOSED acceptance of the Minutes of the Community Centre Committee Meeting held on 9th August, 2016; Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10176.TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE GENERAL PURPOSES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 16TH AUGUST, 2016: The Minutes having been previously circulated; Cllr Brooks asked for an amend to Min 21 – line 3 – to delete “Society” and insert Friendly Project”. Cllr Smith asked for a typo correction to Min 4 – line 11 – to delete “derestriction” and insert “jurisdiction” and correct “form” to “formal”. Cllr Cox asked for an amendment to Min 10 – line 7 – 2nd word - to remove “new” and insert on the same line “to new applicants”. With the above amendments, Cllr Brooks PROPOSED acceptance of the General Purposes and Development Committee Meeting held on 16th August, 2016; Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
(a) Accounts for Payment: The Schedule of Accounts for Payment having been previously circulated; Cllr McGinn PROPOSED acceptance of the Schedule of Accounts in the sum of £21,130.18p inc vat; Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
(b) To Receive Budget Analysis for JULY/august, 2016. Members were furnished with a copy of the Budget Analysis for July and August, 2016, for information. Cllr Cox queried the Town Hall Cleaning Budget. The Clerk will investigate the high level of expenditure.
(i) Citizens advice mid norfolk: Cllr McGinn PROPOSED awarding a grant of £500.00 to the Citizens Advice Mid Norfolk, under the 1989 LG & Housing Act; Cllr Ashcroft seconded. The Clerk explained a second grant application has been received today from the Norfolk Citizens Advice. After a brief discussion, Cllr McGinn withdrew his proposition. IT WAS AGREED to discuss both grant applications at the next Full Council meeting after Cllr Ashcroft has attended their Annual General Meeting next week.
10179.UPDATE ON THE EDMOND HOOKE AND AN UNKNOWN DONOR CHARITY: min 10130 refers: The Clerk read the letter of response from The Chairman of the E Hooke and an Unknown Donor Charity which highlighted the outlines of the purpose of the Charity. After a brief discussion, Cllr Ward volunteered to be one of the Sheringham Representatives appointed by Sheringham Town Council. Cllr Ashcroft PROPOSED nominating Cllr Ward as a Trustee on the E Hooke and an Unknown Donor Charity; Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10180.REPORT ON THE VERA BARCLAY DEDICATION CEREMONY – CLLR ASHCROFT: Cllr Ashcroft reported she was very happy to represent the Town Council at the Cemetery when the Cubs were celebrating Vera Barclay’s contribution to Scouting. Vera Barclay was instrumental in working with Baden Powell to increase opportunities for Cubs. 150,000 Cubs around the UK have been celebrating the sections 100th Birthday and the Scout Association Heritage Service has been working closely with Vera’s family and Norfolk Scouts to ensure a lasting reminder of her hard work which has been added to her grave. Anecdotes were heard from members of her family, Vera’s story from Caroline Pantling, a rededication of the grave by Father Walsh and finally a Grand Howl by North East Norfolk Cubs.
10181.REQUEST FROM SINCLAIR DALBY LTD TO INSTALL TELECOMMUNICATION ANTENNAS, TRANSMISSION DISH AND CABINETS AT SHERINGHAM WOOD: The Clerk read a letter of request from Sinclair Dalby Ltd, on behalf of their Client 02, to install telecommunication antennas, transmission dish and cabinets at Sheringham Wood which is owned by Sheringham Town Council and maintained by the Woodland Trust. A full discussion ensued when Cllr McGinn PROPOSED contacting Sinclair Dalby Ltd to confirm the Town Council’s interest and make further enquiries as to what is involved and to check the terms of the Lease with The Woodland Trust; Cllr Withington seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10182.RESCISSION OF DECISION TO AWARD NEW GRANT APPLICATIONS AS PER THE RECENTLY ADOPTED GRANT AWARDS POLICY – GP&DEV CTTEE - MIN 10 REFERS: Cllr Cox stated a rescission of decision is not required as the previous proposition is outside the six month ruling. Cllr Cox so PROPOSED that all future grant applications will be awarded on their own merit; Cllr Fields seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10183.TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM NORTH NORFOLK TOWN AND PARISH COUNCIL FORUM – CLLR WITHINGTON: Members had previously been furnished with a copy of all correspondence. A full discussion took place when Cllr Withington PROPOSED Sheringham Town Council strongly supports the NNTPF in working towards a more effective distribution of Second Home Council Tax, which benefits those Communities being affected by a high percentage of second homes; Cllr Smith seconded. IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY AGREED.
10184.QUEENS 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATORY MUGS:Cllr Ashcroft reported a further article has been placed in the North Norfolk News to encourage Sheringham youngsters, 18 and under, to collect their free celebratory mugs but unfortunately there has been no response. After a full discussion, Cllr Burns PROPOSED accepting Cllr Ashcroft’s offer to distribute the remaining mugs to eligible students in each year group at the High School; Cllr Craske seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10185.UPDATE ON TOWN CRIERS UNIFORM:The Clerk read an e-mail from the Community and Theatre Wardrobe who are offering to sell the Town Criers Uniform to the Town Council at a cost of £100.00. After discussion Cllr Fields PROPOSED STC purchases the Town Criers Uniform at a cost of £100.00 from the C&TW; the Deputy Mayor seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
Cllr Cox PROPOSED taking Items 21, 22 and 23 under Standing Order 1C, due to the sensitive nature of the business being transacted; Cllr Burns seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Bush, the Press and Public left the meeting.
10186.SPECIAL REQUEST FOR MEMORIAL HEADSTONE AT SHERINGHAM CEMETERY: Cllr McGinn PROPOSED granting permission under exceptional circumstances to allow the Memorial to be erected, provided the design and dimensions are as stated in the specification; Cllr Fields seconded. Those In Favour – 11. Abstentions – 1. IT WAS CARRIED.
10187.UPDATE ON MINUTE NUMBER 10156: The Mayor reiterated STC’s decision to conclude this matter at the 2nd August, 2016, Full Council meeting. He explained the letter from those concerned has been circulated for information only.
10188.STAFF MATTERS:Cllr Ashcroft PROPOSED awarding payment to Mrs Gooch for assisting the Clerk in the office. Further discussion ensued and after which Cllr Ashcroft withdrew her proposition. Cllr Smith PROPOSED approaching Mrs Gooch to enquire if she is interested in a four month temporary Contract of Employment, back dated to 16th August, 2016, to assist the Clerk in the office, which can also be reviewed if necessary; Cllr Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
Cllr Brooks PROPOSED authorising the Clerk to advertise for recruitment of a Deputy Clerk in all the necessary free publications and liaise with The Chairman of the Employment Committee; Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
Cllr Cox PROPOSED coming out of Standing Order 1C; Cllr Smith seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10189.THE CLERKS REPORT:All correspondence is available in the office:
Norfolk ALC Newsletters – 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th August 2016.
Confirmation Letter from Norfolk Homes for Release of Cheque for New Play Climbing Frame Equipment to Sheringham Primary School.
Notice from Norfolk County Council regarding Love Food Hate Waste Launch.
Receiving the Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine September Issue.
Visit from the NCC Highway Rangers on 22nd September 2016.
Notice of the Beach clean on Sunday 18th September 2016 at 10am.
10190.DATE OF NEXT MEETING:4th October 2016
The meeting closed at 10.02pm