[Text appears]
Future transport
The road ahead
[Voice Over]
Transport accounts for more than a quarter of the world’s total energy use.
[Animated Sequence]
A blue and green globe zooms in to viewwith the word ‘TODAY’ appearing underneath.
A line moves round the interior of the globe turning it in to a pie chart with 3 segments, one with an illustration ofa car, one a home and a one power plant.
A tanker and lorry appear in the segment with the car.
[Voice Over]
With global energy demand expected to rise by 30% by 2040, the need to move more people and goods must be balanced with efforts to cut carbon emissions.
[Animated Sequence]
The pie chart increases in size and the number ‘2040’ and the words ‘anticipated 30% growth in energy demand between 2015 & 2040 from IEA world energy outlook 2016’ appear underneath it.
The powerplant illustration increases in size and the home illustration becomes a mini city to illustrate the increase in energy demand.
The globe zooms out of the screen to leave the car, tanker and lorry illustration with a grey cloud positioned to the right containing the lettering ‘CO2’.
A red arrow moves downwards from the cloud and another moves upwards next to the car, tanker and lorry illustration.
[Voice Over]
In the near term, innovations in engine, lubricants and fuel design can help improve efficiency and reduce emissions from vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.
[Animated Sequence]
The whole illustration moves upwards out of view and engine parts flow in to view and connect together to form an engine.
4 lubricants containers appear to the left of the engine illustration.
The top contain pours lubricant in to the engine which flows through the engine parts.
[Voice Over]
Such engines are likely to power the majority of vehicles for the next couple of decades.
[Animated Sequence]
The container illustrations move upwards out of the scene and the engine flows in to a new illustration of a car.
The car sits in front of a petrol station with 2 road signs; one showing ’10 YRS’ and the other showing ’20 YRS’, both pointing to the right.
The car drives away from the petrol station in to the next illustration.
[Voice Over]
Looking further forward a range of fuel options will be required to meet growing demand in a low carbon world.
[Animated Sequence]
The car stops in front of an illustration depicting an area of vegetation growing in soil with the word ‘BIOFUELS’ sitting above.
A trailer is being filled with the raw materials to make biofuels.
The car then moves along in to the next illustrated sequence.
[Voice Over]
With an ear to the evolving needs of our customers and society, Shell is developing other transport fuels including biofuels and liquefied natural gas and we are exploring opportunities for electric vehicles powered by both hydrogen and batteries.
[Animated Sequence]
An illustration builds up to depict a tanker in an ocean with a lorry and LNG storage tank.
The words ‘LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS’ sit above.
The car moves forward to the next illustrated sequence.
The car drives past an impression of a station designed to serve electric vehicles with the word ‘ELECTRIC’ sitting above.
The car continues past the re-charging station.
The illustration pans out to show all three previous illustrations of the biofuel plant, LNG tanker and an impression of a station designed to serve electric vehicles.
[Voice Over]
We are working with the German Government and five companies to install a national network of fuelling pumps for hydrogen fuel cell electric cars by 2023.
[Animated Sequence]
A depiction of the German flag flows in from the left in a waved formation to fill the whole screen.
The flag decreases in size and the three colours separate out.
The illustration changes to that of a Hydrogen pump. This zooms out and appears within a solid green outline of Germany along with numerous other Hydrogen fuel pumps. The number 2023 appears below the map.
A network of moving lines join all the pairings together.
The illustration moves upwards out of shot.
[Voice Over]
Ultimately, we believe in achieving the greatest efficiencies possible with the fuels and vehicles which are available today while preparing for tomorrow.
[Animated Sequence]
The car drives past and briefly stops outside an illustration of a petrol station before continuing on.
The car changes shape and colour from yellow to blue.
This car drives on and stops in front of a conceptual illustration of a future fuelling station.
The car drives on past the station into the next illustration sequence which depicts an aeroplane flying upwards, a fuel tanker in a body of water and a lorry.
The Shell logo appears on screen. Underneath is written © SHELL INTERNATIONAL 2016