Valerie Rutledge, education, and Linda Johnston, education, contributed to Michele Valadie’s December 2008 article published on CYC-Online entitled, “Are Early Childcare Providers Ready for Inclusion?”
Valerie Rutledge, Kim Wingate, education and Mrs. Linda Rivers, Children’s Center, presented at the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities in Cincinnati, Ohio, in October 2008. The presentation was entitled “A Partnership of People, Places, and Possibilities.”
Rutledge was recently appointed to a three year term as a member of the Tennessee State Board of Examiners (BOE) for Teacher Education. The BOE is comprised of representatives from higher education, P-12 education, state-level personnel and participates in joint accreditation visits with NCATE as they review teacher education programs throughout the state.
Sandy Watson, education, was awarded Outstanding Teaching/Advising Award: College of Health, Education and Professional Studies.
She was also named as an NCATE Program Reviewer.
Her presentations so far this year: Society for Values in Higher Education (Chicago, IL). University as Wal Mart: Consumerism in Academia.
Articles published or in press in 2009:
Watson, S. & Miller, T. (2009). Classification and the dichotomous key: Tools for identification. The Science Teacher, 76(3), pp. 50-54.
Watson, S. & Bradley, J. (2009) Modeling Secondary Instructional Strategies in a Teacher Education Class. Education. (in press)
Watson, S. (2009) Teaching Science Investigation with Discovery Bottles. Science and Children, 45(9).
Invited Book Chapter:
Watson, S. (2009). Telementoring in Teacher Education: IGI Global Communications Publishing Co.
Edited Book: Johnston, L. & Watson, S. (Eds). (2009). PDS: A Beginning to Education in a Diverse Society: Pearson Custom Publishing: Boston, MA.
Lucien Ellington, education and UTC Asia Program, was an invited speaker at the Core Knowledge national meeting in Anaheim, CA in November 2008. Ellington’s topic was “Interactive Asia: Geography, Economics, and History.” Ellington edited two issues of the Association of Asian Studies teaching journal, Education About Asia (Vol. 13: 1 & 2, Fall and Winter 2008). Ellington also published “Asia in World History: Notes on Pedagogical Scholarship” in the Southeast Review of Asian Studies (Vol. 30, 2008). Ellington chaired a panel entitled, “Teaching East Asia in World History” at the annual meeting of the Southeast Conference for Asian Studies at Emory University in January 2009. Ellington was awarded a total of $218,675 in external funds for 2009 Asia-related publications and seminars. In late October 2008, Ellington, in a cooperative venture with Columbia University, served as study tour leader for 19 Tennessee and Mississippi teachers who visited Aichi Prefecture in Japan. A major objective of the one week visit was the creation of US-Japan digital exchange projects.
George Helton and Barbara Ray, education, presented a paper entitled Administrative pressures to practice unethically: Research and suggested strategies at the Mid-South Conference on Psychology in the Schools, Chattanooga, TN, Oct., 2008.
Darrell Meece, education, published the article “Show your interest in children through reflections” in the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s publication Teaching Young Children. Darrell Meece also published an accompanying training guide in NAEYC’s NEXT: The Teaching Young Children Staff Development Guide. The citation is:
Meece, D. (2009). Show your interest in children through behavior reflections. Teaching Young Children, 2 (3) 8-10.
Kim Wingate and Darrell Meece, education, presented:
Wingate, K. & Meece, D. (2008, November) Providing diverse opportunities
for pre-service teachers. Presented at the Annual Conference of the
Southeastern Association of Teacher Educators, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Wingate also wrote:
Ridgley, R. & Wingate, K.E. (June, 2008). Providing Individually Responsive
Home Visits. Journal of Young Exceptional Children.
Linda Rivers, UTC Children’s Center, was selected as one of the recipients of the Siskin Children’s Institute’s Circle of Scholars Research Awards. She will be investigating the effects of incidental teaching on the engagement of preschool children with disabilities in an inclusive site.
Bonnie Warren-Kring, education, was accepted to the IRA’s Research Poster Session held during IRA’s 54th West Annual Convention in Phoenix, AZ on February 23, 2009. Presentation is titled, “Adolescents’ Comprehension and Content Area Education Students’ Dispositions Benefit from One-On-One Tutoring.”
Co-director of UC Foundation Strategic Planning grant 2008-2009 “Partnering to Increase Reading Comprehension & Math Skills at Orchard Knob Middle School through UTC Student Tutors” for $18, 320.
Received TNE (Teachers for a New Era) Learning Network grant 2007-2008 for
$9, 720 for assistance in my content area reading courses for supplying trade books and implementing tutoring for middle and high school students.
Asked by NCATE to be an Advisory Board member for the Urban Teacher Residency Project, Washington, D.C.
Darrell Meece, education, co-authored a publication resulting from an inter-disciplinary examination of correlates of informal child care among low-income families with Ellen Kossek and Shaun Pichler of Michigan State University, and Marguerite Barratt of George Washington University. This research, funded by the Gerber Foundation, reflects collaboration of management, labor and industrial relations, early childhood education, and family and child social policy perspectives. Data from interviews conducted with 187 family, friend and neighbor child care providers receiving public subsidies indicated that, even after controlling for familial status or household income, caregiver perceptions of higher quality care were associated with higher education levels, greater attachment to child care as a job; and lower provider depressive symptoms. Further, findings from the study suggest that mothers who have providers with whom they have good caregiving interactions may experience positive social support and psychological crossover dynamics associated with mother well-being. The reference for the publication is:
Kossek, E. E., Pichler, S. M., Meece, D., & Barratt, M. E. (2008). Family, friend and neighbour child care providers and maternal well-being in low-systems: An ecological social approach. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81, , 369-391.
Additional findings from this study also were presented this fall:
Kossek, E. E., Pichler, S. M., Meece, D., & Barratt, M. E. (2008, August). Child Care Providers and Maternal Well-Being: The Missing Link in Work-Family Research. Presented as part of the symposium “Low wage work and families” at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim.
Sandy Watson, education, presenter: Asian Studies Conference (Hilton Head Island, South Carolina). Teaching about Japan. Japan In-service/Pre-service Teacher Module
-Presenter: ESL Summer Institute, UTC: Diversity and Equity Issues
-Presenter: THEC workshop (Dr. Kay Cowan): Differentiating Reading Across the Curriculum (science).
Authored articles:
-Watson, S. & Bradley, J. (2008) Modeling Secondary Instructional Strategies in a Teacher Education Class. Education. (in press)
-Watson, S. (2008) Teaching Science Investigation with Discovery Bottles. Science and Children, 45(9).
-Miller, T., Watson, S. & Rutledge, V. (2008). Message Tees and Hidden Curriculum. Education Research and Perspectives, 34(2), pp. 91-103.
Other accomplishments/honors:
-Institutional Representative for American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
-Council of Scholars