УДК: 311.21:331.215:305-055.2
Candidate Economic Science
SHEE «Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University»
H. Petyhova
senior lecturer, department of statistics
SHEE «Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University»
Abstract. In the article the statistical evaluation of gender inequalities in wages by economic activity and regions of Ukraine. Done grouping regions the ratio of wages between men and women.
Keywords: average salary, gender inequality, income.
Of particular relevance has become the problem of gender inequality in Ukraine, so it is important to conduct statistical evaluation of gender inequality in wages by economic activities and regions of the country.
Gender aspects of pay in view of their scientific work such Ukrainian scientists as Z.Baranyk, A. Vlasov, N. Vlasenko, A. Grishnova, I.Danylenko, Plakhotnik O., E. Libanova and others [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
According to Art. 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men" to be realized equal pay for women and men with the same qualifications and the same working conditions [8]. Unfortunately, in Ukraine there is a gender imbalance in pay. Moreover, gender differences limit both the demand and supply of female labor. This is due to the actions of the old behavior of men and women in society which affect not only employees but also to employers when hiring preference to men, as any woman considered unprofitable and unstable work [7] .
The main reason for the preservation of gender inequality in Ukraine, there are differences in the economic opportunities of men and women. Thus, the performance of education no significant differences by gender, and taking into account life expectancy, the difference in favor of women as an essential factor in society uneven gender differences in wages between men and women.
Women make up the majority of the working population of Ukraine. The share of working women in 2013 was 52.7% of the total number of employees, the same trend observed in previous years.
The average wage for women in Ukraine is much lower than in men (Figure 1).
Fig. 1. Dynamics of average nominal wages of women and men in 2007-2013. InUkraine
There is uneven distribution of working women and men across the economy. In some areas of production involved the majority of men, some - women. Women's work is most common in low-paid sectors of social services - including education workers (76.6%) and healthcare (81.6%), while in the industry - 36.2% (Figure 2). As a result, the average salary of women is 77.2% corresponding figure men.
Women often hold less prestigious positions and, therefore, receive lower wages, they have to agree to low-paid job than to be unemployed. The share of employees in terms of underemployment is also higher among women.
Another factor in the gender pay gap is the legal limit the employment of women in certain types of work where heavy or hazardous working conditions offset by significant benefits.
Fig. 2. The proportion of women among the registration number of staff was on 31/12/2013.
Men hold a disproportionate percentage of senior government and administrative positions and receive higher wages than women for the same jobs. [6] Lower wage rates of women is largely due to the lack of reasonable proportions in pay depending on the complexity and social significance of the work.
This problem exists in the world. Variations between countries range from 75% to 30% [3].
In 2013 inUkraine women's salary was 2866 UAH., Men - 3711 UAH. Wages women less than men's wages in all economic activities (3), even in those where women predominate purely profession, there is inequality in pay for men.
Fig. 3. The wages of men and women by economic activity in Ukraine in 2013
The highest average salary for both men and women recorded in financial and insurance activities. The salary of women was 5395 UAH men - 8079 UAH. Value of average wages of women and men is 66.8% (the gap in 2684 reached USD).
There is a significant gap in this kind of economic activity as art, sports, entertainment and recreation where women's average wage (2714 UAH) is only 62.2% of the average men's salary (4362 USD), that is, the difference is 1648 UAH in favor of men. The same situation is seen in the industry - 2946 UAH women get men - 4227 UAH gap reaches 1281 UAH ratio - 69.7% and in postal and courier activities, where the gap in wages of women (1779 UAH ) and men (2755 USD) is UAH 976 and the ratio is 64.6%.
In Table. 1 shows the data on wages of men and women by economic activity.
