The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on January 9, 2007 in the board room located at CHOICE Alternative School.

Board members present: Chairman Julianna Miljour, Sue McCausland, Peter Boome and Holly Sharpe.

Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Jackie McGuire, Alison Nutt, Linda Arnold, Sheryal Balding, Wanda Berndtson, Steve Warner, Mark Weston, Mary Whitehouse, Jeri DeMiero, Robin Gagnon, Bill Archer, Janet Parsons, John Hill and Jill Jagnow.

Others present: Marty Crow, Dedrick Allen, Jeff Green, Mark Prussing, Jim McNeill, Terri Thompson, Lynn Boelk and a number of other guests in the audience.


Chairman Miljour called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


There was one addition to the agenda which was a personnel report as a new Item 9.09. Holly Sharpe made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Peter Boome seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.

Peter Boome read the district’s Mission Statement.


Terri Thompson addressed the board concerning the water temperature of the Shelton High School swimming pool. She told board members that there are approximately 60 community members between the ages of 40-80 with various health issues who use the pool for water aerobics. She also said that since the pool reopened after the new heating/ventilating system was installed this past summer the pool temperature is not up to what they are used to, the temperature is inconsistent, and some people are no longer able to use the pool as a result. She read that the temperature for a multi-purpose pool such as the high school pool should be between 84° - 86°. Terri also commented on a problem with scalding in the locker room showers which she said had been resolved but is now an issue again.

Chairman Miljour thanked Terri for coming to the meeting and informing the board of the issue and assured her that the board and superintendent would look into her concerns.


Superintendent Zook said that board members met in a special meeting last week to interview four candidates for the open Director District #2 position. They had a difficult decision choosing amongst the four candidates and selected Marty Crow to fill the position.

Superintendent Zook then administered the Oath of Office to Marty and he took his place with the rest of the board.


8.01 – Proposed Resolution No. 07-01 establishing the Chris Boelk Memorial Football Scholarship:

Jackie McGuire presented Resolution No. 07-01 establishing the Chris Boelk Memorial Football Scholarship. Chris Boelk, a 2003 graduate of Shelton High School and former football player, was killed in an auto accident last September. This football scholarship, being established at the request of Chris Boelk’s parents, will be distributed annually to one or more graduating seniors for tuition at a college or university of their choice. The scholarship recipient(s) will be selected by the Board of Trustees of the Memorial Scholarship Fund. The amount of $2,000 will be invested into an interest bearing account within the district’s Private Purpose Trust Fund. Holly Sharpe made a motion to approve Resolution No. 07-01 and Sue McCausland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

8.02 – Proposed Resolution No. 07-02 authorizing the refunding of existing bonds:

Mark Prussing from Seattle Northwest Securities was present to discuss the refunding of existing bonds and the second of the two bond sales. This bond refunding will save district taxpayers approximately $1.4 million. Holly Sharpe made a motion approve Resolution No. 07-02. Sue McCausland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Jim McNeill, the district’s legal counsel from Foster Pepper, was delayed in traffic and had not yet arrived at the meeting with the formal legal documents for signature, so board members agreed to come back to this agenda item when he arrives.

8.03 – 2006-07 Highly Capable Program grant application:

Steve Warner briefly discussed the 2006-07 Highly Capable Program grant application in the amount of $29,500. This grant funds a small portion of the $142,700 spent on the program and requires board approval. Holly Sharpe moved, seconded by Peter Boome, to approve the 2006-07 grant application. The motion passed unanimously.

8.02 – Resolution No. 07-02 (continued):

Jim McNeill arrived at the meeting so the board returned to Item 8.02. Jim reviewed Resolution No. 07-02, which is virtually identical to the resolution the board approved at their December 16, 2006 meeting for the first refunding. Jim presented the formal legal documents for board signature.

8.04 – Request to modify the high school science graduation requirement:

Wanda Berndtson discussed a request from the Shelton High School Site Council, on behalf of the Science Department, to modify the science graduation requirement by eliminating the .5 life science requirement. Currently, state law requires students to have 2 credits of science of which one credit must be in a laboratory science. As a district we have added the additional requirement of .5 credit of life science for students as a part of the 2 credit requirement. The Science Department feels this requirement is an imposition on students who prefer the physical sciences to the biological sciences. Holly Sharpe made a motion to modify the Shelton High School science graduation requirement by eliminating the .5 life science requirement. Sue McCausland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

8.05 – Revised plan for Mt. View Elementary and the use of the remaining bond funds:

Jackie McGuire reviewed the projected cash balance in the Capital Projects Fund which is $2,111,042.60. Mark Weston then described the recommended work to be done at Mt. View pending on board approval. That work includes the civil work (retention pond, bus loop, new parking lot) and construction of a new playshed in the total amount of approximately of $1.2 million. Mark said he is essentially ready to go to bid within 30 days after the board gives their approval of the project and when the water table goes down.

John Hill commented that there are a number of staff and special needs and preschool students who travel back and forth from the annex to the main building during the day. A concern he and his staff have is that there will no longer be a covered walkway between the annex and the main building which means the staff and students will be exposed to the weather when traveling between the two buildings. John also complimented Mark and his staff for their work in getting the Mt. View staff completely moved back into their original areas they vacated during the summer.

