Newsletter No: 4 15th October 2015

Book Fair

Thank you to everyone for supporting the Book Fair last week. We sold items to the value of £696.20for which the school will receive £348.10 worth of books – the best total ever!

Poppy Appeal - The Royal British Legion

This year we will be supporting once again The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Student Council representatives will be selling Poppies after half term before and after school in the front playground. At this time of year there are several national charities that hold their annual appeals, and we feel bound to draw the children’s attention to them. In the case of Remembrance Day, we do hope you feel like we do and are able to support this very worthwhile cause. You are warmly invited to join us for our Remembrance Service in the hall on Wednesday 11th November at 10.45am.

Harvest Assembly

Thank you to everyone who supported the Harvest Assembly by bringing in packets, tins and produce. There was a fantastic response to the appeal this year and Reverend Boon was more than delighted to be able to take many bags of food to the Food Banks in Stroud. Thank you again for your amazing generosity.

Breakfast Club

Just a reminder that we do hold a breakfast club each morning starting at 8.30am. As staff volunteer their time we charge only 50p per day. Last orders 8.40am! It’s a great opportunity for early socialising with music playing and lots of laughter! I know we occasionally forget to unlock the door, but please encourage your children to enter through the link corridor entrance and not through the main entrance.

Sports Plus Scheme

This half term, Sports Plus Scheme will be running a Physical Activity and Sports Camp here at Sharpness Primary School from Monday 26th to Friday 30th October. There are still spaces available. To book, call Adam Palmer on 07711 863254 or email


As you are aware, the school photographer will be coming into school on the morning of Wednesday 18th November 2015 to take family and individual photographs. If you require photographs of pre-school children you will need to be in school by 8.45 am.

Christmas Productions

This year, we will be holding two performances, one for KS1 and one for KS2. Plans are in their infancy at the moment, but all will be revealed early next term! The afternoon performance on Tuesday 8th December, will begin at 1pm and the evening performance at 6pm on Wednesday 9th December.

Message from Santa

I have let Santa know that the children in KS1, who he pays a special visit to, have been especially good this year. As a result he has offered to bring his bag of goodies again this year to every child in Mars and Venus classes.

Should you wish to provide your own gift from Santa instead, please let the office know by 6th November so I can give Santa the final numbers. Thank you.

Parents’ Evenings

Thank you to all families who supported their child(ren) by attending parents’ evenings last week. If you were unable to come, please make arrangements to meet with your class teacher at the earliest opportunity. If no meeting is arranged by half term, we will make contact with you!

Dropping children at school

We would like to remind everyone that they should not drive into the school car park at the beginning or end of the day. Several children are arriving on bikes or scooters and a number of other parents are walking across the playground to go to playgroup. We would be grateful if you could relay that message to any other person who drops off or collects your children e.g. grandparents, childminders etc.


We were very pleased with the great response from everyone connected to the school when we asked about our Values and Vision. There were several values that many people felt were very important with Happiness featuring very highly on most people’s list. We are continuing to refine the Vision within school so that it can be added to the school website and displayed prominently in school. To summarise the Vision, we decided to use the acronym SHARP. This stands for:






The classes have taken this on board and have devised class rules, which will be based on these key ideas. We all agree that our Vision should underpin everything we do and it is pleasing to see that the children are already starting to grasp the concept and the ideas behind it.

OPAL – Outdoor Play and Learning

As you are aware, we have introduced the OPAL programme to improve the quality of

play for the children at school. The aim is to help us to create happier playtimes and improve play. With this in mind, we are asking for any unwanted ride-on toys e.g. scooters, trikes, skateboards etc for children to use in the playground. If you have any that you no longer require, please send them into school. Thank you.