ShawlandsPrimary School

Enterprise in Education Policy

2009 -2010


  1. Introduction
  2. Aims
  3. Objectives
  4. Enterprise Activities
  5. Financial Education in Enterprise
  6. Careers Education in Enterprise
  7. Roles and Responsibilities
  8. Business and Industry
  9. Progression and Continuity
  10. Monitoring and Assessing
  11. Appendices

‘Every pupil from P1 to S6 must have an entitlement to Enterprise activities on an annual basis’ Determined To Succeed

‘Pupils who see the purpose of education are more likely to engage in life long learning especially if teachers are able to show the rapidly changing nature of work and society. Thus education for work is a powerful feature of lifelong learning.’

Education for work in schools – HMI Report by HMI Inspectors of schools.

1. Introduction

In ShawlandsPrimary School we recognise the importance of enterprise education and aim to create an enterprising ethos throughout the school. Enterprise is embedded in the whole school curriculum and ethos. Children are encouraged to participate in many aspects of school life through the pupil council, teaching and learning, various committees and working with and in the community.

We see enterprise as a way to foster and develop core skills in real situations; to promote education for citizenship; to enhance pupil’s personal and social development; to provide opportunities for pupils to make informed choices and decisions. Many of the school’s activities easily lend themselves to enterprise education.

An activity can be classed as enterprising by:

-Having a real reason for it e.g. producing posters to raise awareness about need to recycle, making calendars to sell at a community Christmas Fair.

-Children taking over-all responsibility for planning and decision making for the project e.g. organising a sponsored event for charity, putting on an exhibition/assembly for parents.

The teacher is the facilitator and is on hand to offer advice and guidance. The extent of teacher intervention will depend on the age/stage and previous experience of the children involved.

Activities can be classed as enterprising if the above criteria are met. Enterprising activities can be divided into four main types – Event, Display of Knowledge, Campaign and Selling. They can be delivered either as stand alone, with curricular focus or cross-curricular focus.

2. Aims

Through enterprise education we aim to:

-Develop the core skills of communication, numeracy, literacy, problem-solving, using ICT and working with others.

-Develop enterprising attitudes and skills through learning and teaching.

-Develop a knowledge and understanding of the world of work.

-Enhance personal and social development.

-Form links with the wider community.

-Foster and develop skills in citizenship.

3. Objectives

The children will be able to:

-Demonstrate skills in numeracy, problem-solving, literacy, ICT and working with others.

-Participate fully in enterprise activities.

-Show a knowledge and understanding of the world of work.

-Make personal contributions and work as part of a team thus improving self-confidence and self-esteem.

-Interact with the wider community.

-Make informed choices and decisions and be able to take action, individually and as part of a team.

4. Enterprise Activities

Class and whole school activities will include:




-Displays of Knowledge


-Careers Education (Education at Work)

-Contact with outside agencies

-Visit to businesses and industries

-Community links

5. Financial Education in Enterprise

Through enterprise activities the children will have the opportunity to develop their financial competence in a ‘real’ way by e.g.

-keeping financial records

-analysing financial information

-assessing value for money

-preparing and using budgets

-making informed financial decisions

-evaluating potential risks and returns

-using financial and other resources in an innovative and confident manner

-applying knowledge and skills creatively and responsibly in a range of situations

6. Careers Education in Enterprise (Education at Work)

Enterprise education is an important vehicle for developing careeer-related learning in Primary schools. It is most effective in schools where it has become a regular part of the ethos. It encourages an enterprising, ‘can do’ attitude and makes connections between school events/activities and ‘real life’. It is relevant to life beyond the classroom and lends itself well to all Glasgow topics. (see attached project ideas)

7. Roles and Responsibilities

Headteacher’s Role :

-Overall responsibility for the implementation of enterprise education.

-Final responsibility for resources and staff development needs.

-Liase with co-ordinator and relevant staff.

Co-ordinator’s Role :

-To support staff in the implementation of Enterprise in the curriculum.

-To review and advise on appropriate resources.

-To look for and facilitate links with the community.

-To look for and encourage business placements and industry links.

Teacher’s Role :

-To encourage an enterprising approach in all areas of the curriculum.

-To look for and recognise opportunities to use the enterprise approach to learning and teaching.

-To be a facilitator in providing an enterprising approach to learning and teaching

-To provide opportunities for children to take responsibility for their own learning through problem-solving and decision making

-To facilitate, where appropriate, links with the community as well as business and industry links.

-To take a collegiate approach to whole school initiatives and co-operate and communicate with each other in individual enterprise projects

Parent’s Role

-To work in partnership with the school

-To use their knowledge and skills to enhance teaching and learning

-To attend meetings raising awareness of the work of pupils through displays of work, assemblies etc

8. Business and Industry

The school is committed to developing links as well as working in partnership with business and industry to:
-encourage a business partner/adviser to make regular contributions to specific projects when appropriate.

- encourage a business partner/adviser to provide staff with support and advice

when needed.