Table 1
The wages of women and men in 2013
Economic activity / Average monthly nominal wages UAH. / The absolute deviation UAH. / Value wages of women and men,%women / men
Total / 2866 / 3711 / 845 / 77,2
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries / 2134 / 2429 / 295 / 87,9
including agriculture / 2070 / 2364 / 294 / 87,6
Industry / 2946 / 4227 / 1281 / 69,7
Construction / 2471 / 2760 / 289 / 89,5
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles / 2696 / 3309 / 613 / 81,5
Transport, storage, post and kur`yerska activity / 3042 / 3918 / 876 / 77,6
activities in the field of transport / 3415 / 3421 / 6 / 99,8
warehousing and support activities of transport / 3573 / 4302 / 729 / 83,0
postal and activities kur`yerska / 1779 / 2755 / 976 / 64,6
Temporary and arrangement of catering / 2112 / 2498 / 386 / 84,6
Information and Telecommunications / 4262 / 4853 / 591 / 87,8
Financial and insurance activities / 5395 / 8079 / 2684 / 66,8
Real estate / 2584 / 2898 / 314 / 89,2
Professional, scientific and technical activities / 4210 / 4726 / 516 / 89,1
with its research and development / 3715 / 4313 / 598 / 86,1
Activities in administrative and support services / 2490 / 2554 / 64 / 97,5
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security / 3522 / 4038 / 516 / 87,2
Education / 2641 / 2892 / 251 / 91,3
Health and social assistance / 2318 / 2580 / 262 / 89,8
including health protection / 2338 / 2612 / 274 / 89,5
Arts, sports, entertainment and recreation / 2714 / 4362 / 1648 / 62,2
including activities in the field of creativity, arts and entertainment / 2733 / 3188 / 455 / 85,7
operation of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions / 2793 / 2575 / -218 / 108,5
Providing other services / 2409 / 3036 / 627 / 79,4
Wages women less than men's wages in all sectors except Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions, where wages of women than men's wages by 8.5% (218 USD), but the share of women in this area is 0.75%.
Regarding regional gender inequalities, in all regions in 2013 salary was lower in women than in men (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Salaries of men and women by region in Ukraine in 2013
In Table. 2 Data on wages of men and women by region in 2013
Table 2
The wages of women and men in regions of Ukraine in 2013
Regions / The average monthly wage of staff, UAH. / The absolute deviation UAH. / Value wages of women and men,%women / men
Total / 2866 / 3711 / 845 / 77,2
Vinnitsa / 2427 / 2911 / 484 / 83,4
Volyn / 2384 / 2835 / 451 / 84,1
Dnipropetrovsk / 2779 / 3902 / 1123 / 71,2
Donetsk / 2893 / 4647 / 1754 / 62,3
Zhytomyr / 2364 / 2795 / 431 / 84,6
Zakarpattya / 2413 / 2759 / 346 / 87,5
Zaporizhia / 2666 / 3660 / 994 / 72,8
Ivano - Frankivsk / 2446 / 2977 / 531 / 82,2
Kyiv / 2915 / 3781 / 866 / 77,1
Kirovohrad / 2363 / 2873 / 510 / 82,2
Lugansk / 2590 / 4117 / 1527 / 62,9
Lviv / 2506 / 3103 / 597 / 80,8
Mykolaiv / 2634 / 3620 / 986 / 72,8
Odessa / 2690 / 3246 / 556 / 82,9
Poltava / 2552 / 3431 / 879 / 74,4
Rivne / 2471 / 3317 / 846 / 74,5
Sums / 2432 / 3000 / 568 / 81,1
Ternopil / 2276 / 2464 / 188 / 92,4
Kharkov / 2573 / 3314 / 741 / 77,6
Herson / 2378 / 2568 / 190 / 92,6
Khmelnytsky / 2399 / 2917 / 518 / 82,2
Cherkassy / 2475 / 2928 / 453 / 84,5
Chernivtsi / 2411 / 2577 / 166 / 93,6
Chernihiv / 2329 / 2717 / 388 / 85,7
Kyiv city / 4711 / 5324 / 613 / 88,5
The smallest gap in wages of women relative to men is found in Chernivtsi, Kherson and Ternopil regions (the ratio is respectively 93.6%, 92.6% and 92.4%). The lowest salary received by women compared with men in Donetsk (62.3%), Luhansk (62.9%) and Dnipropetrovsk (71.2%) regions. That is, in those areas where wages are higher there and the pay gap between women and men is palpable.
Based on the data held regional grouping the ratio of wages between men and women (Table. 3).
Table 3
Grouping regions of Ukraine by the ratio of wages women and men in 2013
The level of the ratio of wages of women and men rehioniv / The number of regions / The level of wages of women relative to men's wagesgroup,% / Regions
Less than average / 3 / 65,4 / Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Luhansk region
Average / 8 / 76,4 / Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy regions
More than average / 16 / 85,0 / Vinnytsia, Volyn, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kirovohrad, Odesa, Ternopil, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv regions, m. Kyiv
Together / 27 / 77,2 / Ukraine
The first group, where the ratio of wages of women and men is smaller than the average (65.4%), were the three regions of Ukraine - Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Intermediate inherent in 8 regions - Zaporizhia, Kyiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy regions. The level of correlation in these regions is 76.4%. More than the average (85.0%) have 16 regions of Ukraine.
The results of the analysis of gender inequalities indicate the differences in pay between men and women, which is discriminatory in nature. In today's environment where Ukraine is committed approach to the European community, it is important to achieving gender equality, including the labor market.
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