San Diego ENA Chapter 228

January 17, 2017

Sharp Spectrum Room #231


Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2017 Time: 16:00

Members present: See sign in sheet

Members absent:


  1. Call to Order
  2. Establish Quorum
  1. Welcome/Introductions
  1. Adoption of Meeting Agenda


Motion:motion to approve the November15, 2016 meeting minutes

Action:motion passed unanimously.

  1. Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Discussion/Summary:All board members and committee chairs are required to sign the conflict of interest form and submit to Linda Rosenberg, State Secretary

  1. President’s Report: (Dianne)


State BOD has approved sending 2 board members from each chapter to the National Leadership Conference in Las Vegas from Feb. 17-19, 2017

Motion:Dianne Idman-Gervais and Mary Meadows-Pitt will attend as Chapter representatives and Linda Rosenberg is also attending as CA State Secretary.

Action: motion passed unanimously.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: (Cheryl)

Discussion/Summary: Account balance $16,022.68

Educational Event: Discussion about the Vendor sponsored dinner by Salveo on “IV fluid transfer issues: Infection management and hazardous drug handling” held on 12/8/16 at Lou & Mickey’s. Low turnout but the event was very interesting and appreciated.

  1. CEN Course

Discussion/Summary: CEN Review course- attempt to schedule a course

Action: Susan and Linda will work on this event. Both Palomar and Sharp have scheduled CEN review courses planned but only have space for internal candidates.

  1. “911 Conference”

Discussion/Summary: “911 Conference” will be scheduled for April 28th, 2017 The Vista location is booked and Cheryl will remind them that we are have “non-profit” status and should not be charged their routine rates as suggested for the conference room next year. Consider finding another location if this is a problem.

Group discussed topics and possible speakers and vendors for the 911 conference. Everyone present is working on securing both speakers and vendors for the selected April 28th date.

Action:Cheryl will contact Vista Conference Center to clarify our non-profit status

  1. Unfinished Business

Discussion/Summary: TNCC Classes in San Diego

Action: 2017 TNCC Courses in San Diego (all classes to be held at Scripps La Jolla Campus)

DateCourse DirectorEmail Contac

Feb 3 & 4Kathi

Mar 3rd (one day recert)Brian

APR 7 & 8Melinda

Jun 9 & 10Renee

Aug 4 & 5Melanie

Oct 6 & 7Brian

Nov 3 & 4Tony

  1. New Membership

Discussion/Summary: Discussed ideas to increase membership.

Motion:Proposal to have everyone bring someone new to the February meeting

Action: Motion approved

  1. ENA Chapter 228 Banner

Discussion/Summary: The current ENA banner will need to be replaced to have the new “branding” required by ENA.

Motion: Louise will order a new banner with correct “ENA Branding” and get the estimated cost.

Action: Motion approved

Meeting Adjourned: 17:00

Next Meeting: February 21, 2017 at 4pm Sharp Spectrum Corporate Location

Sharp Spectrum Corporate Office Building

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San Diego Chapter # 228 Meeting Minutes