-visit classes to allow children to question people from a business environment when


9. Progression and Continuity

We aim to build and nurture the concept of enterprise throughout the school in order to fully equip the children with the skills, confidence, understanding and creativity needed for their future working life. In order to carry this out we have identified various enterprise activities through our school topics (see attached project table). These are suggested activities only and may be altered to suit children and/or circumstances. All pupils are also encouraged to become involved in the various school committees e.g. pupil council, eco group, school travel group etc Children may also be involved in Stand Alone enterprise projects at all stages where appropriate.

We will endeavour to gain yearly Enterprise Awards as part of the Determined to Succeed Programme and improve on each year’s level.

10. Monitoring and Assessing

We will monitor and assess:

-Individual projects/approaches using teacher, peer and self assessment (see attached School Enterprise Record).

-Whole school performance using HGIOS at Education and Industry Links.

We will consult with outside agencies, parents and pupils and use their views to modify future initiatives.

11. Appendices

B.Examples of Enterprise types
  1. Project Ideas Table
  2. Careers Education Ideas Tables
  3. School Enterprise Record
Appendix A


  1. Career Education in Scotland – National Framework
  2. H.M.I. Report – Education for Work and Enterprise
  3. Education and Industry Links in Scotland
  4. Enterprise Education Management Guidelines
  5. How Good Is Our School at Education Industry Links
  6. Glasgow Policy – Education for Work and Enterprise
  7. Determined to Succeed programme
Appendix B

Examples of Enterprise Types

Campaign / Anti-Litter Posters, Anti-Bullying Posters, Recycling, Healthy Eating, Health Promotion Week, Newsletters, Eco School, Road Safety, Smoke Free Me, Garden Project, P6 Buddy Scheme, Road Safety Leaflets, Notice Boards, Stamps for Guide Dogs
Events / Summer show, Nativity play, Women’s Guild Concert, Christmas Carol singing in Buchanan Galleries, Red Nose Day, Talent Show, Walk to School Week, Visit to Recycling Centre, Visit to Mosque
Display of Knowledge / Show and tell – Class Projects, Glasgow Challenge, Art Displays, Power Point Presentations, School Travel Plans, Assemblies
Selling / School Calendars, Christmas Trade Fair

Appendix C

Project Ideas Table

Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
Primary 1 / People who help and care for me (Health)
Visit from Dental Nurse / Christmas Story(R.E.)
Make Calendars or Christmas cards to sell / Seasons (science)
Growing Plants for Mother’s Day / Road Safety (Health)
Visit from Road Safety Officer
Primary 2 / Our Street (Social Subject)
Visit local shops / Our School (S.S.) / Stranger Danger (Health)
‘Our School’ Leaflet/Police input on Personal Safety / Toys and Play (Science)
Display of work / Knowledge
Assembly / When Gran was a Girl (S.S.)
Visit from Gran
Primary 3 / What a Load of Rubbish (S.S.)
Visit to Polmadie
Recycling campaign / The Age of Invention/ The Egyptians (S.S.)
Exhibition of work/ Assembly
Make Hieroglyphic Book Marks to sell / The Health Centre (S.S.)
Visit from health workers Interview
Visit to Health Centre
Leaflet of Services / Using Magnets (Science)
Make Fridge Magnets to sell or give to Primary 1s
Primary 4 / Knights & Castles (S.S.)
Display of Work/Knowledge
Assembly / Disability (S.S.)
Research & Fundraising Event / Weather (Science)/What is Bullying? (PSD)
Visit from Fire Safety Officer/ Rules-ideas to Pupil Council, police input / Glasgow (S.S.)
Tourist Guide Leaflet
Primary 5 / Woodlands (Science)
Visit from Park Ranger
Interview / Drugs (Health)
Police input on drugs
Awareness raising leaflet/posters / Romans in Britain(S.S.)
Exhibition of Work
Assembly / Community Centre (S.S.)
Visit to Community Centre
Primary 6 / Fairground Electricity (Science)
Power-Plant Awareness
Display of Knowledge / Refugee & Asylum Seekers (PSD)
Visitor in connection with refugees
Interview / Victorians (S.S.)/Places of Worship (R.E.)
Exhibition of Work
Visits to mosque etc / European Union (S.S.)
Visit from MSP
Visit to Scottish Parliament
Primary 7 / Tropical Rainforest(S.S.)/
Campaign to save rainforest
Visit to Botanic Gardens / WW2 The Home Front (S.S.)
Visit from elderly person-interview about war time experiences
Display of Knowledge
Assembly / Looking After Myself (PSD)/All About Me (Health)
Visit to Child Safety Centre
Visit from Police
Awareness Raising / Castaway on Barralay (S.S)/Keeping Me Safe (Health)
Leaflet advertising island life
Input from School Nurse re hygiene