Mark and board members then discussed the remaining capital projects being recommended with the remainder of the bond funds. Those projects are:

  1. 3 double portable classrooms to accommodate all-day kindergarten next year - $325,000
  2. 1 double portable classroom at Oakland Bay Junior High - $108,000
  3. HVAC units at Shelton High School not done with the energy retrofit project - $100,000
  4. Replacement of the back structural wall of the swimming pool due to rot occurring - $100,000
  5. Sound, lights and seating replacement in the Shelton High School auditorium - $125,000.

Mark said this list of recommended projects is essentially the same as the board approved in the past, with the exception of upgrades to the Shelton High School kitchen, auditorium and more aggressive HVAC replacement. At that time portable classrooms were not on the list which is a big ticket item. Sue McCausland felt we should still consider upgrades to the equipment in the high school kitchen, as well as natural gas, and the purchase of an automatic generator system so perishable food is not lost in the event of power failure.

After more discussion amongst board members on the proposed projects and Mark explaining the original Mt. View project in more detail for new board member Marty Crow, Chairman Miljour called for a motion to approve using the remainder of the capital projects funds for the civil work and new playshed at Mt. View as described above; for the other 5 capital projects listed above; and adding as an alternate bid the addition of a breezeway between the Mt. View annex and the main building. Holly Sharpe made the motion, the motion was seconded the Peter Boome and the motion passed unanimously. The board felt that the upgrades to the high school kitchen were important and asked Mark to gather some cost estimates for them. And, Sue McCausland asked Mark to gather information on possible cost savings if the single pane glass in the high school SUB were replaced.

8.06 – Board retreat:

At the last board meeting Sue McCausland asked about holding a board retreat in the near future. After some discussion amongst board members about topics to be discussed and individual calendars, it was agreed to hold two half-day retreats.

The first retreat is scheduled for Saturday, March 10, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the central office conference room. Discussion topics will be board member protocol and strategic plan. At the end of this retreat a date will be set for the second retreat sometime during the summer.

8.07 – WASA/WSSDA Legislative Conference:

Sue McCausland is the board’s new legislative representative and asked if other board members were interested in attending the Legislative Conference in Olympia on Sunday and Monday, February 25-26. Peter and Marty said they would be interested in attending both days of the conference along with Sue and Julianna and Joan will attend on Sunday only.

8.08 – Planning/review meeting:

Chairman Miljour suggested scheduling a one-hour study session to review the evaluation tool the board previously selected to evaluate the superintendent, since mid-year evaluation time is approaching. It was agreed by the board to hold a study session in the board room from 4:45-5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, January 23, prior to the start of the regular meeting. Joan will send Peter and Marty a copy of this evaluation document prior to the study session.


Holly Sharpe made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the addition of the personnel report as Item 9.09. Peter Boome seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0. Sue McCausland abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest. The board:

  1. Approved minutes of the December 12, 2006 regular board meeting.
  2. Approved minutes of the January 4, 2007 special board meeting.
  3. Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 106090 through 106091 in the amount of $1,786.22 for December 2006.
  4. Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 106092 through 106319 in the amount of $403,619.63 for December 2006.
  5. Approved Capital Projects Fund Voucher Nos. 1642 through 1643 in the amount of $46,674.95 for December 2006.
  6. Approved Associated Student Body Fund Voucher Nos. 16743 through 16794 in the amount of $36,880.82 for December 2006.
  7. Approved the cancellation of miscellaneous General Fund, Capital Projects Fund and ASB Fund Vouchers either lost or never redeemed by the vendors.
  8. Approved the 2007 miscellaneous hourly position salary schedule updated to reflect the change in minimum wage effective January 1, 2007.
  9. Approved the personnel report as submitted and as listed below:

-  Accepted the resignation of Lee Ann Johnson, PE/Health teacher at Shelton High School, effective January 31, 2007.

-  Hired Ingrid Rains as a long term substitute teacher for 2nd grade at Bordeaux effective January 22, 2007 through March 30, 2007.

-  Hired Jacqueline Sartain as a Special Services E.A. at Olympic Middle School effective January 2, 2007 through the end of the 2006-07 school year only.

-  Accepted the resignation of M. Kathy Smith as a daycare worker at CHOICE effective December 18, 2006 (from current leave of absence).


10.01 - Budget status report:

Jackie McGuire gave budget status reports for October and November.


·  Marty Crow commented that he attended Mt. View Elementary and wanted to better understand the changes that had occurred on the remodeling project.

·  Sue McCausland has attended several recent boy’s and girl’s basketball games, including the game last week with the traveling Australian team. Some of our high school students and their families hosted players from that team.

·  Peter Boome enjoyed his recent trip to an art show New York City.

·  Holly Sharpe had a nice holiday with her family but has also been struggling with pneumonia the past several months. She also commented that her 40-year old daughter, who is married with two children, went back to college and recently graduated with her BA degree from the University of Washington.

·  Julianna Miljour welcomed Marty to the board and said the district is fortunate to have a great superintendent and community and excellent board members. She also had a wonderful holiday with her family. Julianna took a moment to thank Mark Weston and Joan Zook for all their work on the Mt. View project and bond priorities.


·  The 2007 WASA/WSSDA Legislative Conference is scheduled for February 25-26, 2007 in Olympia.


Chairman Miljour declared the meeting adjourned at 8.07 p.m.

Chairman, Board of Directors

Secretary to the Board