Sheboygan South High School

Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus

Fall 2010

I. INSTRUCTOR: Brian Henriksen, Room 159 and 172 / office room 174

phone: (920) 803-7819


Required: Text: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (provided)

Notebook just for A & P

Binder: Three-ring binder, at least 1-1/2” in diameter (student must provide)

Vinyl Gloves (student provides)

Goggles: Safety goggles are required whenever work is done in

the laboratory. State law requires that goggles be worn at all times during the lab. Goggles will be provided by the school system, or may by purchased provided they are approved safety goggles for a biology laboratory.


A. Attendance

Regular attendance is essential to achieve the course objectives. Assignments and tests missed for a valid reason will not be counted against you, but must be made up in a timely manner.

B. Late Assignments

Assignments turned in after the scheduled due date will drop one letter grade for each day they are late. No assignments will be accepted one week past the scheduled due date. If absent on the day an assignment is due, it will be accepted without penalty upon return if the absence was excused. If unexcused, the regular late penalty will apply.

C. Grade Distribution - Quarter

Portfolio /Homework 20% Students will be expected to keep a binder of assigned work which will be graded or checked periodically during the semester. This will include various homework assignments.

Tests 40% Tests will be given at the end of each

chapter. All test scores will be counted.

The average scores will represent 30% of

the quarter grade. These are often practical exams

Quizzes 10% Quizzes will be given periodically throughout

the chapter.

Lab 30% Laboratory work will be assigned based

on lab work that is done while studying each chapter. All lab scores will be counted. Lab notebooks will be kept by all students.

Grade Distribution - Semester

First Quarter 45% of Semester Grade

Second Quarter 45% of Semester Grade

Final Exam 10% of Semester Grade

D. Grading Scale

A 99-92 B+ 89-88 C+ 79-78 D+ 69-68 F Below 59

A- 91-90 B 87-82 C 77-72 D 67-62

B- 81-80 C- 71-70 D- 61-59

E. Laboratory Safety

Students and their parents/guardians will be required to read and sign a Lab Safety Contract prior to the student’s first lab exercise. A lab safety quiz will also be administered to the student and a passing grade must be earned.

F. Homework website: Homework is posted online and updated every Monday.

Past assignments will remain posted for two weeks. Homework can be found at:

G. Additional Support

In addition to homework assignments, the homework website will post links to a variety of interesting, informative, and helpful sites for many of the units that are covered throughout the year. Visit them for added insight and help.


This course is intended to introduce the student to the language of the elementary theories of anatomy and physiology, to provide training and practice in analytical reasoning and problem solving, and to serve as the basis for further studies in biology. The laboratory portion is designed to provide training in the dissection of mammals, and to reinforce text material with concrete experience.

Specific areas in which the student is expected to achieve minimal competency by the end of the semester are the following:

Topics Covered:

·  Introduction: the Human Body – an Orientation

·  Chemistry and Cells – Test to check knowledge

·  Tissues

·  Skin and Body Membranes: Integumentary System

·  Movement: Skeletal and Muscular Systems

·  Body Communication: Nervous, Senses, and Endocrine System

·  Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Blood, and Lymphatic Systems

·  Digestive System

·  Urinary System

·  Reproductive System