Appendix D

Careers Education Ideas Tables

People in Society

Unit / From Planners
P1 / My Family / Lesson 1- Jobs Survey in the family
P2 / Our School / Lesson 2- Jobs in School. Pupil survey and interview. People who help us.
P3 / The Health Centre / Lesson 1- Resource Sheet A jobs. Lesson 2- Who works there? Lesson 4- Health professionals. Lesson8- Role Play setting up Health Centre. Lesson 10,11- Write job descriptions, interviews
P4 / Disability / People employed to support SEN children. Capability Scotland, Enable, Bridges to Work, Careers Scotland, FairBridge, Right track
P5 / The Community Centre / Lesson 2- jobs in the community – church, Scouts, health centre, sports centre. Lesson4- Day to day running of the Centre. Lesson 6- Election of a community council.
P6 / The European Union / Lesson 2- Roles of government bodies in EU. Lesson 3- Members of the European parliament. Lesson 8- Roles of the MSP, First Minister etc
P7 / Castaway on Barralay / Lesson 1- Set scene. Research about their character’s jobs – lawyer, physio, farm hand etc. Lesson5- Jobs on the Island, skills needed etc. Lesson 6- Job Applications. Lesson7- Allocation of jobs on the island.
People and Place
Unit / From Planners
P1 / Our Weather / Lesson 7- Radio/TV person
P2 / Our Street / Lesson 5- Services in the street, shops, church, community centre. Lesson 6- Transport workers. Lesson 8- Care of the street- bin men/women, road sweepers, road builders etc
P3 / What a Load of Rubbish / Lesson 4- People who recycle or reuse e.g. charity shops
P4 / Glasgow / Lesson 2- People who work on the Clyde. Lesson 3- People who work in parks – the park ranger. Cemeteries, golf courses etc. Lesson 5- Leisure and Recreation (Pupil Sheet 9) Match the jobs. (Pupil sheet 10,11). Lesson 6- Shops- local, retail parks, supermarket (Pupil sheet 15). Lesson 8- City Chambers Council Services. Lesson 9- the Local Councillor.
P5 / World Weather / Meteorologist, TV/radio weather person. Visit to a weather station/ weather radio/ TV studio
P6 / Scotland / Lesson 3- Lochs, the tourist industry, jobs. Lesson7- Research- employment/industry within the city. Lesson 9 Charities- the voluntary sector. Lesson 10- Comparison between rural and urban work
P7 / Tropical Rainforests / Lesson 5- Visit to Botanic Gardens- people who work there. Lesson 6- Rainforest products – people involved with products from rainforests – coffee, furniture, cola etc. Lesson 9- People involved in Conservation
People in the Past
Unit / From Planners
P1 / Toys / Lesson 3- Setting up a toy museum –curator, departments?? Lesson 11- Visit to Museum of Childhood. Interview workers
P2 / When Gran was a Girl / Lesson 11- TransportMuseum, People’s Palace- people who work there
P3 / Age of Invention / Lesson 6- How do inventors work? Research on famous inventors. Lesson 7- being an inventor.
P4 / Knights & Castles / Lesson 2- Looking back in time. Jobs of historians/researchers.
P5 / Romans in Britain / Lesson 4 or 6- Role of an archaeologist. Comparison between bath house and a modern leisure centre. Visit to the Huntarian Museum.
P6 / Victorians / Lesson 4- Comparisons between Victorian and modern kitchens. Lesson 5- Jobs in Victorian times to now. Lesson 6- Comparison between Health now and Health in Victorian times. Lesson 7- Victorian situations vacant. Lesson 9- Education lesson. Lesson10- Scotland Street museum jobs.
P7 / WW2 Home Front / Lesson 1- Role of a historian. Lesson 3- Employment during the war. Lesson 11- Remembering the past, importance of heritage.
Glasgow’s Health
Unit / From Planners
P1 / People who Help and Care for Me / In school, head teacher, teacher, ancillary staff, janitor, outside school, emergency services, doctor etc
P2 / People I Meet every Day / People I meet on the way to school – crossing person, shopkeeper, neighbours etc
P3 / People who Care for my Health / Doctor, nurse, dentist, school
P4 / People in the Wider Community / Work of health care professionals. Aspects of alternative medicine.
P5 / To convey the importance of others in daily activities in every day life / Learning to respect others. Special needs, equal opportunities etc
P6 / The children have built up many good relationships in their environment and will continue to do so if they show respect to others / Relationships at home, school. Within the wider community leaders/ members of clubs, places of worship, community police, local shops
P7 / The children should be able to move into secondary education with a positive attitude, looking forward to the challenges / Coping with change, transition/guidance teacher on visits to school. Roles of people in new school. Travelling further, meet new people
Appendix E

School Enterprise Record

Primary 1 / Primary 2 / Primary 3 / Primary 4 / Primary 5 / Primary 6 / Primary 7
Acitivity/Project Title & Date
Type – Display of Knowledge, Event, Campaign, Selling, Education at Work
Assessment type – teacher, self, peer
Comments, Evaluation